S t r a n d e d

S t r a n d e d

A Chapter by Karishma Mogrelia

"You're absolutely insufferable, you know that?"

"Me?! You're one to talk. I have never in my entire life experienced someone complain so much about the smallest of all things and you know the worst part is? You're voice is like nails scratching against a chalkboard."

"You take that back, Tyler."

"Or what, Riley?"

"Or I swear on my dead grandmothers grave I'll make sure you see Lucifer on your way to hell once I'm done with you."

"Is that a threat, shortcake?"

"That's a promise, jerk face."


With each line, each insult, our faces move closer to each others. Our glares hardening and fists clenching.


"I can't believe that out of all the people in this world, I just had to be stuck here with you and no goddamn fuel."

"The feelings mutual, Jones. But let's face it, if you'd just had a few brain cells you'd know to fill up some gas before a round trip to the campsite."

"Hey! I thought we'd have enough!"

"You see, that's where the problem starts," I throw my hands up in disbelief, "you thought."

"What's that supposed to mean, huh?"

"It means you're an idiot," I deadpan.

"Well don't you think-"


Tyler, thankfully, gets cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. Slipping the device out the back pocket of my jean shorts, I slide the button to answer the call, completely ignoring the pissed off look on his face.


"Hey, Riles. Where the hell are you? You're supposed to be home right now."

"Quite frankly I'd like the answer to that question as well, Jules," I give a defeated sigh to my best friend and older sister.


"Stupid Tyler didn't fill his tank up and now we're stranded, god knows where, and the jerk face has done absolutely nothing to fix the situation."


"Listen here, Riley. Last time I checked, you're stranded here too-"

"Shut up, Tyler! And that's no thanks to you," I snap, "okay," I breathe out, exasperated, "Jules, you still there?"

"Uh huh."

"Is there any possible way you can drive to come and get us?"

 “I don’t know, Riles but I’ll see what I can do. Just don’t move from where you are.”

“Okay. Thank you so much, Jules.”

“Anytime. And Riley?”

“Mm, hm.”

“Try not to kill him.”

With that she ended the call, causing me to give an irritated eye roll.

“So? What now?”


I turn my attention to the guy standing next to me. Tyler Jones, 19 years old, been in the same class as me since 3rd grade and my number one bully ever since. Don’t get me wrong, he can be a complete sweetheart but he’s generally a huge jerk thanks to his skyhigh ego. Of course he’s drop dead gorgeous with scruffy sand blonde hair, sea green eyes, washboard abs, killer jawline and to complete the package, a heart stopping smile. The guy is practically an abercombie and fitch model, but nobodies perfect. The only catch that comes with the walking talking greek god, he doesn’t date. Anyone.


“We stay put until Julia comes and saves the day,” I retort, rubbing my forehead and closing my eyes from exhaustion.


“Are you kidding me? That’ll take atleast a hour and a half! We can’t possible just stay here till then!”


I groan, already having enough of Tyler for one day, “Can you, just this once, not yell or shout at me? I’ve already got a goddamn headache thanks to your irritating voice, oh, and let’s not forget we’re stuck in the middle of no where, once again, thanks to you. So if anyone gets the right to yell, it sure as hell should be me,” I ground out through gritted teeth.


His eyes soften and a grim frown sets it’s way on his face, “Get inside the car. It’ll get darker soon and the weather with start to chill, I don’t want you catching a cold. There’s some panadol in the glove box while you’re in there.”


Without another glance in my direction he’s off into the woods at the other side if the car, leaving me staring at him in disbelief. 

“Where are you going leaving me alone?”

Tyler doesn’t turn to face me but simply replies, “I need to take a piss, care to join?”


Like I said he can be sweet but still a complete jerk.

© 2016 Karishma Mogrelia

My Review

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I thought this was a really good first chapter. I thought the dialogue was great. Can't wait to see where this story is going to go.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 7, 2016
Last Updated on October 7, 2016


Karishma Mogrelia
Karishma Mogrelia

Auckland , Cockle Bay , New Zealand

I'm 15 years old Birthday - 15 August 2001 I live in New Zealand (but I was born in India, I came to NZ when I was only 11 months, brought up in the beautiful country.) I'm going to make it to .. more..
