A Story by LAVADOG

Words of inspiration written at the request of a friend for his friend who is scheduled to depart to United States Marine Corps boot camp Parris Island, South Carolina in the very near future.


PSALMS 23..the Lord is my shepherd.....

Soon my life will change in ways that I can only imagine. I have made a commitment many before me have made. I have made a commitment made only by those few who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. My commitment is the same as those who have fought in our nations greatest and fiercest battles such as Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, Pusan, Khe San and Fallujah to name a few. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to allow others such as me to have the same opportunity as they once had. I have very large boots to fill and I must always remember that all Marines were once in my boots. From the most highly decorated Marine to the seventeen year old Marine who snuck into the Marine Corps at fourteen years old and was awarded the congressional medal of honor all Marines before me have started their journey the same way I am starting mine.

The year is 2008 and the uniforms have changed. But what is inside of the uniform has not changed since November 10, 1775. Inside a Marine Corps uniform lays one of Americas finest warriors. Also found inside of a uniform worn by a Marine is a tremendous amount of heart, as I will need it to fulfill my journey. Each warrior had to endure what I am about to embark on. Each warrior was equally nervous and each warrior could also feel the anticipation I feel today. Every human being who is called a Marine has earned that right and forever in life he can claim the title of Marine. Nothing was given to him therefore nothing can be taken from him. A rite of passage is in my horizon and I must follow in the footsteps of many great men. When I say I am not afraid I am merely trying to convince myself that I have not made a bad choice as fear is present in all man kind. It is what I do with my fear that will separate me from my peers. Soon if all goes well I will be able to look down on all while standing on even ground.

I understand what is expected of me but I have no clue as to what I am about to face. Up until now in life I have been guided by my family and soon my domain will be with a new family. This family will consist of equals and created will be the strongest of bonds known to man kind. A brother here is a brother forever and forever for me will soon begin. The stakes in this world are high and the losses will forever hurt. When I error in life I can correct my mistakes. But soon my errors will create a ripple effect with lethal and or tragic consequences. I must master my weaknesses and I must understand my purpose. My strengths will be displayed as I have prepared to the best of my ability. Also on display will be my weaknesses and I must learn to adapt. Flexibility is a tool I must carry on my belt. I will be challenged to do what I have yet to do but I must remember my tasks have been completed by many who once were in my boots. When in pain I only hurt because I am in unfamiliar territory. Pain if allowed will steer me in a path in which I will not be able to steer in. I must avoid traveling on paths which are lined with permanent pain and I must travel only on paths lined with temporary pain. When at my breaking point I must reach down and grab ahold of what is needed to carry on. As I do this I must remain motionless as my power comes from my mind. Everything will be new to me but what is needed to survive we are all born with. So the challenge to me is how to get these qualities out of me. Older and wiser men will ensure I perform to my abilities and then I will push myself to unprecedented heights. The more I sweat now the less I will bleed in combat. Soon I will have traveled this road with no pain at all. I am not alone here and I will never be alone in my journeys from now until eternity. I have family and friends and I am guided by my faith in my beliefs. Together these three things have accomplished what many feel is impossible to accomplish. As my turn approaches I will walk hand in hand with my lord and once I begin he must let me go for I am to be alone for now. I must learn how to rise above my limits without the aid of anyone. I must learn that we begin life with no knowledge and we depart life with an abundance of knowledge. I must learn that in order to get to two I must always go through one first. I must learn to think and then out think my own thoughts for a simple task will soon become a difficult task. And most importantly I must understand and comprehend what I have learned.

I have signed a contract that could end my life before my time. This would be true if I did not belive in destiny. I am well aware of the risks that await me and I am well aware of the challenges that also await me. I am prepared to give my all for what I believe in. I am prepared to follow orders and to never question them. I am prepared to wear a frown when pain rules my world. I must prove to myself that I am equal to those who have worn the uniform before me. I must live up to the legacy and the traditions set before me. I will not allow for me to become larger than my being for I am one person and together we will accomplish the mission. Victory in this world is only achieved when accompanied by family. If my destiny takes me to a world only I can see then I must remember to smile for I simply followed the path set for me.

As the day nears for me to blossom I will reflect on where I have been and I will also reflect a teenager from the mirror. Upon my return my reflection will be that of a young man who has begun his journey into man hood in a very noble way. The challenges set before me I have asked for. Nothing can prepare me for the ride of my life and no seat belt can restrain me. I must remain calm and I must listen to what is spoken and I must listen to what is not spoken. I must be quick and I must never loose my bearing. I must keep my sanity and I must keep an open mind. Together we will form a team and on this team individuals will never step into the batters box. I must never take anything personal as for these words could one day save my life or the lives of my brothers. If I shall stumble and fall I will not cry. I will not dust myself off and I will not look back. I will not blame others and I will not judge anyone. I will simply move forward in the direction set before me and although my face may show sadness my insides show happiness because they are surrounded by heart.

A Marine when asked if boot camp was difficult will most of the time say no. But at the time it is the hardest thing you will ever go through. When you step onto the yellow foot prints I guarantee you a feeling that will hurt inside of your stomach. Fear my friend is fun when you learn what to do with it. Failure to take control of your emotions is a weakness you could do without. If you fear the unknown it is simply because you have yet to see it. Let me comfort your fears as I can testify that it does exist. I have zero doubt that you can finish what you have requested to do. How you go about doing it is up to you. Never look passed the day in front of you because one second at a time is how the clocks tick and tomorrow is promised to no one. Thirteen simple weeks will not make you into a man, but your entire service can only be completed by a man. A man knows how to handle life's complicated situations. A man who controls his fears can accomplish anything if he believes in what he has been told. My simple words here, now, and forever will serve you purpose as I have walked where you wish to venture. Listen and understand what I have said to you and your journey will go alot smoother. My foot steps are coated with a life not many can endure. I have held the hand of the devil and I have begged for forgiveness. I have failed many times but never once have I quit. My path is not yours to follow but to learn from. As you walk forward never look backwards as your decisions will now be made of gold. When you step on my imprints that I have left for you you will be called a US Marine. I will forever walk with you upon your completion and accompanying us both will be none other than our faith as he once again has taken your hand...PSALMS 23..the Lord is my shepherd....

© 2008 LAVADOG

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Added on June 17, 2008
Last Updated on June 17, 2008



Los Angeles, CA

US Marine Corps veteran. I have only been writing for six months as of 07. I have recently discovered myself and I never knew the power of words. Through my mind I can escape and enter a world in whic.. more..

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