Ch 19: A Bold Deal

Ch 19: A Bold Deal

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Leaving their friends behind to wonder what has become of them, Grey and Amy make themselves at home in Alastor's base of operations. Bolder than ever, Grey strikes a shocking bargain.


            Disembarking the Audentia and making their way to the bridge of the Tentrion, Alexander, Fox, Richter, Elizabeth, and Schmitt joined those already there to discuss the situation. Bringing up images on the bridge’s central holoprojector, as footage of the Ultio fleeing the scene played before them all, Rufus reached up and petted Ian atop his hat as he said, “They’ve already escaped through the link between worlds. Our sensors can’t track their ship anymore from here, and until we transfer the info on Teramis over to the Tentrion’s databank from the Audentia, we’re pretty much flying blind if we cross over after them.” Quickly speaking up, Fox said, “The dragons are already in hot pursuit though, and we’ve still got the Audentia! We oughta get our butts moving before those mystery mautauians beat us to the punch!”

            Feeling everyone had forgotten something, Ace looked sour as he chimed in, “What about the attack on Xandaris? There’s still time, and I’d say Loki and the rest could probably use a hand. We didn’t leave much in the ways of backup for them, and they even provided a division to help out on the Tentrion. Besides, this ship’s got the stopping power to make taking the Holy Citadel a walk in the park!” Standing over by Guru at the commander’s main control panel, Alexander quickly put a halt to this idea, saying, “No Ace. Involving this airship in that battle is not an option.” Turning his head to look at him as though he were crazy, Ace demanded, “Why the hell not?!” Adjusting his signature shades with a foreboding expression, Alexander replied, “We’re up against the Church of Light, which is backed by the mautauians themselves. The mautauians possess an air fleet that could easily defeat the Tentrion, but I’m quite certain they will not mobilize it for this fight since they hold confidence that their followers will prevail. That will quickly change if the Tentrion makes an appearance.” Looking somewhat bothered by this, Gibolu raised his hand to draw Alexander’s attention and asked, “But Alexander, what happens when Daemonholm’s forces defeat them and take Xandaris? Surely the result will be the same, and their air fleet will descend on the city to retake it!” All eyes were on Alexander as he grinned smugly and said, “Not necessarily…”

            Unable to suppress his feelings of encouragement as he saw the look on Alexander’s face, Richter was grinning as well as he asked, “What have you got up your sleeve this time?” Adjusting his shades confidently, Alexander’s grin became mischievous as he said, “I planned from the beginning to at least have some of us fall back to aid Loki’s forces. Serius and I have quite the reputation you know, and I believe it’s past time we milk it for all it’s worth.” Everyone confused as to what he could be thinking now, Schmitt scratched his chin with a worried expression as he said, “Oi, oi, just a minute! Your plans are always pretty solid Alexander, so I can’t imagine that yer actually thinking of doing what’cha make it sound like. Negotiation just can’t be an option, these guys are overthrowin’ Serius and startin’ a war fer kicks here!” His aura of confidence holding strong, Alexander wagged a finger scoldingly as he said, “Oh ye of little faith! While it’s true there’s no point in talking with the mautauians, the halmans are quite the different matter. Despite what the mautauians and the officials of the church may think, I highly doubt there’s any way they could have completely removed the influence held by Angelorum Lux. Whether it’s as gods or heroes, we’ve been considered nobles of the highest standing for a thousand years.”

            Looking over at Alexander skeptically, Guru said, “That much might be solid, but the whole idea itself ain’t making much sense to me. Just what good is it to appeal to us halmans? It’s the mautauians flying the ships…” Shaking his head, Alexander explained, “No, appealing to the halmans is everything. As the most prosperous race in Gaia, their worship is invaluable to the mautauians. Without them, they have only the high elves left as worshippers. If we regain the favor of their people, the rulers will have no choice but to listen to us or be overthrown. The mautauians won’t risk using force and chance destroying their image as the halmans’ benevolent benefactors. In their minds, they NEED their followers in order to remain as gods. As long as we take the capital without drawing in their air fleet, there should be more than enough time for me to pull out my soapbox and restore our image.”

