System Error Episode Four

System Error Episode Four

A Story by LeighAndJeff

Its the day of the ball and Artemis is up and about tracking down leads will the partners figure out the case or will it be too late?


System Error: Episode Four

By Leigh Hodgens and Jeff Margavage

From the desk of the mayor

Dear Chief Barlow,

Please have officer chase report to the Mirror Shopping estate at today. There is a group of people that will help insure she is properly dressed and presentable for the ball tonight. Also insure her shift is covered for the majority of the day as she will be put through the protocols of a ball and any and all manner of lessons needed to ensure this evening goes off without a hitch. There will be mini meet and greets throughout the day and she will be coached on what answers to say and when. Needless to say she will be at the ball early as to give the maximum amount of exposure necessary to keep all of our supporters satisfied. The many donations to the police department have been assured to be continued of course. I thank your and Officer Chase for your cooperation and appreciate the time taken out of your busy schedule to attend the annual city defense ball. I shall hope to see you there looking your best.

The chief groaned, Chase was not going to like this as he forwarded the message to chase’s internal comm. Already sensing the disapproval practically vibrating in the brutally short reply. “Acknowledged.” She was mad, Chase only responded like a cyber if she was too emotional but had to stay quiet. It seemed the talks they had the night before were not going to lessen the sting. Flipping over the card he noticed a touch more writing.

Ps. I am sorry to put your officer under the bus like this Barlow, but it’s the best I can do to insure she gets some level of privacy in her life so she can actually do her job.

The Chief blew out a calming breath He knew this was the best compromise the mayor could come up with to insure chase could still do her job after all this publicity. The question was not the chief understanding but Chase herself. Hell hath no fury like a women scorned and if that woman was a cyber that could punch through solid concrete? Let’s just say the chief wasn’t so keen on getting on the Officer’s bad side.

The scene that greeted officer Chase could be summed up in one word. Hell. She had to eventually cave to the chiefs demands and get a damn dress for the ball. What she didn’t know was that there was a whole team behind that would “help” her get a dress.

She counted there was ten people here. Ten! Who would doll her up and make her look like some catwalk model and not a police officer. The unspoken rule seemed to be ignore what Chase herself actually agreed to.

She was dragged from store to store put in every sort of dress you could imagine. Cocktail dresses that were made of silk. Ball gowns that could pass for wedding dresses in there extravagance. Even little strappy dresses that hugged the very tops of her thighs, pictures taken in each one where she was instructed to smile. She instead glared hard, only a threat of reporting back to the chief that she was disobeying orders actually got her to obey and attempt to smile. Luckily it sort of worked the asses assuming it was a cyber version of a smile. It wasn’t she just really didn’t like them.

Eventually the constant pulling ceased as the horde of assistants decided they found the perfect dress for her. A full length gown, deep emerald green in its color made of a various fabrics it shimmered as she moved. The thing was encrusted with gems. “I look like a walking disco ball..” Chase loudly complained it was ignored as opera length gloves, pure white were matched with the dress. Then she was stripped with very little regard of her modesty, shoved into a white poncho thing and then was pushed into a chair with various instruments were gleaming. Chase felt like she was about to be tortured. Her hair was coated in potions, sprays, twisted, pulled and she was pretty sure burned. As they styled her long chestnut brunette hair. The end result was slick she begrudgingly admitted but it felt heavy and it just didn’t fit her personality. She wasn't this high born lady they were trying to make her look like. She was a damn cop. She hoped Artemis was having a better time with it.

Across town Artemis was following a lead from the files of the data disk. A cover shop by the name of Sarta Industries. It looks in all appearance like a little eletronics shop. These days they were far and few but this was was listed according to the files as a cover shop for Cynedyne. Walking a perimeter around the place had uncovered nothing as of yet and the shop was still getting customers. It seemed the lead was a dead end but something stopped Artemis from leaving. A little nagging feeling urged him to go inside the shop look about.


Tapping the cigarette pack he had he tucked it back into his pocket. He had quit ages ago but with a case this big the urge to start up again was in his head but something told him Chase would jump down his throat if he started. The chief  already did when he caught the pack in his pocket. With a slight smirk at his thoughts he walked across the semi busy road and opened the door. His entrance punctuated by the jiggle of a door chime. He actually got a twinge of nostalgia the more up to date shops didn’t do that anymore.

