Your Funky A*s, Cheating Heart

Your Funky A*s, Cheating Heart

A Poem by anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

People who cheat, lie and betray. Not my cup of tea


You're tellin’ me your tales of how you want to share my life
While you’re so rozy, cozy sittin' at home with you're poor unsuspecting wife

You tell all those stories about how things could be for us
Then why is it that you're still married-
And seemingly putting up with all her fuss?

I don’t say suggestive things to you or call you in any personal ways.

You say you want to leave her, but for 40 plus years you’ve stayed.

You think I really believe you with all those so-called, studly things you say ?

Hey, just because I live alone do you really think that I’m just some, easy prey? think that I should just sit and wait while you go on livin' your life?
You tell me your marriage is so sad and bad...
Well, she's sure still your wife

Really now- just what do you think you can offer me, cuz' this pictures really out of view
You think you can fool me- cuz' what you say you want-
Is not what you really do?

You tell me about all the places you and wifey go- while living out your life
Oh yeah- I can just see it all... me sitting here alone, while you're home with your wife

You say, “I Love You” to me, like you're tossing me some, damn, paltry bone.
Go away, leave me alone now- go on back to your wife and home

You say, “Oh my dear, you bring me so much peace and joy"

Really? Would it be different if you found I was some willing, s****y toy?

So run along now- leave me the hell alone...
Don’t say or send words that I refuse to buy or understand
Cuz' there’s nothing worth losing my dignity for...
Over some, lying  cheatin' married man

You‘ve chased and chased and I‘ve constantly turned you down
I'm worth so much more than this- I won't be your cheap little party clown

Hey dude, you can sit and wait...
Cuz' I don’t have any time for you that's free

Don’t ever think, you can play your insulting, funky cheatin'
man games with me?

You can spend the rest of your days and the rest of your life
Complaining, bitching, moaning and groaning about your poor wife
I can just see it all now, you tellin' me we'd walk together side by side
I couldn’t even walk down the street with you, we’d always have to hide

So, behave yourself now- try real hard not to get in any more trouble
Personally, I think your wife should throw you, your freaky clothes and stuff all out in the rubble

Nope, this sure ain't somethin' I 'd ever want my life ending up to be
Being together only when you can spare your cheap a*s funky time for me

Hey little man run along home now...
Go find another gal when you want to roam

BETTER YET...maybe you should spend your funky, cheap, a*s time with your wife at home...
Instead of tossing me your cheap a*s  funky bones

You really don't deserve a good wife waiting at home for you
She's too good for you little man...
And your cheap a*s funky, skinny bones

by anne p murray

© 2015 anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

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well you were right about people who cheat, it's not my cup of tea

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 13, 2015
Last Updated on October 13, 2015


anne p. murray- LadeeAnne
anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

Birmingham, AL

I'm not an extraordinary woman, simply put... I'm just a normal, ordinary one. In my private life I am gingerly cautious with the people I meet, but fearless in the words I write. Not an extrove.. more..