            Clearing his throat to command attention, Fox said, “This is all great, but how about we get some plans out there to catch up with Alastor’s airship?! We’re not exactly swimming in time here!” His amused laughter filling the room, all heads turned in surprise to where Eazel leaned against the door of the bridge staring at them all with his belted gaze. Quelling his laughter and flashing a grin, he said, “My, my, swimming in time! Quite humorous, yes quite humorous indeed!” Pointing at Eazel dramatically, Richter started to say, “You’re…!” Cutting him off, Alexander exclaimed, “Eazel, the Plane Stalker!” As Fox held his hand over his mouth and snickered, Richter quickly looked at him and muttered, “Not a word…” Moving away from the main control panel and walking across the bridge to greet Eazel, Alexander said, “What brings you here? Do you have some word on Grey and Amy for us?” Noticing Eazel relying heavily on his cane as he shambled forward to meet him, Alexander added, “Are you alright? You seem unwell…” Coming to a halt and resting against his cane, Eazel waved away his concerns as he said, “I’m sure to be in better spirits soon enough, considering I’ll be able to watch all your hard work first hand.” As Alexander’s look of concern deepened, Eazel quickly added, “I haven’t been stripped of my powers. Not yet.” Finding this statement alarming, Elizabeth asked, “What do you mean ‘not yet’? Has something happened?” Nodding gravely, Eazel replied, “The time for us Observers to sit on the sidelines is coming to an end. The Ultio has reached Noctivagus. Grey is about to begin his all or nothing plan, and try as they might, Archon and the others cannot hope to stand in the face of his determination…”

            Flying through the veil of darkness around the great air fortress, as the Ultio docked with the Citadel of Noctivagus, those onboard quickly disembarked and escorted their honored guests to Alastor’s personal chambers. Walking side by side with Alastor himself, Grey looked calm and collected. Trailing behind them, Amy wondered what could be about to happen as she listened to the anxious gossiping from amongst the villainous entourage that was watching both her and Grey carefully. Having all been most interested when Grey and Amy suddenly showed up onboard the Ultio, under Alastor’s invitation no less, Alastor’s various subordinates seemed as eager as Amy herself to know what was going on. Arriving at the doors to Alastor’s chambers, everyone made their way inside and Alastor directed Grey and Amy to sit at the table, and as they took their seats he addressed Scathe and said, “Bring some drinks for our guests.” As Scathe nodded and set off to retrieve the beverages, Alastor took his seat as well and smiled faintly at the two as he said, “I hope you both don’t mind coffee? It isn’t often we have guests, so I only keep a small stock of my favorite blends.” Sitting comfortably in his chair, Grey grinned as he replied, “Coffee’s fine. It’s not often I get the chance to see you showing some hospitality.”

            Resting his eyes momentarily, Alastor crossed his hands in his lap and said, “That’s a bit rude Mr. Greyson. This is a rare occasion where you yourself have come to me personally, to discuss mutually beneficial matters no less. It’s only natural I do at least this much.” Opening his eyes again and glancing at Amy, he added, “Not only that, but we even have the lovely Ms. Grant making an unexpected visit as well. I feel like a failure of a host already, only being able to offer her a mere cup of coffee.” Managing some nervous laughter, stressed not only by the situation itself but the stares she and Grey were getting from all of Alastor’s allies standing gathered behind them, Amy stammered, “N-no, it’s not a problem at all…” Seeming to become aware of her discomfort, Alastor said, “You’re too kind Ms. Grant, but I really should have kept something prepared just in case. It’s quite shortsighted on my part. I also apologize for my subordinates here, I can imagine the fuss they’re making is unsettling. Say the word and I’ll send them away.” At these words, a wave of nervousness quickly ran through the gathering of onlooking villains, and Dreck quickly stepped forward and said, “With all due respect Alastor, allowing yourself to meet with these two unguarded is foolishness! Just what is this all about anyways? Inviting them here all of the sudden is…” Interrupting him, Alastor coldly said, “General Dreck, please consider your current position a bit more carefully before spouting such unnecessary words. I would have thought you’d have learned by now…” Dreck swallowed nervously as Alastor smiled faintly at him and continued, “That it’s unwise to underestimate me…”

