Chapter 1-Made to last

Chapter 1-Made to last

A Chapter by Rebecca


Time had passed, sometimes slowly and others faster, but Rebeth remained the same all these years. Mentally. She was meditating easier and deeper making her a very calm individual. Cryl had vanished with Vria. Cryl usually was able to be found due to his strong bond on the Force, but not this time. Rebeth believed he was dead along with Vria. She only had Bobbert and the place she loved most; Cryl's restaurant. She never changed its name, she wanted to remember him, remember the first time she stepped in it with Garonth on Alderaan. Life was calm in Naboo and she succeeded to make it to a 3 star chef. Sometimes, Queen Niaria Qilon, (the new queen of Naboo) had asked her to prepare meals for when she was holding a dinner with her officers, ministers and generals. Queen Niaria also knew how strong in the Force Rebeth was and had asked her to be her bodyguard, especially to as dangerous planets as Mandalore and Tatooine. Ever since Cryl was considered dead along with Vria, Rebeth had brought a new assistant. Starine Eseva was her name. They met as Rebeth had been to a restaurant on Corellia with Garonth. She felt her strong Force-signature and decided to pass her skills down to her. Now, Rebeth and Starina were working in the same restaurant. This day was no different. Both Rebeth and Starina were working in the restaurant, which now was offering Naboo specialties, mostly spaghetti and fillets with different sauces and salad side dishes.

Starina was born on Corulag by Corellian parents. She looked incredibly similar to her mother; a beautiful teacher on Corulag, who was an expert on Olys Corellisi (mostly known as Old Corellian). Starina's mother and father, who was a well-paid programmer, had signed her up in the Corellian University to become a lawyer. However, she was always fascinated by cooking and followed her own path secretly being a chef. 2 years after being a sous chef in Naboo, Rebeth asked her to tell her parents about it, but avoiding telling them about her secret training, because it could worry them. Their reaction was calm, but it made Starina feel bad. They were sad as their dreams for her were shattered. However, Rebeth explained them that being a chef is great, explaining them how popular chefs get and how rich they get, much like Cryl when he was with Rebeth. Then they took the news with a better reaction, but still, they expected more from their daughter.

It was a sunny, spring day and Rebeth had been to deeper in the woods than her “cottage” (now she has a villa inside Theed) to meditate. Starina eventually found her. Her long brown hair, were gently blown back by the breeze and her sky blue eyes wandered in the beautiful Naboo woodland.

“Rebeth.” she called barely audibly. Rebeth opened her eyes with a smile.

“Yes, Starina ?” she asked Rebeth, whose hair was now dyed brown, but she still had some white hair. She was 60 years old.”...which, makes Cryl, 70.” recalled Rebeth their 10 year age gap. Then she recalled, when they were still together and how he smelt of candy when he was coming out of the shower, when he was washing himself with Rebeth's bubble bath. Or his soft fingertips when he was touching her face. His soft, small lips that had left so many lovebites on her white breasts and most of all, the lightsaber she took to her midriff as she tried to save him from that Sith, who was Vria's father's apprentice. “ they are both dead.” thought Rebeth and sighed.

“Are you ok ?” asked Starina in her soft voice. Rebeth nodded and blinked her eyes several times to avoid tears rolling on her pale face, but the lump in her throat that made her voice quiver gave her away.

“Yes.” she replied.

“Sure ?” asked Starina in a more serious voice. Rebeth could tell he had understood that she knew she was sad. Rebeth sighed again.

“No. Much like the day Captain Eclipse died in Starkiller's arms, I mourn Cryl's and Vria's in mine.” she whispered and wiped the tears off her face.

“I know it must be tough. You really loved them.” said Starina and Rebeth looked in her blue eyes with her own.

“Anyways, I shouldn't burden you with my worries. Tell me what brought you here ?” asked Rebeth and dusted off her epaulettes.

“I want to learn how to use as strong Force-lightning as you.” she said. Rebeth gave her a grin.

“I told you, I'm not teaching you that. That's a dark side leftover of my time being a sith apprentice.” she said and shook her head in annoyance.

“I need to learn it.” she insisted.

“Give me a good reason for that.” Rebeth challenged her.

“I want to join the resistance. I want to bring my ideals and your ideals to this galaxy. The First Order must be defeated and it depends on us. You already know General Organa. You and Cryl cooked for her and fought alongside her.” she replied.

“Starina, look, Naboo may support the Republic, but we are neutral in this war. Force knows that we don't want to repeat our mistake.” said Rebeth and shrugged.

“Exactly, we need to fight to get our republic back.” said Starina with a hostile frown.

