Pwdre Duw -The Rot of God- (Arc 1 Chapter 1)

Pwdre Duw -The Rot of God- (Arc 1 Chapter 1)

A Chapter by Josefumi

This is only the beginning.


Ignorance Is Bliss

I was born to a commoner woman and former a*****e. This is my story of how I realized that nothing in this or any other world actually matters. 

*Whining* *Cries*

“Oh, he’s beautiful, isn’t he.” A woman said.

“What will you call it?” A bored male replied.

“Ben. His name will be Benjamin.”

Hello my child, in a couple of years, you shall gain consciousness and have a very interesting life. But, for now you shall have a normal childhood.This is [Redacted] voice. A man, whom you will come to hate just like I did.

3 Years Later

“How does it feel to finally be three Ben?” Jack, my older brother asked.

“Great!” I say “I can’t wait to see what my magic attribute I will get.

“You’ll see.”

We walk up to our house. It's pretty small, two floors, two bedrooms, and a small outdoor garden. But, right now that garden is filled with balloons, friends, and family because it is my birthday today and I’ll get to learn magic.

“Mommy, can I go get my magic attributes checked,” I asked

“Yes, we can.” My mother Mary said “But, we’ll have to do it after you open up gifts and cut into your cake.”

“Kay, then we go to church.”

So I wait, I open the presents, which isn’t much seeing as almost everyone is poor. Then cut the cake and eat the first piece. I try doing this as fast as possible because I want to find out what type of magic I can use. Almost everyone in the world has some type of natural abilities. The highest paying jobs are magicians and Holy Knights. 

When I was younger I was told I had a good amount of mana, so I would be a magician but my brother wants me to be more than just a magician, he wants me to be a magic swordsman. So he started to teach me how to use a sword. My favorite has to be the katana because it’s light and easy to swing.

“Alright honey, we can go to the church.” Mary said 

“Hey, mom” I say “Do you feel Them watching, the [Info Lost].”

My Mother grabbed me and said “We don’t call them the [Info Lost] any more, they are called Ophanims, they are meant to watch over us.”

“Well what about the Gods...” I tried to finish but Mother smiled a horrific smile and then said “Don’t ever say Gods, there is only one true merciful God.” I tried to turn away but she kept me locked in, looking into her eyes.

I now see how wrong that statement is today.

After that encounterment, we head over to the Church and we see the Head Priest, Father Sagart, waiting for us.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Benjamin. All grown up I see.” Sagart amused “Let's skip the formalities and get your magic checked.

He led me to a small room with a glowing orb in the middle. The room couldn’t have been bigger than twenty by twenty by ten square feet. 

“Put your hands on the orb.” he instructed. I compiled. “Now, focus your energy into the orb.” As soon as I do, I feel my body becoming weightless, then I pass out. As I come to, the orb looks like it's outside at night. There are dozens of helios’ in the sky with purples, pinks, and blues. Sagart stared at the orb in amazement and horrifyingly stated “You shouldn't exist. Not yet. Why does it have to be this boy”

I try to move but find out I can’t, I find it hard to breathe. I can feel the darkness encase me. It feels cold, lonely, and overall just sad. Then I felt hatred, it’s so strong that I feel like cursing God. After both experiences I can see an eye and I hear LOOK AT ME. So I stared into infinity, and infinity stared back.

When I come back to my senses I can see Sagart standing over me murmuring something about an Oculi Dei. “You can never tell anyone about this power you possess.” Sagart said worriedly. “On a different note, your magic attribute is rare. Only forty people in the entire history of the world have had it, it is called neutral magic.”

“What is neutral magic?” I ask. I have never heard about such magic before. 

“It is magic that has no boundaries, meaning that if you eat magic stones you can gain that magic type.” Sagart beamed “Follow me. I want to test something so come, come.”

So I followed him into a smaller room, it kind of looked like a bedroom but it was dark so I couldn’t tell. I was told to sit down in the chair opposite of the door. I saw Sagart grab a small black box and say “Hold still, this won’t hurt too much.”