            After a short wait, Scathe returned with a large tray bearing three cups, a pot of steaming coffee, sugar and milk for the coffee, and a platter of assorted Danishes. Placing the platter in the center of the table and serving everyone their cups, he poured the coffee for everyone and placed the pot and condiments on the table as well before rejoining the rest of Alastor’s subordinates. Gesturing to the newly arrived refreshments, Alastor said, “Help yourselves to as much as you like. We’ll talk whenever you’re ready, there’s no rush. Even amongst the Hand of Fate, there are few who could disturb us here.” Taking a cheese Danish from the platter, Grey said, “The veil of darkness around here is pretty solid, but it won’t keep the Observers out.” Amy looked at Grey in surprise, wondering why the Observers would be a problem, and apparently surprised as well, Alastor said, “Oh? So whatever you’re here to discuss will be that problematic for them will it? To risk angering such an important potential ally… You’re as bold as ever Mr. Greyson.” The muttering among Alastor’s team intensifying, Amy’s concerns were beginning to grow even more. Taking a bite of his cheese Danish, then casually sipping some of his coffee, Grey finally lowered his cup and simply said, “I’m here to make a deal. Accept my terms, and I’ll break the Master Seal for you. Right here, right now.”

            Stunned silence filled the entirety of Alastor’s personal chambers as everyone took in the reality of what had just been said. Grey himself was offering Alastor the perfect chance to break the final seal upon his dark powers. Her eyes wide in shock as she stared at him, Amy thought to herself in disbelief, “What are you saying Grey?!” Staring at Grey silently, the wheels turning in his head, Alastor clearly was not able to hide his interest. Grey stared back at him confidently a moment, looking away as he began adding a bit of milk and sugar to his coffee as he waited for Alastor to say something. Suddenly a faint smile crossed Alastor’s face, and he picked up his coffee, staring into it for a moment as he said, “Breaking the Master Seal you say…?” Taking a sip of coffee, Alastor continued, “This is quite different than what I was expecting. When I realized you’d somehow come into possession of knowledge regarding my true history, I’ll admit I was curious. I decided I may as well warn you about the Hand of Fate, seeing as I can’t have them in possession of you as long as you still hold Deus Amictus, and during our fight we poked and prodded each other a bit for information.”

            Amy was starting to get a very bad feeling as she listened to Alastor continue, “It surprised me when you suggested we call a temporary truce to discuss something at a more private venue, and it surprised me even more that you didn’t hesitate to risk coming here. All of this led me to anticipate something that actually might prove interesting, but this…” Placing his cup back on the table, Alastor’s faint smile vanished as he looked at Grey and said, “What kind of joke is this?” His empty tone sent chills through Amy’s spine, but Grey sat there quite unfazed as Alastor said, “What absurd terms do you have in mind to offer me such an incredible deal? Don’t tell me this is about the nonsense you spouted earlier about how I still have time to change, to be a ‘hero’? I will be greatly displeased if you continue to waste your breath on such foolish suggestions…” Finishing off his Danish, once he was done Grey flashed a grin as he replied, “After everything that’s happened between us, I guess it’s a pretty crazy thought that I’d end up being the one to save you from what you’ve become…”

            Exchanging his grin for a serious and unwaveringly determined expression, Grey continued, “We have so much in common, yet at the same time we’re worlds apart. To say there’s bad blood between the two of us would be an understatement. Recently though, someone showed me that there’s more to you than just some twisted b*****d who wants to erase everything I care about. If my heart can lead this world down any one of the infinite number of paths locked inside it, then I want the world where everyone can be happy! The world where everyone can understand each other, the world where the two of us can coexist in peace!” Rising from his chair, Alastor gathered two masses of EDE and formed his swords as he said, “The one chasing after their own little perfect world is you now Mr. Greyson. To think you’d disappoint me so greatly…” Amy sprang to her feet as Alastor and his subordinates began preparing to capture them, but remaining seated, Grey quickly raised his right hand up.

