On my knees

On my knees

A Poem by Loney tunes

Do i have a right to be sorrowful
to seek a life of bliss
that i have thought to myself not rightful
even if only by lease
I look through the windows again
gazing at trivialities i do not need
but what is it's gain
if i am too big to fall on my knees

The tears dripping from my eyes
wishing they could fetch me ice
the distaste within my lips
 pain from my knees transcend to my hips
Staring sadly at my chessboard
knowing my king is past his peak
but i dare not bulge
i am too big to fall on my knees

Control is the reason
pride is the villain
redemption is the goal
rigidity is the gaol
Gazing from lofty heights with condescension
stuck between obedience and self-destruction
only on my feet can i plead
'cos hurt does not come upon my knees

© 2011 Loney tunes

Author's Note

Loney tunes
please do not hold back, speak your mind

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sad poem, but i like it

Posted 12 Years Ago

There is such sadness in the poem. Questioning yourself, but at the same time proud. It is almost like you have given up and will take the punishment, but you have one last disobedience, you won't drop. But I may be reading this incorrectly, I'm just so struck by the sad despair leaking through the cracks of the resolve in it's heart. Again, I may have it all wrong...please excuse me if I have got the wrong impression. Such sadness though... :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 17, 2011
Last Updated on October 17, 2011