

A Chapter by Kabaneri

The world of Delnea is full of magic, mysteries and danger. Advenurers and mercenaries travel to many diferent places to discover new things and uncover mysteries from the past. Our story starts in the capital of Geminia kingdom, Sofys city. Van Geraldin del Francis, the most famous and well known adventurer in the capital was sitting at a table in the guild's dining area. He was drinking and talking with some of his aquaintances. He was very loud, rude and thought he was the best. He was hailed as a genius with the sword since young. He became an adventurer at the age of 16, by the age of 28 he was already an S-class, currently he was 32. His ego had become so huge he had no real friends. He was also handsome, dark brown locks, green eyes, perfect jawline and stunning smile.
"Let me tell ya something, I plan to try and take a quest for promotion! I'm heading out tomorrow."
"A promotion quest?! Are you aiming for the SS-class?! These are very hard!" - a waitress asked him.
"Yeah, I plan to be the best! My name will be known all-over the country!"
"Just be carefull, the SS-class is something much higher than the S-class. There are only 9 SS-class adventurers in the whole world."
"I know and I'll be the 10th!" - he proclaimed, lifting his cup up.
"By the way, which quest did you take?" - a man asked.
"To kill the evil archmage Nundin!"
Everyone gasped. They all knew about the lrgends of Nundin. He had been around for many decades and liked to cause havoc and death on whim.
""Good luck."" - they wished him out of respect for his guts.
"So, who's going with him on the quest?" - the waitress asked after Van left.
"Eh, I don't kinow. It should have become huge news by now."
"Eh, don't tell me he's going solo?!"
"No way! No one's THAT stupid to take the most evil mage solo!"
"Yeah, even he's not that full of himself!"
Like that the other adventurers chatted and made bets of wether he'll succeed or not. Some even beted if he'll be able to survive or not.
Before the sun even rose Van left the capital on his Raphtaloon (a raptor-like creature that is used as a mount by wealthy people and some adventurers, it also pulls cariages sometimes, it's around 3 m tall), heading towards the Kuloohan mountains, the last place Nundin was seen. He traveled for two weeks untill he reached the town of Kuloo, just at the foot of the mountains. It was a popular place for rest for many travelers and adventurers that had ventured in the mountais, now however it had way less people.
'It's unusually quiet. Last time I passed through here it was packed with people! Must be because Nundin. Lucky them I'll kill him soon!' - he thought while smirking.
He rented a room at an inn for a week and decided to spent the night there before setting up the mountain the next morning.
Van was climbing up the mountain with an air of confidence. He had left his mount in the inn's stables, not wanting to look after it while fighting the mage. He searched for a few hours untill he saw the figure of the famous mage. He was sitting on a rock near a lake and was munching on a pineapple. He was amazed at Nundin's appearance. Unlike the drawings which portrayed him as a monster, he looked like a man in his early 60s, white long hair, stubby beard, huge spectacles, potato nose and a few missing teeth.
'Heh! This'll be easy!'
He unsheathed his sword and snuck closer. When he was 10 metres away, he jumped at the mage and swung his sword.
[Decapitation slash]
It looked like he had cut the old mage's head but as the half-eaten pineapple fell, the body dissolved into black smoke.
"What the..."
"Too bad boy." - a voice behind him sounded.
Before he could even turn around, he was hit by a spell and fell on his face, comepletely immobile.
'This is [Full bind]! Impossible! To invoke such a complicated spell without making a sound, is he even human?'
Van groaned and tried to look at the mage, unfortunately the sun shone at such an angle it didn't allow him to see more than a shadowy figure.
"Why do you look at me like that? You were too confident and overestimated your abilities, so it's your fault you failed. You should learn some humility, boy!" - he pointed his staff at him and chanted in some strange language.
Nundin then cast the spell that enveloped Van and caused him extreme pain.
"Shush, it'll be over soon..." - he turned away and started walking.
Just before Van fainted from thhe pain, the binding spell gone, stretched his arm at the mage's figure.
His eyes started to close, darkness enveloping his vision. He saw Nundin place a hand on his face and aparently tearing his face off, revealing it was just a mask. Underneath it a new face with a more youthful outlike appeared. Although he couldn't see the face clearly, the magical sygyl tattooed on the mage's cheek got burned in his mind.
'Jjust wait.....I'll' - and he blacked out.
===Somewhere on the road===
A small girl that was no older than 15 was happyly skipping on the road while humming. She had left her homeland with just her backpack, a tent, a pot and a bit of money to travel around the workd and be an adventurer. She wore 3/4 pants, a brown shirt and had a set of daggers strapped on both sides of her body. Her hair was short, wavy and black and eyes were amber. She had registered a few days ago and was going on her first quest, to gather Aqua herbs from Icule lake in the Kuloohan mountains. She had neither a mount, nor a party, nor enough money for a cariage there, so she went on foot. Most people would groan from the sheer thought of traveling for a week on foot but she enjoyed every second of it.
'This is SO much more fun than staying at home! It was good I decided to go on this journey. Everyone was against me leaving home alone, not to mention the country, saying I was too naíve and not prepared. If they could see me now, what would they say? Meh, probably willtry to take me home.'