“Well hello mate, can I help ya?” The accented man at the checkout asked with glee. Seemed the shop didn’t usually get such business. The attitude was correct but seeing how Artemis had watched for the last 3 hours more than 30 customers come into the shop something was up. “Just browsing looking for something specific ya know.” Artemis replied carefully studying the man behind the counter. He was short rather overweight and unusually well dressed for such a low end store. Most of his clothes screamed upper end dealings and the way the man’s eyes shifted downward for but slight moment told Artemis he was most likely carrying a gun under the counter. “Something specific eh? Maybe I can help ya.” The man replied perfectly normal if Artemis didn’t catch the way his hand reached forward, most likely curling around the gun ready to shoot him in a blink of an eye.

With a quirk of his mouth he saw the gun raising and was already sliding to the  the counter. The punk only succeeding on shooting the floor.  With a quicksilver strike, Artemis had the gun in his more than capable grip and had his perp pinned against the wall with the barrel of the gun at the man’s forehead in the space of a few seconds. The man suitably dazed at the rush of movement.

“Shooting at a cop huh? Bad move.” Artemis smirked at the rather Pale complexion of the man and the bead of sweat now collected at his forehead. “Now..l..looks mate i was just following orders ya know. No hard feelings right?”

Artemis chuckled as he turned the man around and cuffed him much to the displeasure of the hired thug. “No hard feelings at all. Your not the first person to miss.”  Artemis was rather happy at his quip as the man seethed  backup was already coming to  clear out the shop he had made the call before entering his gut telling him something would happen.“Don't think you won mate  you and that Tick tock are dead!” the man screamed out. The officers locked him up  dismissing his ranting at the usual  prattle of a con arrested. Artemis though couldn’t help but think there was more the idle threats to the man's words.

Back at the station Artemis was pouring over the odd looking laptop he had brought it to the station with him. He was right on his hunch the extra data that had decrypted proved the shop was connected to Cynedyne, with the shop closed they couldn’t sell cybernetic upgrades to the mafia and crime families who loved to enhance their security both organic and network. This would be a major blow to the operations. It seemed today would be good day for the law but the threats of the owner still troubled him, making his way to the holding cell Artemis flashed his id to the guard present and request a little talk with his newest arrest. The guard on duty recognizing Artemis decided to go get a cup of coffee.

“Whaddya want coppa? I got nothin for ya “ the man spat as soon as he spied Artemis. “Charming.” Artemis smirked as he crossed his arms an air of amusement around him. “Now am going to ask you some questions and your job is to give me answers if you don’t.  Well... lets just say your stay with us won’t be pleasant.” The man sneered at artemis threat. “You dont scare me coppa  you’re known for being by the book, mate. You won’t do a damn thing ta me.” Artemis grinned ferally. “Oh, you think so?” He replied watching the owner carefully, spotting the tiny amount of fear that widened the man’s eyes and the way his hands clenched the bars just a little tighter.

Before the nervous man could muster another blink, Artemis had his own hands clamped down on the stunned criminals. His vice like grip already causing the shop owner a great amount of discomfort.

“Teddy,” Artemis growled moving his face in closer, “I don’t know where you got that s**t from… but your sources lied.” Artemis ramped up the pressure for a few seconds and then loosened up again.

Ted Underton, the shop owner now reduced to a cringing child, began to protest. “I wouldn’t make a sound if I were you,” Artemis glared, “So unless you want me to show you just how wrong your sources were… we’re going to play twenty questions.” Artemis Laid on the pressure that he could feel Ted’s fingers nearly breaking in his grasp. Ted nodded stifling a cry of agony.

Artemis, now satisfied he had Mr. Underton’s complete and undivided attention, began with his questions. “First question, I want you to tell me exactly who you’re running the front for,” Artemis inquired coolly, “because recently I was given a bit of information that proved a theory of mine… that theory was that you and your suppliers are garbage.”

