Chapter 3: Hired

Chapter 3: Hired

A Chapter by BlueRex

"X-Chrono?" I asked. "What kind of company is this?" I demanded. "Sit" He said calmly pointing to a chair. So I went over and sat down. The chair felt really comfortable. I think there was a vibrating feature. "20 years ago, X-Chrono and Xplover where one company. We called it: X-Plore. Real simple. But then those islands started to form, and us bosses were arguing over whether preserve the nature and species on them or wipe everything out and build a new civilization. We argued for a long time and then someone tried to shoot me, and I announced that we would split companies. We, the ones who wanted to preserve, X-Chrono, and them, who wanted to wipe out all out, Xplover, they took our old name and altered it a bit. Recently, we sent a agent over to one of the biggest islands, Tropicoast, but over halfway on their way there, their chopper lost signal. We want to send you, Ms. Aeroskie, to retrieve our lost agent and bring him back here." the man finished. "Why me?" I asked. "Xplover's system of hiring workers is not accurate. We spy on people trying to get hired and bring them here if they have good skills." he answered. "Why haven't I heard of X-Chrono before?" I asked.
"When we split, Xplover said they changed the name and didn't mention us, plus they made a contract, right there on TV, that no one may copy Xplover. So we weren't able to advertise. If we revealed ourselves now, they would sue us. We sent our agent to gain information so we can rise above Xplover, because their contract clearly stated that: "All companies with the same plot which is smaller and weaker will be sued and that company building will be added to Xplover". So, do you want the job?"

At first I thought I thought he was lying, so I simply said "I'll think about it." , "When you decide, come back here and say either yes or no to Shades, he'll escort you back home. When you come back, Shades will be waiting at the forest entrance." He replied. "Oh, and tell anyone about this, and we'll have to make you forget, somehow, with methods that are far worse than standard memory erasers." He grinned. And so I left. At the big front door, Shades gestured to me to follow him. About halfway there, I looked to my left and saw something hidden under a hill, like a cave. "What's that?" I asked. "Beats me." He replied. When we finally got to the parking lot. I walked over to my car and drove home.

When I got back home, I instantly looked up X-Chrono on my blue netbook laptop.
I didn't see anything, so I was sure that X-Chrono was fake. But then I went to Xplover's main website, and there link that said: "History" So I clicked that. Here's what it said:

When Xplover was first founded, its name was X-Plore, due to working with past members, they were fired, along with a boss, because of arguments concerning the changing environments of Earth. They claimed they were going to make a better company, better than Xplover, but then we, Xplover, made a contract stating: ""All companies with the same plot which is smaller and weaker will be sued and that company building will be added to Xplover" So when they decide to show themselves, they will be sued. The arguments were simple. Whether we would create a civilization and preserving nature, or wiping out all the inhabits and building a great city. Of course, we were the noble ones. So we split and no one knows where they are today.

Then I was convinced, but I wasn't sure whether Xplover or X-Chrono  were telling the truth. But then I realized that X-Chrono said they had sent an agent. And Xplover didn't say anything about that, so I was more convinced that X-Chrono was telling me the truth. But it wasn't proof. I ate lunch and headed down back to the Xplover parking lot. Shades wasn't waiting there. Probably because X-Chrono didn't think I'd answer so fast. I was about to enter the forest when I realized I didn't know the way. I was about to turn back when I saw Xplover's back door opening. I dove in the brush and saw that he was a Xplover employee with a smoke gun and a grenade.

The man looked in all directions, to make sure that no one was watching him, and he ran to the path into the forest. I decided to follow him from the safety of the tall plants and trees. After about 30 minutes, I saw the same cave under the hill I saw before when Shades was escorting me out. I knew that he was looking for X-Chrono, but I wasn't %100 sure. Finally, after about 30 more minutes later, I saw the X-Chrono cave. The man grinned, and ran towards it. I ran just a little bit behind him in the trees. He stopped and aimed his smoke gun at the entance, and pure courage but no thought put my next though into action. I ran towards him and jumped and tackled him, knocked the smoke gun out of his hands. After a couple of seconds he recovered from his shock and threw me off. At that exact moment, Shades popped out of the X-Chrono front door, and grabbed the man and flung him to the ground. Shades put his foot down on the man's stomach roughly. "What are you doin' here?" Shades asked the man in an angry tone. The man didn't answer. I looked at him, and saw his hand move behind his back, and when he brought his arm out, in his hand was a hunting knife.

I ran and stomped on his arm and bent over and took the knife. I kneeled and pointed the knife at the man, who had worry on his face. Shades looked as though he didn't even notice, he was still glaring at the man. "What are YOU doin' here?!" Shades repeated, louder this time. "Xplover sent me." said the man, with his teeth clenched. "No bullcrap, tell me the TRUTH!" said Shades, annoyed. "Whenever someone doesn't make the job, you come and take, them, my boss said to follow you and record it, now all of Xplover knows where you are!" The man said grinning. "Damn it..." Shades whispered. Shades took his foot off the man and said: "I'll gonna let ya go this time, but If I ever see you again, this knife will be the last thing you will ever see! To make sure I don't forget you, I'll make a mark that won't go away." Shades said grinning. Shades bent down and made a scar on the man's face.
The man screamed with pain. "Now SCRAM!" Shades yelled. The man got up and ran, occasionally looking back. Shades then looked at me and asked: "How'd you find our base?", "I followed that man." I said. "Alright then. You decided yet?" He asked. "First I have a question for you." I said. "Shoot." He answered. "Okay... number one, why is there so much illegal violence between you and Xplover and number two, Xplover said they were the noble ones, so who's telling the truth?" I asked. "For number one, I don't know, ask Xplover, and number two, they're lying. They're trying to look good in front of people so more people will want to join them." He answered back. "Okay then my answer is yes, I'll join X-Chrono." Shades grinned once again and said: "Follow me." They went inside X-Chrono and Shades told the boss everything. The boss was smiling and  walked over to his loudspeaker and sat in his comfy and announced: "Attention everyone, we have a new member, and her name is Syrena Aeroskie!"

Everything after that was living hell.

© 2011 BlueRex

Author's Note

Please ignore grammar and spelling. Please also mention any other known errors, such as detail.

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Can't please everyone I guess Haha XD

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

The detail was okay. Need more description in some places, and less than others. You need less dialog, though. There is way too much and not enough detail. Half of this could be explained in a paragraph if it didn't have the dialog. Maybe a little more length, and in some places it's not very realistic. I also would like to say that any number five and over is spelled out in words not numbers. So, instead of "30" it would be "thirty."

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on September 11, 2011
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You want to know about me? Okay, but can I ask YOU a question first? Are you a STALKER. 0_0 LOL Kidding! I have 2 leopard geckos and love World of Warcraft. more..

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A Book by BlueRex