“Why would it hur-?” I didn’t get to finish. He forced a mana stone down my throat, I screamed like I never have before. It burned like hot magma, so I knew it was a fire stone. After the first stone he grabbed two more and shoved them into my throat. I felt like I was dying, I have never been in that much pain before. But, I felt something flowing through me and, wait, is this mana. 

I felt all of the mana going through me and I remembered what Sagart said. You are like a cup and the mana is the water, you only have a certain amount of mana. If you over flow the mana inside of you then you will lose control and could die. I knew I was overflowing then words started coming into my mind

O’ Ignis inimicos meos uror! Fireball” I chanted and sent out a fifty percent fireball destroying the church and burning Sagart. 

“You little piece of s**t, I should kill you!” Sagart shouted. As he comes running to me I see a knife come through his stomach and another through his heart. As he falls forward I see my best friend Hotzi behind him with a smile on his face. 

“Hey, you gettin’ touched by the priest again.” Hotzi laughed. 

“First off, I have never been touched by Sagart,” I corrected him. “And this time he shoved three fire mana stones down my throat to make me learn fire magic.”

“Well, I’ve never heard of that training method before.”

“Turns out I’m special. I have a type of magic called neutral magic.”

“Don’t think I’ve ever heard of it before, what is it?”

As I explain what neutral magic is we walk out of the destroyed church and back to the town square. As we part ways I tell Hotzi to keep this a secret and he says “Of course this is a secret I killed someone and you used Fireball and destroyed a church.” Hotzi goes home with the secret. After waking up he realized he wet the bed, again.


After a couple of days the whole town mourned Sagart’s death as a tragedy. Me and Hotzi really didn’t want to attend because we killed him and he didn’t like Sagart in the first place. As people say their words and then we have a festival celebrating his life. My brother Jack came up to me and asked “How are you holding up?”

“Good” I answer

“You know what? When you get into school I’ll let you become my business partner because ya know mine was stabbed to death.”

Hotzi and I were stunned. Everyone thought he died from an overcharged mana stone explosion. 

“You really think I wouldn’t know what happened to him”

For the first time we felt true fear. The only thing we could think was we’ve been made, we have to kill him. He looked at us and smiled “Don’t even think of killing me, you could get away with Sagart but, you won’t get away with killing me.”

“We’ll see about that.” Hotzi snickered

“Bro, that’s my brother, we can’t kill him.” I tried to persuade him.

“Fine, but why does it feel like he was reading our minds?”

“He has always known what I was thinking. Maybe it’s because he is my older brother.”

As me and Hotzi try to get away from my brother, I see a Holy Knight talking to my mother. I hear a bit of the conversation. The Knight wants to send me to Hud ac Arfau School, but before he makes it official he checked my magic attribute and it read Fire Magic. 

The Knight smirked “This is great, he has a great attribute, it's a shame that he couldn’t have another attribute like Lightning.”

My mother rushed and hugged me. “I’m glad that you could finally see the world. If only your father were here today. Also your father will pay for your schooling.”

“Why do we rely on Father so much?” I ask “We don’t even get to see him.”

“He is a very busy man that has a very important job” Mary impatiently answered

I retorted back with “It’s not like he’s king or anything.”

“Your right he’s not the king, but he has an even more important job”

I was thinking of a retort but the Knight spoke up “Kid you're lucky your father even knows who you are.”

“That’s the thing, he doesn’t know who I am, he only knows of my existence, but knows nothing about me.”

The Knight looks at me with a sorrowful look and turns away to leave back to Rolingrad. 

So for nine years I had to train my magic and swordsmanship. I was able to raise my fire magic to level four and sword skill to level three. Finally after all of these years I’m able to go to Hud ac Arfau, the best school in this kingdom. Since Hotzi left two years before this school year. He will be a second year student. I gather all of my things and say goodbye to my mother and head off to the giant city of Rolingrad.

© 2024 Josefumi

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Added on May 10, 2024
Last Updated on May 10, 2024
Tags: Fantasy Violent