            A rune circle forming upon the back of his hand, as it radiated a powerful red light, Alastor stared in disbelief and murmured, “That’s…!” Grinning smugly, Grey said, “That’s right. This seal is far beyond any in terms of power, capable of drawing directly upon the power of the Seventh Spirits themselves! I still can’t seal you without one more piece of the puzzle, but that doesn’t mean I can’t overload the circuit with Ignis’ power and blow this whole place out of the sky!” Many amongst Alastor’s group becoming alarmed at this, Amy herself watching the shining rune circle nervously, it seemed Grey had Alastor up against a wall. After a moment though, Alastor smiled faintly and said, “You wouldn’t dare…” Letting the rune circle fade and lowering his hand, Grey calmly said, “Nope.” Taking up his coffee cup for another sip, he leaned back in his chair and added, “That’d be a pretty lame way to end things, right? Chill out a bit and sit back down, this is about to get good…”

            Staring at Grey blankly for a moment, Alastor finally let his weapons evaporate and returned to his seat as he said, “I take it back. You’re bolder than ever before Mr. Greyson, not to mention far more cunning. It won’t keep me interested indefinitely, but I simply cannot contain my curiosity after what you’ve just shown me.” Somewhat relieved things had calmed down again, Amy took her seat as well, wondering what would happen next. Placing his cup back on the table, Grey looked at Alastor and said, “My terms are actually pretty simple. First, I want a three day ceasefire. No attacks on anyone from either side. Since it’s almost the 27th now, we’ll have it end the morning of July 30th. I’ll get in touch with Felix later and make sure The Guild knows to leave you alone too.” After a brief moment of consideration, Alastor simply said, “Very well.” Listing the next condition, Grey continued, “Second, I want to speak with Nox. It doesn’t have to be in private.” Having some more of his coffee, Alastor raised a hand at his side and snapped his fingers, summoning up one of his humanoid anomalies. Glancing at it as it rose up out of a dark vortex next to him, he said, “Go fetch Vas Initio.” Bowing obediently, the anomaly disappeared back into the darkness, returning moments later with Vas Initio held in its clutches. Gesturing towards it, Alastor said, “Your second request is granted. He should be able to hear you quite easily from where you are.”

            Fixing his gaze on Vas Initio, Grey called out, “Hey Nox, you in there? I’ve got some questions…” Nox’s gruff voice came forth from Vas Initio as he replied, “Ask as you see fit. I may answer, and I also may not.” Letting slip a slight laugh, Grey said, “Fair enough. I’d like to know if you’d be willing lend that power of yours to me if I ever come around and take Vas Initio for myself. I’m pretty sure you’re not able to come out of there and all, but as long as someone is in possession of that house of yours, you can still make a contract right?” After a moment of silence, Nox chuckled as he replied, “To think one would come to me with such a request. Not even the Observers showed that much respect, merely using the same spell that drew Vanitas’ power from his twisted form to forcibly extract my power and that of the Seventh Spirits… You interest me. I would gladly lend you my aid, but sealed as I am, it is as you say. If you seek my power, you must possess Vas Initio.”

