A Monster I Am...But Maybe I'm Not

A Monster I Am...But Maybe I'm Not

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

idk for this one I just got bored lol


A Monster I am...But Maybe Im Not 

 Oct 3, 2013, 5:27:37 AM

Literature / Poetry / Emotional / Free Verse


There are shackles that have rubbed my fur,

Have cut my neck and paws,

Have held me in place for so long.


The shackles dangle from my paws and neck,

Clinking whenever I move,

Too tight for me to howl.


For far too long I stayed tame,

I wagged my tail and behaved,

My anger stayed hidden.


No longer will I let myself stand,

Taking the abuse of the shackles or the human,

The human who calls me his "mate".


Mate, such a funny word,

It means so much,

But is lived by so little.


The anger and hate from him radiate,

I feel every emotion that he does,

But it's not mine,

he gives it to me.


I'm not an angry person,

I love everybody who is what they are,

I didn't want to change.


I didn't want to become a monster,

A monster is what he calls me,

The shackles against me clank.


I bare my teeth and snap,

The anger boiling over the top,

I'm eager for the taste of blood.


I lunge forward with power,

The shackles creak and groan,

The metal shatters, tearing apart.


Dangling from my limbs is metal,

Thick and tight,

But all I can think is that I'm free.


My anger dissolves

as I feel the breeze ruffle my fur,

I look around at the crisp night air.


The shackles don't bother me,

I'm too free to care,

I'm too free to feel the hate.


A monster is all I'll ever be,

I think as I pass all of those I used to know,

They look at me and scurry away.


My ears lower in shame and fear,

Fear that I'll never belong again,

Fear that being free isn't what I thought.


I look around at the city I lost,

At the sky that seems to say it's all okay,

When deep inside I see myself as they do.


I am a monster,

That is all I'll ever be,

It's all I know how to be.


With hate gone I don't know what to feel,

I feel resentment and sorrow,

But I don't know why.


I don't know why I regret it,

Why I regret being free,

When free is all I wanted to be.


I wanted to be happy,

But I can't be happy,

Not when I am alone.


But a wolf scent caught my nose,

And I followed it curiously,

I followed it fearfully.


Fearful of being denied,

Fearful of having the monster confirmed,

Because a monster is all I'll ever be.


I spot a wolf and hunker down,

The dangling chains clink,

The wolf looks over and spots me.


I remember a past time,

One where I was momentarily free,

Free to be who I wanted to be,

Free to be me.


I stand up and step forward,

I leave my tail low,

I let my ears hang, unsure.


There aren't any growls,

There aren't any snarls,

There are smiles and barks.


Maybe this is home,

Maybe this is where I belong.


I haven't gotten this far,

but maybe,

just maybe,

I will be happy.

© 2013 Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

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Added on October 23, 2013
Last Updated on October 23, 2013
Tags: Monster, Literature, Poetry, Emotional, Free Verse


Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)
Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr)

Modesto (Hell's Wasteland), CA, United States Minor Outlying Islands

Hiya! My name is Kayla Gentry, but I go by "The Vicious Vixen" (or just "Vicious Vixen"...or you know what? Let's just go with "Vixen". Make It easier on everyone haha).   Anyways! Moving On! (S.. more..