Terror filled Ted’s eyes, “I… I… can’t tell you nothin’ ‘bout that…”

Artemis gripped Ted’s left hand between the bars enough that he knew he broke bone, “Oh… that’s too bad… because unfortunately a friend of mine has died.
Ted cried out and quickly stifled it, he was well certain Artemis was no longer playing by the book. If one thing was certain in San Antonio VII, if there was ever someone in town you did not want to cross it was Artemis because NO ONE could ever tell how his mind worked,” Listen… I talk and they’re going to kill me…”

“And just what makes you think you’re any safer in here with me?” Artemis growled. “My friend died and you just threatened my partner… oh and by the way…” Artemis ground on the broken bones a bit harder, “You EVER call her a ‘ticktock’ again and I’ll crush more than your hand, you get me?”

Ted nodded violently as the bones in his left hand crunched like a bag of pretzels. “L… Listen… if I talk… you gotta protect me or something…”

“You give me answers and I’ll think about it,” Artemis replied in a cold, no nonsense tone.

“Cynedyne… I run cybertech for Cynedyne… they hook me up, I pass the tech onto whoever they tell me to,” Ted groaned.

“WHO at Cynedyne? That’s a big place… they can’t all be in on it,” Artemis inquired. He needed a name.

“I only ever talked to one dude… I swear to christ… he called himself ‘The ADman’... that’s all I know… he’s a f****n’ nutter. I never even seen his face.”

“This isn’t helping,” Artemis growled starting to tighten his grip on Ted’s right hand. “You gotta do better than that.”

Ted began to grimace at the pressure. “For christ’s sake… these guys will kill me man,” Ted begged, “there ain’t no way you can protect me neither… f**k I’m probably dead already.”

“One name… one teensy little name, Teddy, that’s all I need,” Artemis mocked his tone turning childish, but his grip starting to strain the bones.

“Jesus… Dantt… Antoli Dantt,” Ted cried out in agony.

Artemis’s blood froze in his veins. His hands fell away from Ted’s as his brain struggled to take this bombshell in. The Major? It couldn’t be… and yet it all made perfect sense somehow. Underton couldn’t possibly know Dantt’s involvement with the Triforce project. Dantt would have all the information about Triforce. Every fiber of Artemis’s being screamed in outrage.

Ted was slowly backing away from the cell door, cradling his badly injured hands when suddenly Artemis reached into the cell and violently slammed him face first into the bars, busting him open above his eye and breaking his nose. The hands might be overlooked, but now Ted was going to need stitches. Artemis couldn’t possibly gloss this one over.

“So help me GOD if you’re lying to me I’ll…” Artemis screamed into Ted’s face. Ted looked up wearily at Artemis, his bloody face devoid of emotion.

“You’ll what? Eh, coppa?” Ted groaned, “beat me up? Kill me?” he sneered, “Looks like you’re running out of options and time… Dantt’s gonna kill us both, and… your partner.” Ted almost insulted Chase but then thought better of it. “You don’t know the half of what these guys do… or maybe you do know. Frankly, I couldn’t give a s**t less. I’ll be dead before you can do anything to stop ‘em.”

Artemis released Ted from his grip and turned to leave.

“Hey, Artemis, before you go I got a word of advice for you,” Ted sneered, “I wouldn’t go trusting nobody if I was you… especially no cybers… just sayin’.”

Artemis’s guts churned at the implication Ted was making. But deep inside he was afraid that he might be speaking the truth. What if Chase was compromised? What if she was a plant all along? Chase was the first cyber prototype of her kind. Cynedyne didn’t directly manufacture her, but they could have had a hand in her creation at some point. Like her CPU architecture or exosystems, they were the leaders in the field. Artemis couldn’t possibly deny that her combat training and subroutines mimicked his own so closely that he noticed it immediately. That first day in the precinct when she took out Warren Nickel was a clear indication, someone who really knew what they were doing had a hand in programming Chase.

Artemis made his way back to the squad room. He had to let the chief know what was going on. It wasn’t something they could deal with right away, they needed a plan, but the Chief had to know. As he got back to his own terminal he discovered the laptop was gone. An envelope in it’s place. Frantically Artemis tore the envelope open, knowing the contents were going to be very very bad… damn he hated being right.

“Hey, Arty,

How many times do I have to tell you about bringing these game computers into work? I can’t deny you have these things if you’re bringing them to work… you dumbass. I stuck it in my gun vault. BUT, seeing as how I had to go so I could get ready for this stupid ball thing, I guess I’m going to have to keep it there overnight. Maybe teach you a lesson. Ha Ha!

I’ll see you tomorrow. I’d say I’ll see you at the ball but I know you’re probably dry heaving at just the thought of a tux. Ha ha.

