I love you.....

I love you.....

A Poem by Kitty Nyght

The moon shines bright,

A song so sweet

A wolf that howls

On a swift heart beat 


A one that loves

A heart that is true

A swift flowing river

With a chant


"I love you..."


A grand love

A heart of gold

The brave

and the bold


A song so sweet,

A story that is true

A wolf's howl



"I love you..."


© 2011 Kitty Nyght

My Review

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"A swift flowling river"...you might want to remove that second "l" there. This was a nice simple poem with a sweet sentiment.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks guys, I really think that I did an 'ok job'. It isn't my best though....Thanks for the comments.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like the image of nature, in the form of a river and a wolf, saying "I love you". We are all part of nature.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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A song so sweet,
A story that is true
A wolf's howl

"I love you..."

amazing just amazing !!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2010
Last Updated on June 8, 2011


Kitty Nyght
Kitty Nyght

Phoenix, AZ

Hello. I am a Chicken Smoothie Semi-Literate RPer with a big attitude and an endless mind. I love Wolf's Rain and Naruto, in my free time I do custom sketch art of Naruto characters. more..

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