She camped, roasting herself some wild potatoes and a quail for dinner. She set the guardian stones (a rare item that repels monsters and wild beasts) around her tent and went to sleep. The next morning around 10:20 she arrived at Kuloo town. As she went towards the town's guild to report about taking the gathering quest, she overheard many people whispering about some dark mage and a warior that went to defet him.
'Probably hasn't found him or is dead if he hadn't returned.' - she thought as she entered the guild.
The guild was small and had only two floors. The first floor consisted of a buisness area where you took quests from the board, recieved you reward at the counter and could exchange materials for money at the far right corner. On the left were the stairs that led to the second floor where the adventurers had fun and a drink or two, there was also a medical bay there in case of emergency.
'Wow, it's different than the place where I registered. It's smaller but so full of life.'
She went to the counter in front of a pretty girl wit brown hair and eyes.
"Excuse me, I'm here because I took a gathering quest and I want to cofirm it before I go." - she told the receptionist.
"Oh, hello! Which quest and from where did you take it?"
"I took it from Cerinne village and it's the Aqua herbs gathering quest." - she told calmly.
"Gasp! Yyou can't go!"
"Because the famous evil mage Nundin is currently in the mountain! He was seen close to the Icule lake! It's too dangerous!"
"But I have to go! If not, the kind lady's mother would probably die! I promised, also I don't have enough money to pay the penalty!"
"OK,ok! I understand but please be careful!"
"OK, I will. Oh, can you deliver the herns or should I go back? Just asking."
"Oh, we can deliver them, after all some adventurers are hurt after a quest, so we deliver the materials most of the time, it's not a problem."
"Thak you very much!!" - she ran out of the building and headed towards the mountain.
She had a bit of dificulty to find the lake but found it eventually after five hours of wandering around like a headless chicken.
'Wow! How pretty. The water looks like it's made of jewels.'
She easyly found the herbs, they were growing all around the lake's shore. She needed to collect 20 stalks for a medicine called "Aquarelife", it was needed to cure the desease known as "Fire pox". It wasn't hard to be made but because how rare the "Fire pox" had become, the village had no medicine left in stock, so they asked for the herbs. Unfortunately because Nundin was suposedly in the mountains, no one had dared to go to gather the herbs. The pox wasn't usually a dangerous desease but if left for a long time before taking the medicine, it could become deadly. The rashes emitted constant heat and harmed the body, if not treated in more than two months, the berson would surely die. The vilagers were geting desperate when she came and accepted the quest.
She knelt down and started to cut the herbs, she gathered twice the manount just in case and was about to leave when she heard a faint groan from behind the bushes on her left. She packed the herbs, took out one of the daggers out and slowly crept towards the bushes. She peered from behind them and saw a lump of clothes, an armour and a sword.
Another weak groan was heard from the lump and it moved.
---Van POV---
I groaned as I woke up. It was hot and stuffy, a bit hard to breath too. I opened my bleary eyes and looked around. I was covered by come sort of cloth and something hard and quite heavy was over it. I used most of my strenght to flip on my stomach and pulled myself tovards the opening in front of me. I squeezed my head through and took a big breath of fresh air. That simple task drained me from almost all of my strenght. My head floped down and I looked around.
'Strange, the bushes didn't seem that tall before...Maybe it's because I'm laying down.'
A rustle came from the bushes on my right and I turned my head towards it. In my current state of weakness I knew I was no match for a hungry predator, not to mention a monster or a magical beast. To my surprise a young girl came out. Judging by the adventurer's badge she had on her shirt's left side, she was an E-class adventurer. The dagger in her hand glinted in the sunlight as she got closed to me. The sun's rays seemed to drain my energy even more and make me sleepy. I yawned and felt my eyes close.
'I can't believe it. The handsome and galant me to fall asleep before thanking a pretty girl that saved him.'
She knelt next to me and spoke in a gentle voice.
"Are you OK? Does something hurt? Don't worry, nee-san will make the owwie go away!"
'Why does she talk like that? I'm not...a little...kid.'
I then fell asleep before even the chance to retort.
---End POV---
She looked at the boy in front of her woriedly. He was not only alone in the forest but was dumped in such a strange way. She shook her head and picked the sword and armor, wrapping them in the excess clothes. She wrapped the boy in the shirt and went down the mountain as fast as she could. She was bringing him to a doctor to be checked. She would have done something more if she could but she had little to none knoledje on how to help him.
When she reached the town's clinic and the doctor had checked the boy she relaxed. Aparently he was just tired and in excellent health. The doctor also said to keep him warm and dry during the night and that he should wake by the next morning.
"Thank you very much! Also, do you know some cheap place? I don't have a lot of money and usually sleep in a tent."
