Attic eyes

Attic eyes

A Poem by poddar kushal

A poetry on a crippled boy confined in an attic and becoming the seeing eyes of a village.


Attic eyes
A pensive eagle flies
in the ethereal space.
The encyclopedia salesman
crawls down the road
with his paralyzed cheery face.
A note of distant bell
is taking the shape
of a girl’s tress.
These are the scenes
he has seen, he knows.
Yes, this attic knows them all.
This attic sees them all.
His boyish eyes have seen
the golden brown leaves flying
before they fall beneath
upon a road.
The lonesome kite
is losing a fight
with the reverse wind.
The once pink house
at the other side of the road
and spinster
who lives there forever
with a cynic thirst.
The boy at the attic
of course knows them close,
like the creaky floor
where he lives,
like the pair of crutches
by the bed.  © 2008 - All Rights Reserved Kushal Poddar

© 2009 poddar kushal

My Review

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Featured Review

Attic eyes, a wonderful concept.
I will surely think of the boy the next time I go up in the attic of my house.
Furthermore it reminds me of all the people that are housebound for some reason or other and we never get to meet when we go out in the street.
When we come home, we watch television, to many people we are their television and outlook on the world.
You always make people think and your images are as brilliant as ever.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I don't know if you wrote this poem to evoke sad emotions but I do feel sadness and loneliness while reading this piece. Your descriptive powers are very developed ad it's very breathtaking to read them.

The persona of the boy and the attic, for me, are one. As I read your poem, I imagine a typical house with two attic windows. They look pretty much like a face with two eyes. :) The image of the house is still, passive, and silent; in contrast to the wide array of activities around it.

"The once pink house
at the other side of the road
and spinster
who lives there forever
with a cynic thirst."
I liked these lines so much that if you didn't write them, I would have hated you. :)


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Attic eyes, a wonderful concept.
I will surely think of the boy the next time I go up in the attic of my house.
Furthermore it reminds me of all the people that are housebound for some reason or other and we never get to meet when we go out in the street.
When we come home, we watch television, to many people we are their television and outlook on the world.
You always make people think and your images are as brilliant as ever.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow!!! The imagery of this well written piece gave me chills.
The lonesome kite
is losing a fight
with the reverse wind.
Loved this.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 13, 2009


poddar kushal
poddar kushal

kolkata, India, India

life and trying to earn bread made me an advocate. mad at my own stressful self, turned to writing. poems mainly. but, there are several short stories published in my mother toungue 'bengali'.i live i.. more..