Later, Barlow

Ps: Dude… you should see your partner… You’d barely recognize her. She looks gorgeous. Her glamour crew sent me pics. And NO I’m not sharing… Bleakly already tried to bribe me for them. And I get to dance with her. Nyah nyah!”

Artemis just shook his head at how snarky the chief was acting over Chase. As if he could be baited into a ridiculously boring Officer’s Ball by letting him know how pretty Chase looked. Not bloody likely.

He still couldn’t shake the implication from Underton, but at least the laptop was safe. Artemis headed home to begin strategizing his next move.

Later on that evening, it was all glitz and glamour as Chase was paraded around the Officer’s Ball like a show pony. Every political whoever rubbing elbows with the latest advancement in police protective services. Chase managed to maintain her poise and personable self for most of the evening. At least to outward appearances. Inside she was screaming like a banshee to be free of this paparazzi nightmare of fake people and blinding photo flashes. Chief Barlow looked… well, he looked better than usual. But in his own words, “You can’t polish a t**d and call it pretty.” He tried his best to make the event as painless as possible for Chase, but he knew her well enough to know that she was having a terrible time but keeping a smile for the cause.

Taking Chase aside for a moment, the Chief grabbed himself a champagne and one for Chase as well. He was well aware she wouldn’t actually drink the stuff, but she would seem more natural holding one, AND he could eventually swap glasses with her so he could get a free refill. He was going to need all the liquid courage he could get to make it through this evening, ESPECIALLY with the spotlight dance to show off how naturally Chase acted and moved.

“Chase,” the chief nervously stammered handing her the glass, “I… Uh… I really appreciate your cooperation through all of this.” He took a long sip of his champagne and continued, “I just, wow, this seemed so much easier in my head a couple minutes ago. I, uh, just wanted to go off the record and say you uh… you look beautiful tonight… not in a weird ‘Bleakly drooling as he stares from behind the planters to your right doing God knows what with his hands’ way.” They shared a little laugh over that, Chase giving a minor shudder of revulsion. “But seriously, I wanted to say you look great and I’m really proud to have you as part of the precinct. You really are an incredible officer.”

Chase melted at the impromptu speech, a true smile appearing on her lips

“Thank you sir. It means a lot to hear that. You do clean up pretty well even if you deny it,” giggled Chase. “Though right now I do envy your ability to drink this stuff. What I wouldn’t give to pass the rest of the evening in a stupor… Oh dear god, those bloody speech lessons are getting to me.” Chase switching from stunned to severely annoyed in a nano second.

“Now now, officer Chase,” the Chief smiled, “Don’t crack now. It’s almost time for your big moment.”

Suddenly the Chief spied a familiar face in the crowd and excused himself for a moment, trading glasses with Chase as he finished his own. Leaving her some time to collect herself.

Please come back, chief,” she internally willed as she could already spy the male population of politicians starting to edge towards her now that the chief had wandered off. “If any one of them ask me to dance I’m smashing this glass over their head.

Suddenly the lights grew dim and the master of ceremonies began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I am honored to present to you the lady of the evening… oops… that sounded bad in a room full of police officers.” The crowd laughing lightly at the weak attempt at humor from the emcee. “My apologies, I present to you the lady being honored here tonight,” A sudden wash of brilliant white light falling on Chase, “Let’s have a big round of applause for Officer Evelyn Chase, and her escort for the evening…” there was a short pause as the master of ceremonies was handed a note. Chase fidgeted nervously as all eyes were upon her. “Well isn’t this interesting,” the emcee intoned, “This evening Officer Chase is being escorted by none other than her partner, Special Officer, Artemis Corbyn!”

The crowd erupted in applause as they parted to allow Artemis to approach Chase. Artemis was dressed to the nines, a custom tailored tuxedo and the most regal looking pair of tactical boots Chase had ever seen. Artemis bowed his head as he handed Chase a single white rose. Chase in her rather dazed mind somehow remembered to curtsy back as numb fingers barely gripped the rose that was offered. Frozen emerald eyes locked onto Artemis  a million questions in her head but not a one making it past her lips. She could only smile and wonder where in the world Artemis actually found dress tactical boots. A quick glance at her own high heeled spindly shoes did sprout a touch of envy but a slight smirk as well.

