Paradox of the Blank Page

Paradox of the Blank Page

A Poem by Loney tunes

This is more of philosophy than poetry

it is expected to be white,
to entail nothing but light
yet its is cold like ice,
proving us again unright.
provoking does it sound
that what is deemed immaculate
and a well shaped round
is just a victim we overrate.
so which is blank:
the empty room with no doors
or the wall so dank
with graffiti of colours?
the room harbours a message;
i am right.
the wall displays a  message:
i'm not white.
the room says:
i am  so empty
on the wall lays;
i am everything
so which is blank:
a white piece of paper 
buttered with ink
or a white piece of paper?
like a game with rules,
a trick with a ruse,
a riddle with clues,
a paper spattered with juice
such is that which is blank.
it never absents knowlege
from wisdom's own tank,
neither does it give you edge
nor improve one's rank.
it might contain characters
but it is just an act
that in the end falters
in revealing the true fact;
it offers what is known
in lieu for the truth,
which you claim to own
till you get to the root.
to be blank or plain
is to espouse no meaning,
come the sun or rain
but still show no leaning;
the basis of confusion,
the onus of illusion,
the bane of perfection,
the tool of education.
in the beginning before the end
we wish to be scribbled on by the ink
which betrays and at the same time befriend
 so as to impede the way we think.
                             think deep

© 2012 Loney tunes

Author's Note

Loney tunes
This poem is meant to be highly thought provoking

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Added on December 11, 2012
Last Updated on December 12, 2012