            Taking this in, Grey suddenly seemed to think of something, and he quickly inquired, “That said, how much of your power would it take to cast the Seventh Seal?” Clearly confused, Nox said, “I suppose only a small portion… Overloading the circuit with too much would be catastrophic. Still, whether it is some or all, only those with Vas Initio can…” Trailing off as he realized what Grey was thinking at last, Nox chuckled excitedly as he said, “Of course, if that’s the case, all you must do is make a contract with the bearer, just as you would do with me.” Looking pleased, Grey nodded and said, “Thanks, that’s just what I needed to know!” Sounding quite amused, Nox replied, “Boring as these past millennia have been, it was my pleasure to speak with someone so intriguing. I hope to hear tales of your exploits one day, young master…”

            As it seemed Grey was finished, Alastor turned to the anomaly holding Vas Initio and said, “Take it back to the Merge Generator, we’re finished with it for now.” The anomaly disappeared with Vas Initio into a dark vortex, and facing Grey once again, Alastor said, “Now then Mr. Greyson, would there be anything further?” One more thing in mind, Grey glanced at Amy as he replied, “Guess I’ve asked quite a bit already, but there is one more condition, and it’s the most important condition of this deal. I wasn’t sure how to do it, but with Amy here, this might be the perfect chance.” Picking up the pot to refill his cup of coffee, Alastor said, “In all honesty, you haven’t been asking for nearly enough considering what you’re giving in return. I’d better not hear you acting like a poor sport later on…” Smirking at this remark, Grey decided to come right out with it and said, “I want you to let us see your memory of what happened on the day of my mother’s death.” About to take a sip of his coffee, Alastor quickly stopped and looked at Grey blankly for a moment. Setting down both the pot and his cup, he finally said, “Excuse me?” Clearly serious, Grey nodded and said, “You heard right. I want to see everything you experienced that day.”

            Staring at Grey with his unreadable gaze, it was unclear whether Alastor had some problem with this request or not. Then looking over at Scathe, he simply said, “If it’s your mother’s end you wish to relive, you can look into Scathe’s memory bank.” Quickly, Grey replied, “No, it’s gotta be you. I’ve got plenty of reason to believe his data has been altered anyways.” Seeming to be considering his answer, Alastor crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair as he stared at Grey, trying to deduce what he could be planning. Putting some pressure on him, Grey slyly said, “What, changed your mind?” His expression remained blank, but there seemed like the red glow of Alastor’s eyes intensified as he said, “You do realize I’m humoring you as it is, don’t you Mr. Greyson? Your bluff has been called, and now you’re in the palm of my hand. My desire to see just what futile efforts you’re putting into action is the only reason I have not simply forced the Master Seal’s destruction already…” Unshaken, Grey said, “You can think that if you want, but you’re the one underestimating me this time…” His eyes beginning to narrow in anger, it seemed like Alastor once again had reached the end of his generosity, but after glaring at Grey for another moment, he finally closed his eyes and calmed himself before saying, “Fine. To be honest I thought you were aware of everything already, and no knowledge you gain will change anything anyways…”

            Turning to Amy, still on the edge of her seat in nervousness, Grey surprised her by suddenly taking hold of her hand. Flashing a reassuring grin, he said, “Could you help us out here Amy?” Unable to keep from blushing, Amy felt somewhat reassured just from holding his hand, but at the same time her mind filled with a sense of guilt and shame as she remembered Alastor’s words before. Fearful of him noticing her feelings in her expression, she quickly looked away as she grasped his hand back and simply nodded as she uttered, “Uh-huh…” Raising an eyebrow curiously at her behavior, Grey had no time to worry about Amy, as Alastor impatiently said, “Let us begin then, Ms. Grant…” Activating her powers, Amy fixed her gaze on Alastor with loathing and said, “Right.” The world shifted as all three of their consciousnesses were drawn into Alastor’s memories. Within the forest of silver trees, the scene was set outside the gates of Alexander’s residence. Standing there at the doorway dressed in his fine blue and black clothes, the past Alastor was waiting patiently.

© 2015 KeithKVH

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Added on February 14, 2015
Last Updated on February 14, 2015
Tags: Volume 4, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure, Original



Pasadena, CA

I've been writing a novel series as a hobby for several years. I hope to write other stories, but for now just hoping to continue improving this one. **Just a note to keep in mind, everything here .. more..