Just then, with a debonair smile, Artemis revealed that behind his back, he was carrying a pair of equally regal tactical boots for Chase as well. The crowd erupted in laughter as Chase jumped at the chance to kick off her high heels and don the boots. The couple shared a moment of laughter as she did so.

“Better?” Artemis whispered to her as steadied her while she straightened herself out. “You have excellent timing. I was going to fall to my death in those shoes.” Chase smiled smoothing her dress out over the newly acquired footwear. “Where did you find two pairs of tactical dress boots?”

“Oh… let’s keep this night about you, shall we?” Artemis replied softly as he offered his hand to dance, the soft slow music beginning to play. Chase hesitated taking her partner’s hand, her eyes on the crowd. Nerves eating at her. With a deep breath, she grasped his hand and hoped she didn’t mess up.

As the couple began swaying to the music, Artemis leaned into his partner and whispered, “I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I heard the Chief have a heart attack when I handed you the boots.” Chase laughed lightly as she noticed the chief grinning broadly out of the corner of her eye. She feigned a serious look at him for not telling her Artemis would be dancing with her. The Chief could only smile even more as he raised his glass to them. Her look melting into a smile as well. “I’ll happily take parking monitor for a month for wearing these boots.” she grinned up at Artemis. “Though are you going to tell me why you’re the one dancing with me?  And rather well I might add.” she subtly hinted as she grinned very happy she memorized this dance earlier.

“I can leave,” Artemis joked.

“No!” Chase replied, spooked. Clearly not noting the joking tone. “Please… don’t.” She trailed off, her grip on him actually increased. “I have missed having my partner you know…” she admitted a faint smile returning to her face. “Will you stay? Please? I’ll get eaten alive if you abandoned me here… honest.” Chase spoke out with a rather solemn tone.

“Absolutely,” Artemis smiled as he twirled her, “wouldn’t want my partner getting eaten.”

Soon the rest of the couples in the room joined them in their dance. A line of gentlemen lining up to dance with Chase, but entirely too afraid to ask to cut in on Artemis. The pair laughed at the trepidation in Bleakly's eyes as he fidgeted waiting for his chance.

“You know, while I appreciate the rescue from the rather annoying press.” Chase paused glancing at the males waiting. “And the rather overly eager males. But this isn’t gonna help matters with the chief…”

“I… I’m not sure what you mean,” Artemis inquired with a look of confusion.

“I mean thanks to your little comment in the hospital. He and I bet the rest of the station think …” Chase blushed a light red before continuing. “Think that we are in a more ...physical relationship…”

“Oh…. that, well, that’s not because of the comment in the hospital… that’s because I told him we are…” Artemis replied with a sheepish grin.

Seeing Chase’s shock, Artemis decided to push the envelope a little further, “Jesus, you should have seen how excited Bleakly got when i promised him some pictures.”

At the moment Artemis was certain Chase was going to slug him with everything she she had, he intercepted her swing, making it look like a dance move.

“Chase…. Really?” Artemis interjected, his tone of saddened surprise. “Honestly I cleared all that up with the Chief the next day. He laughed his a*s off. He promised me he would play along, too,” Artemis replied with a devilish grin.

Chase growled under her breath “Real nice you two... Real nice.,”Chase spotted the chief out of the corner of her eye, giggling like an idiot because even he could tell the joke was up. With a strongly forced fake smile the dazzling brunette very nonchalantly gave the Chief a sign of her amusement by elegantly extending her middle finger.

With that message sent she stopped dancing and with a low growl which may or may not have involved her heel meeting Artemis foot the woman stalked off the floor heading to the thankfully free bar to hopefully forget. The devilish duo had gotten her again.

Artemis allowed Chase a few minutes to cool off apologizing to the disappointed suitors lined up to cop a feel on Officer Chase… or maybe even actually dance with her, But Artemis was pretty sure it was most of their intentions to do both.

Chase was currently glowering at what appeared to be a neon blue drink that had an extremely high amount of alcohol.  The cool breeze of the night air on the balcony her current hiding place doing more to settle her temper. “Its situations like this I should be able to drink,” she mutter to herself about her supposed design fault. Just then several floors below, Chase noticed the Chief was entering his car and leaving.

