What Happens to my Words

What Happens to my Words

A Poem by KurKota

Words here added,  it has been a while,
Why, I am not sure, but at times wonder
I feel as if the words here, spin in a stile,
Spinning at times, most times no one ponder.

My thoughts and style, mostly outdated,
Ideas I have, seem lost in the haze.
Mostly they seem to keep the reader sedated,
My ideas of life, seem to belong to other days.

But I say this here and now,  that I do not fret,
As I write this piece, to acknowledge my fate.
I cannot say that for any of this I regret,
And cannot say that my passion, I hate.

© 2018 KurKota

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There' nothing wrong in still appreciating accepted standards. Progress is inevitable, and we learn to accept it it, and gain from it. But when mediocrity becomes the new excellence, where are we heading??
A little passion, gives us the stability of values that have shaped our individual lives.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Fully agree with what you say here. Sometimes I feel extremely uncertain as to the future. Not nec.. read more

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1 Review
Added on August 22, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2018
Tags: Writing, pondering, bewildered, acceptance, humor



If you read any of my submitted writings here, you will create your own mental image of who I am, and for here that is likely enough. I am educated by a University, however, I learn mostly from lif.. more..

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