"Yes, the Riverside inn is the best in my opinion. It's the cheapest inn that isn't dingy or dirty. It costs only 10 copper per night per person without meal but the owner is a good woman and would understand. She probably won't charge you at all for the boy if you explain it to her."
'10 copper, huh? My reward is 20 copper, some more if they decide to pay me for the extra herbs. OK, it's good then! Now to the guild to take my reward!'
She wrapped the boy and tied him in front of her. She was going to go when the doctor stopped her.
"Ah, another thing! In case it's better to put some sort of a diaper on the boy during the night! Although he's around 3, despite his small size, he may still wet himself."
"Thanks! I will."
She then took her reward from the guild and found the Riverside inn. True to it's name it was near the river that passed through the town. Just like the doctor said, the owner, miss Davis, was very understanding and kind. She allowed her to rent a room for them on the condition she had to bring and wash all the sheets from the room before leaving. She then pulled out the cloak that was together with the  clothes, folded it a bit and tied it around the boy's bottom a bit sloppyly. She had blushed slightly because it was her first time seeing a male's private parts. Although he was a child, it was quite the experience for her. At first she had stared at it but then started to put on the makeshift diaper. You can't blame her, she was never allowed to bathe with males, even when she was 4! She thought that men just had small breasts and beards untill she saw the gardner without a shirt when she was 9. After the boy was tucked securely in the bed, she took out her sleeping bag and laid on the floor.
===The next morning===
Van opened his eyes and yawned. He looked around and realized he was in a room. He then noticed the girl sleeping on the floor. He sat up but felt something uncomfortable, rough and wet on his bottom. He grabbed the sheets but froze when he saw small, soft arms instead of his strong ones. He just realized everything looked huge, the bed, the room, the pillow even! He flung the sheets to the side and gasped in horor. He was naked, except the cloth that was wrapped around his bottom.
'NO! No no no no! This can't be happening! It can't be true that I..'
The girl stirred awake and also sat up.
"G mornin'. What is it? Do you wanna peepee or are you wet?"
He hooked at her and pointed a small finger at her face, trying to look serious but only managing to look pouty. The annoyance from the wet cloth showing on his face.
"Who awe yuu? Wat hppened to me?" - he clamped a hand over his mouth, realizing how he talked in a squeaky child's voice.
"Oh, my name is Merry Bouleouvan. Nice to meet you little boy." - she smiled gently.
"An not liddle! Im tiwtytwo! My name's Van Gewawdin del Fwansis!"
'Great! I can't say my own name correctly! Such a humiliation...! The mage! he did some spell, it must have caused this!'
"Ow, you're so cute! I wanna hug you to death!" - Merry squealed over him.
"Pwease don cawl me cute. It's embawasin." - he blushed a bit.
"You aren't a normal kid. No three year old, especially with your size should be able to talk like that."
"It's because I'm not a twee yeaw oud! I'm tiwtytwo and am an adventuwew! I was cuwsed by dat magie in the mountin!"
"I see. That's why wou were under the heap of clothes." she glanced at him as he squirmed in one place "Are you uncomfortable because it's wet?"
"Nno! I'm fine! No wet hewe!" - he waived his hands and backed away.
'Yup, definetely wet.'
"Look, I don't know much about toddlers but it'll cause a painfull rash if we keep it on, so even if you don't want to, I'll have it removed!"
Van was backed up the wall and was going to try and run away when he shuddered a bit and felt something warm leak out. He froze in horror, his face white as a sheet.
"What happened?" - Merry asked.
"I-I peepeed myseuf..."
She stood and stared him for a while, not moving.
'How embarrasing, peeing myself not once but twice in just 24 hours! in front of a girl no less!' he blushed like a tomato 'God, when will the damn thing end? How long does it plan to leak?!' - he became even redder.
Recognising the beginning of a cry, Merry took him in her hands and headed out of the room. He got startled and just frantically looked around with moisty eyes. She took a towel and headed down towards the common bath behind the inn. It was early, so it was empty.
'What am I doing? Almost crying because of something so little, I'm pathetic.' - he sniffed a bit.
What followed was the mast embarrasing part of his life. Marry took off her sleepwear and filled half of a tub with warm water while he sat on the floor. She ten grabbed him, untied the wet cloth. Van realised that it had been his own cloak he had peed in and wanted to protest but she dumped him in the water and started washing him throughly. The shame shut him up for a fer hours while she dried him up, dressed him in his old, now huge, shirt and left him to wait in the room as she went to wash all the sheets as agreed the previous night. Van lifted his now tiny hands and looked at the sleeves that dangled down and at the shirt that once fit him snugly but was now like an oversized dress, reaching the floor. Soon Merry came back in the room and he tried to walk towards her but trupped in his shirt and fell on his belly. She snickered a bit as he looked at her, struggling against the instict to cry.
"I hate dis boudy! I don wanna be a baby!"

© 2018 Kabaneri

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Added on July 23, 2018
Last Updated on July 23, 2018




I write for fun. I wrote on fanfictionnet but there was no place for original stories or some of my ideas. more..

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A Chapter by Kabaneri