Artemis cautiously approached Chase offering his jacket. It was rather chilly and though she was a cyber, to Artemis she was still a lady and he felt obliged to offer his jacket. In the moonlight, Chase was absolutely stunning. Artemis could barely get his mind off of that fact as he Cautiously asked, “You’re not still mad at me are you?”

Chase raised her gaze flicking a glare at him but then spying the offered jacket. With a rather deep sigh she shook her head in a negative and offered a warm smile. “You’re lucky I’m charmed by gentlemanly behaviour.” she stated with a soft grin. “Did you know the chief left?” she asked both curious and as an olive branch of sorts.

“Yeah,” Artemis replied quietly, “he said he had to take care of something. He got a call from the squad room and left looking pretty confused.”

“Should we follow? I mean if the chiefs surprised... might be wise to,” she queried a part of her all ready to go.

“Nah, he’s a big boy. I’m sure if he needed us he’d have said so.” Artemis replied, his tone suddenly becoming suspicious, “Nice try trying to get out of this pony show though.” He finished with a wink.

“You have no mercy,” Chase stated dramatically with a pout.

Artemis smiled, but even as enamored as he was by her appearance he had to keep his mind on why he was actually there.

“So, about the data disk,” Artemis inquired.

Chase sighed, “I think I already know what you're going to ask, Artemis.” she replied  with a touch of annoyance.

“I figured you might,” Artemis replied. He knew she would be able to tell he was concerned about the decryption process once he figured out how she was accomplishing it.

 Chase fidgeted before speaking up, her reluctance noticeable. “Yes, I AM decrypting the disk internally. Nothing at the precinct came even close to the computational power to do this. It’s the only way.

“Well… I don't like it. Is it safe?” Artemis immediately replied with a serious air of concern to his remark

Chase touched Artemis face gently as a gesture of gratitude for the concern for her safety, “don't worry partner,”She leaned up rising up to the tip of her toes to reach his ear. “I used a condom,” she replied, whispering softly.

“Wait… What?” Artemis blurted out… her remark obviously shocking him.

Chase smirked replying.“Sure… I figured I should when screwing another piece of technology.”

“No no no… Stop,” Artemis begged, putting his hands to his ears to cover them, “I don't want to know what you…

Chase exploded in laughter, “I'm sorry. I just had to go there. Your reaction did NOT disappoint.” Chase’s tone softened, “ I just want you to relax.”

Artemis was baffled by such a ridiculous request,”Relax? You're kidding right?”

Chase shook her head. “yes, relax. I have protocols in place that can't be overridden to ensure I don't get hacked.” She assured her partner, “I can't even imagine how it could be done.”

Artemis felt a slight breeze of relief at Chase’s explanation.

“Although... it might be worth getting hacked if i get to see that face you pulled again,” chase responded, shaking with barely restrained giggles.

Suddenly, an officer ran out onto the balcony in a nervous panic. “Holy s**t… there you are. Thank God I found you two.”

“Why?” Artemis replied instinctively snapping into work mode, “What’s going on?”

Chase, too, became tense. Even she knew intuition shouldn’t happen for cybers… but hers nerves were on fire. Perhaps it was a reaction to Artemis, but she knew better.

The officer caught his breath before trying to speak, “All units are to be deployed. We have another 10-66… shots fired with an officer down. There’s another cyber on the loose”

Chase grabbed the officer to calm him, “Where? Who? Almost every officer is here tonight…” she interrogated the nervous rookie cop.

“It’s at the station,” he gasped, “Chief Barlow has been shot!”

Without hesitation, Chase looked at Artemis, and dove off the balcony… taking the fastest route to her waiting patrol car.

Artemis glanced back at the rookie, “Mobilize EVERYTHING we’ve got!” he barked as he sprang over the railing in pursuit of his partner.

The rookie stared in awe as he ran to the railing. He knew Artemis was tough, he’d heard the stories… the legends… but the balcony was seven stories up… How could he possibly survive that fall?


© 2017 LeighAndJeff

Author's Note

comments wanted (i do not own the image )

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Added on March 10, 2017
Last Updated on March 10, 2017
Tags: System Error, Artemis, Chase



Schuylkill Haven, PA

This is a split account for both Leigh Hodgens and Jeff Margavage. Leigh and myself have been writing for over a year together with a most unique arrangement. I guess it isn't often people who have ne.. more..
