While brushing my teeth

While brushing my teeth

A Poem by Loney tunes

It describes a situation in which we often find ourselves; when we are been criticised and find it hard to reply. You cannot talk while brushing your teeth

again the persistent wind blows
ushering in the advent
of creatures that bring low
and the terrible fangs they vent.

plague feeding on plaque
they are, their colour
as always; dirty black
offering a life with no honour.

climbing over fences
to disturb my peace
breaking through my defences
and slashing me with ease

i am looked upon as a loafer
as i slide down the ladder
many excuses did i offer
yet i am choked up by lather

insidously moving like beetles
invading my sacred cool
o,faster, faster bristles
come to my rescue.

sideways, rapidly i move
dribbling through the maze
praying for the time when
i'll regard this as just another haze

trying hard to see the light
of why people would rather
have me painted white,
when it is only an endless bother.

© 2012 Loney tunes

Author's Note

Loney tunes
The poem is quite deep; u might have to read it 2 or 3 times to understand it

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Added on August 10, 2012
Last Updated on August 10, 2012
Tags: criticism, freedom, reproach, Condemnation, imperfection