Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart

A Poem by kera moondust

I've never missed someone so much... What's gotten into me.


My fragmented faith is the soft whispers in his dreams

As he sleeps at night

                                (I wonder if he even thinks of me)

I can feel the cracks in my magnetic field releasing my heart cells

Onto the field of ruined phone calls

And broken electric waves

Connecting me to him


I can feel the tears that well up in my cataract eyes

The shattered frames of my glasses spreading over my astral plane

           (His voice still lingers like scratches on my bat wings)


How is it that loneliness seeps out my pores

The sweat in my veins can’t even measure up

to the crushed angel wings encased in my rib cage

leaking from my tear ducts


it’s hard for me to say but

           I don’t believe in god.

But the angels and I made a pact

To save his blood from the demons of the afterworld


I still keep him on my mind as weeks pass

And I’m still waiting for his letter

And I’ve never loved anyone quite how I do now

But why do I feel so lonely


Is it because of 600 miles between him and I

If we’ve crossed it dozens of times

Why does it feel like we’re worlds



I don’t want his loneliness icing my tongue

Until I bite my tongue with the frost of his lips

But I can’t let him go

Because I’ve never loved anything more

Then his eye’s against night sky

Or the way he talks to me at 3am


And maybe it’s worth the loneliness

because that’s not my


© 2012 kera moondust

Author's Note

kera moondust
Everything here is intentional.

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1 Review
Added on December 10, 2012
Last Updated on December 10, 2012
Tags: I, miss, him, her, love, us, together, eternity, worlds, apart, 600, miles, far, away, fragments, faith, thoughts, feelings


kera moondust
kera moondust

San Francisco, CA

I’m Tori =) Kera is an alias, so do call me by my real name. This is usually where I tell you about me. I’m insane there aren’t many questions on the matter. I love life don&rsqu.. more..

I Am I Am

A Poem by kera moondust