“I took you under my wing, because I wanted you to get off that awful restaurant and off that awful boss of yours and I taught you how to defend yourself and to pass down all of my skills. You are my successor, my new daughter, my new padawan. I felt horribly lonely without my husband and without Vria. Therefore, I don't want you to risk your life and die. I can't afford another death. Let's just lay low.” said Rebeth and sulked.

“I want to make a difference.” said Starina bossily this time hoping to motivate Rebeth, but Rebeth started massaging her temples instead. “What's wrong ?” asked Starina.

“I'm not feeling well. Something bad will happen.” she said and her headache worsened. “I feel...I feel a sun fading, dying...Aaaaah !” screamed Rebeth loudly. She held her head between her hands hard. She felt as if someone has pierced her skull with a blade. Her scleras' veins reddened and her eyes with full with tears. She heard another screen, Starina's. She closed her eyes with her hands. They felt as if they were on fire and eventually both of them started panting when all mental pain was gone.

“What the Mustafar was that ?” asked Starina with tired eyes. Rebeth took deep breaths.

“I have no idea. Something really bad. I had to feel that way since...since the destruction of Alderaan, but this time it was much much worse and very intense.” she said as she was shaking. Sometime passed and Rebeth spoke again. “Let's meditate and head to the Queen, I'm afraid I will have to talk with the minister of defense.” said Rebeth and as she was meditating she massaged her temples again.

About a quarter later, they were much calmer and with a clearer mind. Rebeth suggested to Starina to drive all the way to the center of Theed and to the royal palace.


“Her majesty will accept you now.” said her aide.

Rebeth had arrived to the royal palace. The aide took them to the throne room and pushed the large ebony doors to open it. The first thing the two of them noticed was a holoprojector showing the galactic map and several generals around her.

“Your majesty, lady Sunwatcher would like to see you.” he said with a deep bow.

“Let her pass.” she said and noticed Starina. “Let them pass.” she corrected herself. Starina took a bow.

“Your majesty, there has been a disturbance in the Force.” said Rebeth and sighed.

“Yes, the First Ordered destroyed the Republic Capital; Hosnian Prime...” the queen was saying, but a Selkath general interrupted her.

“The Hosnian System, has been destroyed.”

“HOW DARED THEY !” yelled Rebeth and then added in a whisper...”that explains our headaches.” but the queen heard that.

“Headache ?” she asked confused.

“I felt a great disturbance. I can't explain it.” she said in a low voice again.

“Miss Eseva, did you feel it as well ?” asked the queen.

“Yes, your majesty.” replied Starina.

“I see you have a strong bond to the Force. Rebeth has taught you well. Please come closer to look at the interactive map. It's been updated in a 2 seconds of holonet time.” she suggested and Rebeth with Starina approached. “I have a mission for the two of you. An Alsakan spy working for the Coruscanti Intelligence Service, has some information on the First Order. I suggest you find him. He will tell you what to do next.” said the Queen. Rebeth and Starina took a deep bow and saluted the queen.

“May the Force be with you.” she said worried.

Rebeth drew in her landspeeder all the way to the Theed Spaceport. She and Starina got in, ignited it. As they escaped from the Naboo's atmosphere and gravity, they jumped to lightspeed heading to Coruscant.


Rebeth and Starina landed in the Northern spaceport of Coruscant. According to their information, they'd meet the Alsakan spy in an Alderaanian restaurant. It was on the top of the highest skyscraper of Northern Coruscant. Rebeth felt strange, but she couldn't tell if it was good strange or bad strange. She saw him in the corner table of the restaurant. The restaurant had 3 glass walls at the hall, only the kitchen and lavatories were hidden from the public for obvious reasons. She and Starina looked outside in aww, as the dim, blue lights made the view look as if it was part of a dream and at every corner there was an ornamental plant. The Alsakan spy was dressed in a black suit and white shirt with a black tie and black trousers and matching, matte shoes. He was no older than early 40s and his hair, was rich and black. Rebeth took a seat opposite of him and Starina next to him.

“White.” he said plainly.

“Black.” Rebeth said the password.

“Girtin Marqans, CIS.” he said with a smile.

“Rebeth Sunwatcher, NIIS.” (Naboo Intergalactic Intelligence Service)

“Did queen Niaria sent you ?” asked Girtin. Rebeth couldn't reply, so Starina did for her.

“Excuse my absence.” said Rebeth and rushed to what she thought was the bathroom. Her stomach was a mess, a tight knot. She was feeling really bad. The kitchen was empty, just like the hall of the restaurant. She thought that was probably because it was 1 o clock in the midnight. She noticed on the counter some lemons and quickly got one. She started scratching it so she could smell it. Fresh lemon scent was what Salina was giving to Rebeth when she was sick. It'd work now too.

