Boys and their Balls

Boys and their Balls

A Poem by Judy Ponceby


Jumping in the air for
a basketball.
Falling to the ground catching
a football.
Swinging bats, oh so very hard, to hit
a baseball.
Running fast across the ground to kick
a soccer ball.
Banking shots off the green,to pocket
a billiard ball.
Chasing over acres, just to club
a golf ball.
Swinging rackets for love of
a tennis ball.

© 2011 Judy Ponceby

Author's Note

Judy Ponceby
Couldn't help myself, been around too many boys and the title just sorta happened to be what it is. :D LOL

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Shape is brilliant and the writing, once again, highly amusing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

hahhaa. this gave me a hearty laugh. i sense a subliminal message in this poem. keep it up. cheers :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Why Miss Judy, I thought I would see a red letter warning when I opened
Fun poem.:-)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow you really did a lot with this :)
You made it funny (with the title) and then managed to make it in the shape of a ball :D
Awesome :)
This was a really neat idea :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

And here in the UK there are the oddly shaped balls of Rugby ; )

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think this is fantastic...and the title is so very good. A very interesting observation you have made. I am firstly taken to consider this piece from a psychoanalytic perspective. What might our belovade Freud say? A stage of development in a boys life, that never quite completes. I am so very tempted to take this and run with it...but maybe we should just enjoy the commedy of it! Great piece!

Posted 13 Years Ago

My Grandson is 2 years old. He had over twenty kind of balls in the house. He live to toss them to anyone willing to play catch. A fun poem to read. Have fun and be safe.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on March 29, 2011
Last Updated on March 29, 2011


Judy Ponceby
Judy Ponceby

Swanton, OH

I am me. Living life. Learning love. And laughing. A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom. – Robert Frost more..


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