Dear Momma

Dear Momma

A Story by LAVADOG

My letter to all mothers of those who are and have served in our armed forces.

During times of war our brave men and woman proudly serve and defend their country. They take on missions that not many of us would ever dream of attempting. During the long hours and even longer days they can only take comfort in each other. A buddy is what gets you through the darkest days. But a Momma is what gets us through life. When you have not slept for days and are hungry and tired you realize what life is all about. It is all about MOM!

Mom is the often forgotten soldier stationed at home fighting her own war. She did not enlist nor was she drafted but she serves proudly along side her fellow countrymen. Her orders were issued the day her offspring signed on the dotted line. And her swearing in ceremony was the day she gave birth to her precious soldier. Fear is a common issue in a Mom and her warrior. A mother can feel plenty from great distances. This is why a son or daughter constantly thinks of Momma when in the military and this feeling intensifies when deployed to regions throughout the world in which death becomes reality.

Without Mom we would be vicious killers, without souls, no compassion and the thirst for blood. But since Mom is present we learn to do our job with respect. We make Momma proud even though she will never actually see what we are doing. It is best if Momma goes blind prior to entering a battle zone. These things are just not meant for Mommas to see. Let alone her offspring. The presence of Momma can not be felt with a hand but instead it is felt with every beat of your heart.

Mothers based at home work and then also have to carry the burden that one day they could receive a knock on the door. A knock on the door is indeed a sad knock. But the pride in her tears can never be truly felt. There is no happiness upon hearing the knock, but yet they open the door in hopes it was just a false alarm.

A medal she was born with as she has passed boot camp without ever attending one day. She must now serve her country as she also has been given orders. Her duty station will remain the same until her hero returns from duty. There is no day off in this Army. The days are also long here at home and the nights filled with prayer. While one is tough in a environment in which not many visit the other is equally tough in a environment in which they would rather be.

Mothers of America, I salute you. I have served our country proudly and not a day went by when I did not think of my Momma. We may of had our differences, but god damn if that meant anything in times of hardship. Ladies, you are my hero. If I could give each of you an award it would be a piece of my heart. Thanks Momma's! Semper Fi

© 2008 LAVADOG

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Added on May 17, 2008
Last Updated on May 17, 2008



Los Angeles, CA

US Marine Corps veteran. I have only been writing for six months as of 07. I have recently discovered myself and I never knew the power of words. Through my mind I can escape and enter a world in whic.. more..


A Story by LAVADOG

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A Story by LAVADOG