If Today...

If Today...

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson


If Today
By: Lorraine Pearson
June 24, 2008

If today I died,
I would return
As a gazelle…
if I knew you would run in my fields-
Or even a dolphin…
if I knew you would swim in my waters-
But deep magic such as this is pointless,
For you still long to roam in distant lands of
which I am unfamiliar…
So for now, I remain all I am
While I look for you in the moon.

© Lorraine Pearson 2008

© 2008 Lorraine Pearson

My Review

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Lorraine, I love the way you have taken such an wonderful metaphoric approach to love and longing and desire for union, but what really makes this poem work is the last line, "I look for you in the moon." I used to tell my son when he was little that when you miss me, look at the moon at 10 o'clock and in that moon I will be. And so, when I traveled, I always made a point to find the moon at 10 and in that moon I would find my son as he would me. So, for me, your poem has a very special significance. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Great imagery to express a wistful wanting! I liked to very much!

Posted 13 Years Ago

i liked this a lot. a very wistful wanting. very visual as well. and the photo accompanying it was perfect for the poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Lorraine, I love the way you have taken such an wonderful metaphoric approach to love and longing and desire for union, but what really makes this poem work is the last line, "I look for you in the moon." I used to tell my son when he was little that when you miss me, look at the moon at 10 o'clock and in that moon I will be. And so, when I traveled, I always made a point to find the moon at 10 and in that moon I would find my son as he would me. So, for me, your poem has a very special significance. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Even more gorgeous the second time!

Posted 16 Years Ago

A well-written poem with a clear message

I enjoyed the read,
the rhythm was perfect

Good work!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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This is absolutely gorgeous.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on June 24, 2008
Last Updated on June 30, 2008


Lorraine Pearson
Lorraine Pearson

Largo, FL

I am a freed soul that enjoys writing as much as reading. Its exciting to be amongst others in a forum such as this where no matter the path I'm on in my journey through life, I know I can express wh.. more..


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