Flight 5150

Flight 5150

A Poem by KeeD

Collaboration by CREEPER and Keegan D'souza http://www.writerscafe.org/Im-buried-alive


I am aviator

 A hater of mankind

I control this monstrosity

My craft roars

Straight into an atrocity

My physique trained

To control this plane

But my mind is negligent

To the devil beside me


Black box

Collect my sound

Before we hit our burial ground

Let them know how this all went down

Bipolar co-pilot

You seek to destroy us?

 Holding a gun to my head

Your mission you have said

332 passengers soon to be dead....just up ahead

Turbulence again, as sinners begin

To say their prayers, nothing left but despair

Why today, Haven't I cried enough

Divorce papers served by the wife

Daughter with leukemia, fighting for her life

I've worked hard to reach here

In the air I feel alive

 I might be a broken man down there

But up here I feel revived

Nose in decent

Our fate is sealed

This is your captain speaking

Flight 5150

Is on it's final descension

Pray for your resurrection


As I look into the windshield

Seeing the gun in my hand

Pointed at my head

I know I will soon be surrounded by the dead


I realize, it was I

Who crashed this plane

It was I

Who went insane

Limbs severed from the hip

Receiver still in hand with a tight grip


We've hit the ground

In Hades my soul has shut down...inactive

© 2012 KeeD

Author's Note


Collaboration between CREEPER and Keegan D'souza.
Schizophrenic pilot having an episode on the job causing one of the worst crashes in history. Enjoy :)

My Review

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This was an interesting read and I love the plot. It's hard to picture someone like this, but I was able to picture this scene in my head. My best friend is bi-polar, so I understand how scary certain episodes can be when being had. Schizo's are always to have been on a different level than most around them, they have the unique thoughts and different levels of episodes as opposed to bi-polar people. We've learned about some episodes in Psychology and it was really interesting...scary to think about this, but it could be possible.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you, i'm sure Creeper will appreciate this review as much as I did.
If it installed fea.. read more
DoNt LoSe YoUrSeLf

11 Years Ago

Then you surely did your job well :)
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I remember when this happened, very good write. well done friends.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

it was a commercial airliner with lots of passengers

11 Years Ago

Woah that is brutal wow i'd love to read that story somewhere or like just know how it when down see.. read more

11 Years Ago

Wow mind blowing I love this. So cleaver and dark yet so true of the despair and destruction of the human spirit.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

:D Exactly what we were trying to portray, Hope it gave you chills, xoxo. Kee
Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

It did I love it :)
Wow this was intense!! Such a cool idea, though this didn't help with my fear of planes:P

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha life's to short, to unexpected to sit and fear stuff hun, just live! :D thanks for the review
Very intense poem, and wonderfully done! Brilliant x2!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you!
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Awesome job

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you!
See, this is why I hate planes. ;) Fantastic poem, I liked how you made it rhyme.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you! The Dark Realm Group promises to put more amazing collabs out there for you all. Thank yo.. read more
What a fantastic collaboration. The flying machine made mortal. Until now...I didn't believe that was possible.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha wow thanks for the wonderful review, the Dark Realm Group promises to put more good collabs out.. read more
"Divorced papers" *Divorce

This was pretty damn incredible. Creative... you both did a fantastic job!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Cheers, Dark Realm Group shall bring you guys many more collaborations soon!
Hey pretty good Kee,haha

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

haha "high five" brother!

11 Years Ago

Great work guys :)

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36 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on December 30, 2012
Last Updated on December 30, 2012
Tags: Mental, Mystery, Psychological, Suspense, Horror



Mumbai, India, India

Hey I'm Kee, I'm 32 and work as a journalist in Mumbai, India. I dabble in writing poetry and do it purely to pump out the creative juices in my being. Thank you for stopping by, live, laugh and love .. more..

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