Young And Bright He Is

Young And Bright He Is

A Story by Junert

This is dedicated to a friend; Mr. Bright Asiamah Young. It's his biography by me. Well at least from my point of view.


There is a boy who's never been a boy.
His past he hides so well.
Friends he make few.
Oh and bright he is just as his name.

His heart he guides with thorns. Love he does give not.
But true love he yearns from more than one.
But that, his heart would be deprived.

For the love he desires, she can give not.
She lies in the bosom of David the King.
His mum; thou soul rest peacefuly. For thou little boy is all but little. And endless love he seeks, just to feel thee.

His heart is scarred and scared.
Oh I did mention he is bright, but clever and witty too.
He bears on him the aura of arrogance.
The kind that girls fall for.

His pride high as his hieght.
And lies his lips does utter.
On him are many his flaws, one I dare not say.
But good he surely his.
For kindness comes natural to him.

He is hardworking and yet lazy. But giving up he never does.
He apportions blame whenever on whomever.
He wishes to be a golden goose, for money is his headache. Pepperoni troubles his tommy; it aches and run all night long.

And dear me he's got a wife who is just like him.
Carefree and like birds.
Faithful I wonder if she is, for with her name it rings a bell.
But one thing I know for sure. She trusts him like a...what symbolises trust?

And talents he does have.
For he acts well in the arts.
His voice, angelic and sweet.
You'd wonder if he's a she.
Honey can't be sweeter.
And family he respects.
It saddens him when they assist him not.
His son who's yet to fertilize shall be named his name.
A junior should make a difference.

He's brave and bold and bad.
Like any boy could.
His gift draws to him many maidens.
But he prefers them touched and touched.
When he gets successful which he would, a great father he will make.

Bright and Young he is.
And by the hours he attains years.
When he does which he would, his days shall be great.
He'd find himself.
He'd find happiness.
And as many as his names, they would be the same.

His dreams, God his dreams.
The reality they will be.
The world needs him, that dear boy.
For a boy he is.

© 2013 Junert

Author's Note

I can tell there are grammer errors yet I can't make them out. Do alert me to them. Thank you.

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Featured Review

This has a fascinating Old Testament feel to it... with the quaint language. The short sentences build up the picture, like a mosaic of words. I found myself drawn to and intrigued by this young man, with his sweet disposition =-'You wonder if he's a she'. 'His son who's yet to fertilize' was an arresting phrase... at first I thought it was referring to a pubescent boy who has not yet spilt his seed... then I realised it probably refers to a prospective son of the character in the writing.

This had a special beauty about it - was written with perception and feeling... You breathed life into the boy.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I'm glad you got this much better. Thanks for reading.


This has a fascinating Old Testament feel to it... with the quaint language. The short sentences build up the picture, like a mosaic of words. I found myself drawn to and intrigued by this young man, with his sweet disposition =-'You wonder if he's a she'. 'His son who's yet to fertilize' was an arresting phrase... at first I thought it was referring to a pubescent boy who has not yet spilt his seed... then I realised it probably refers to a prospective son of the character in the writing.

This had a special beauty about it - was written with perception and feeling... You breathed life into the boy.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I'm glad you got this much better. Thanks for reading.
Its good. Almost felt like reading a poem. Its really good though!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. This sounds like a description of my childhood thoughts. Thank you. Mr Dunne

Posted 11 Years Ago

Mr Dunne Poetry

11 Years Ago

Seriously. My mother attempted to drown me and my father disowned me so love wasn't an emotion I was.. read more

11 Years Ago

All that true? For what reason did your mother do that? Man, your are so cool.
Mr Dunne Poetry

11 Years Ago

Yes all of it, 110%. My mother claimed it was due to post natal depression but then went on to try s.. read more
you do struggle with English grammar...But given your nationality I think you do exceptionally well...This could be edited to make a very good poem, ever thought of that?

Just summarise it and set it out as a poem...Try not to repeat anything. It should work

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thers are dear Junert too many grammar errors to point out. Download somr grammar and spelling software i suggest. If this is a real person it makes it interesting.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I used a different style and it's not the language per se. Like I wasn't sure about he hides his pas.. read more

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16 Reviews
Added on September 5, 2012
Last Updated on August 25, 2013
Tags: biography, young, boy, bright



Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana

I'm intrested in writing and reading fictional novels. Also wants to make friends with people with such intrests. more..

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