He in this world.

He in this world.

A Story by Lotte

This is the second part of the three stories. There is also: -She in this world. ( part 1 first part) - He in this world. ( this part ) - They in this world. ( 3/ last part.


He in this world:


“ This smell… I smelled it before. The burning smell of buildings and rubbish. This feeling, like a thousand knife stabs inside my heart.  It is dark… real dark, finding a light to shine up the darkness but I can’t find it. Feel like it is snowing, but it is dark black snow, black as ash. The snow burns on my skin. What is that? A doll? It looks like a little girls doll… It is dusty and burned off. I should take it with me. The ground hurts.. I don’t wear shoes, why don’t I wear shoes? Good question to ask me self. Huh? What is that there, it looks like a butterfly? Oh it has a half burned wing, don’t fly away! Wait ! don’t leave me ! What is that dark flood, it is so dark…I can’t see….’’


As he wakes up, he looks around confuse with an heading. He ‘’ What a weird dream, it was the same dream as last time.’’ He stands up and walks to the other side of the room, it was open, broken, destroyed and dangerous. It looks like something hit the wall and broke it down. He looks out of the building into the world, the world of chemicals, poison, gas, dirt and death. The world of death that is what he sees. He start to walk over to the stairs and walks downstairs. In the building there isn’t a front door, the whole front is gone of the lower floor. He walks to the cleanest place to get good water. He is scared to drink it, because he don’t know what is inside the water. There could be chemicals inside it and he could die of it. He looks at it and start to open the crane and carefully drinks out of it. The water doesn’t taste normal, it taste  dirty but to survive he needs to drink it. He starts to walk around, searching for survivors. As he walks he feels the stares of a few strange man, he also hears the sound of their footsteps. He walks quicker a lot quicker than before. The footsteps starts to walk faster to, he looks over his neck and sees nothing. He is relieve, but as soon as he moves again he bumps into a man. The strange man is not alone two man stand beside him, they are laughing at him. He crawls back and is scared. The people who stand in front of him are laughing hard, they giving signs to each other’s. They are planning something…but what? He want to stand up and run away but as soon as he stands up he gets a kick into his stomach. He falls on the ground and cough blood. The two man stands behind him and pulling him up by his arms, he can’t escape even if he tries to. The first man walks to him and speaks to him, but he can’t understand the language. The strange man gets angry and he start to beat him up. He coughs blood, he feels the pain changes from one place to another. It is unbearable, the pain, the feelings and the moment itself. The strange mans are still beating him up, he don’t notice the pain anymore. Everything in his mind starts to fade, it became dark. Dark as black. There was a voice in his head, it was from a girl. It was a beautiful voice, an encourage voice. The voice is saying ‘’ wait! Don’t go! Where are you going!?’’. He wakes up and looks around, the strange man are gone, they took his shoes, his wallet, his lest bit of food and his identity. Well in a world as this it shouldn’t matter if you have an identity yes or no. He remembers the voice in his head. Who is this girl? And why did she called to him? He looks around confuse and thinks about the whole situation. This world is cruel, painful, disrespectful… well the world itself isn’t but the people are. He walks back to the building where he waked up, looks around for useful objects. He takes his old dusty bag and walks out of the building, looks back at the building with honor and respect. He starts to walk of. When he walks he is smelling something. He ‘’ This smell… I smelled it before. The burning smell of buildings and rubbish.’’ He feels the pain again from the beat up. He ‘’’ This feeling, like a thousand knife stabs inside my heart.’’ Because of all the ash in the air it became dark, just as his heart. He ‘’ It is dark… real dark, finding a light to shine up the darkness but I can’t find it.’’ As he walks further he feels a soft feeling on his painful skin, it feels as snow. He ‘’ . Feel like it is snowing, but it is dark black snow, black as ash. The snow burns on my skin.’’ Every ashflake burns on his skin, the flakes are still warm from the fire.  He walks and stands on something, he looks down to see what it is. He  . What is that? A doll? It looks like a little girls doll… It is dusty and burned off. I should take it with me..’’  He looks around if he sees a child but nowhere is one to be found. He starts to walk further with the found doll, to hopefully find the owner one day. The harsh ground gives a lot of wound to his feet’s. He ‘’The ground hurts.. I don’t were shoes, why don’t I wear shoes? Good question to ask me self. Huh?’’ He totally forgot he was deprives. As he looks down at his feet’s he sees something sparkling in the distance of him. He looks up as the sparkling comes closer. He ‘’ ? What is that there, it looks like a butterfly? Oh it has a half burned of wing’’ As the butterfly flies close to him and he wants to touch it, it flew away. He ‘’ don’t fly away! Wait ! don’t leave me!’’ The butterfly flies away, it looks like it is leading something. He follows the butterfly but when he comes nearer to it a dark flood comes. He ‘’ ! What is that dark flood, it is so dark…I can’t see….’’  The darkness is created by the ashes of the burning city. He still following the sparkling butterfly, where he is going no one knows, but it is a lot better than this place.


© 2015 Lotte

Author's Note

Sorry if this is really bad. I just enjoy making them. And dream away in my stories while writing. So if they are bad just say so, or if these are good say to! I really love to hear your opinions.

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Added on June 10, 2015
Last Updated on June 10, 2015
Tags: In this world. world. short stor



Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands

Hi, I am Lotte (16) I just enjoy writing ones in a while, so I thought I should upload a few of my stories because hehe my family said I should. They said it was good, but I don't think so. But I ho.. more..

Suicide Suicide

A Story by Lotte