Oh merdes !” she heard a voice in the back of her brain and thus ignored it. “Viens ici !” said the bass voice again and a steps were heard. “Viens ici vite !” said the voice again and just then Rebeth dropped her jaw. That sounded a lot like Cryl. Rebeth quickly wondered if Cryl had a son before he was married with her ? With Garada ? With Vienn ? Maybe with Geraldine ?

She didn't know, but looked at the source of the voice. She noticed a tall man with half of his head bald, the rest was white and grey hair and he was sporting a white beard.

“Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?” asked a feminine voice. Rebeth moved a little farther so they'd both be in her vision. It was a middle-aged woman, with short, brown hair.

“Excuse” she was saying till she noticed that their eyes, his dark brown ones and her light green ones where looking at her. Rebeth recognized Vria. “Are you Vria ?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes.” she said losing a breath.

“Beth ?!” asked the man also in disbelief.

“Cryl ? My goodness, I recognize your voice, but...I can hardly recognize your features.” she said and froze.

“Oh ma Force...” he was saying and Rebeth knew it was him.

“YOU ARE ALIVE ?! Oh my Force. I love you. I love you both.” she said and embraced both of them.

“Rebeth !” called Cryl and Vria. Rebeth started crying like a baby.

All these years...I thought...I thought you guys were dead. Tell me you are alive. Please.” she said panting and crying. Cryl kissed her soft hair as she had buried her head in his chest. He let her in his chest for a good while. Till she'd calm down. Eventually she stopped crying and her tears dried, but she was still shaking. She looked in front of her. Cryl had aged a lot and Vria looked so mature.



Rebeth alongside Cryl and Vria were battling a sith lord, who asked Garonth to bring him a bull rancor for his castle on Dromund Kaas. Rebeth knew that it was a bad idea. The sith lord, bored after that one hour of constant fight with them released a powerful Force-Repulse knocking everyone against the rocks in the canyon they were in. Rebeth gets on her feet tiredly. Cryl was knocked unconscious and blood was all over his features and Vria was nowhere to be seen. The sith lord eventually with a powerful Force-lightning made Rebeth also fall unconscious and as Cryl was recovering, he noticed Rebeth lying limp on the muddy ground as the pouring rain kept falling on her motionless body. He saw the sith lord swoop Rebeth and considered her dead. Cryl continued being motionless with only his eyes barely moving, he played dead so that the sith lord would just let him be and when the time was right, he got up and swooped Vria to carry her to Rebeth's yacht.


Rebeth and Cryl, both lowered their mental shields and Rebeth noticed that when he flew back to Naboo without her, he noticed his restaurant was destroyed and their house in the woods was empty. So he left Naboo with only Vria and his wounded heart only to be “reborn by his ashes” in Coruscant.

When Rebeth returned to Naboo after she managed to kill him and his acolytes, she considered Cryl and Vria dead. Their bodies were nowhere to be found and as she lived in her empty house and not seeing them return, she held their funeral alone, by sealing her “cottage” and moving to a larger house in the center of Theed, so that she'd be safer and closer to others.

Since they both lost each other and thought they died, they never got the chance to catch up to each other and this miraculous, magical, euphoric moment gave all of them so much happiness. Rebeth caressed Cryl's soft beard, covering his face and kissed him gently as he closed his eyes in pleasure. Not sexual pleasure, but the pleasure of reuniting with her, of being a family again. She let her lips wander on his face and touch his lips, which remained “glued” to each other for several seconds, till they both separated their lips and kissed passionately, with all the emotions they felt; the love, the happiness, the nostalgia. They separated their lips as Starina opened the door.

“Rebeth ?” asked Starina confused. Rebeth quickly looked at her.

“Who's she ?” asked Cryl curiously.

“My new's a long story.” and thus they all headed outside to the hall, where the spy had filled in Starina, who explained them their mission and gave them the coordinates, which were in an encrypted cylinder.

Rebeth entered the co-ordinates in her datapad and noticed that they led to planet D'Qar, which would be their next stop and they'd fight on a battle to take down the Starkiller base. Rebeth considered this a blasphemy for the martyr of the Rebellion, Galen Marek.

© 2015 Rebecca

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Added on December 27, 2015
Last Updated on December 28, 2015
Tags: Cryl, Vria, Rebeth Lauranna Sunwatcher, Starina Eseva, Star Wars, The Force Awakens



Athens, Attica, Greece

Hello, I'm Revekka :) I moved from deviantart to this lovely site, simply because the site was beyond annoying including the community. I'm sure I will enjoy my stay here. more..
