Why write a book about writing?

Why write a book about writing?

A Chapter by Louis T. Bruno

I'm thinking about writing a book about writing. Daunting task, but I think I'm up for the challenge.


Why write a book about writing? If we all decided to write a book we would all be intellectuals who wore funny looking bowler hats and smoked pipes, debating the stock market in Asia. That’s why I think intellectuals, fiction writers, and comedy writers write books for their own entertainment, their own amusement, but we all write for different reasons. That’s why we write. Yes, I’m talking to everyone who has themselves holed up in the library studying for a test, or the ones outside smoking a cigarette and debating Socrates suicide methods, and what he actually meant by his last dying words. But the answer I came up with is simple: the real artists are the ones who feel alone.

As I lie in my bed, I began to wonder if I can really pull this off. Taking cue from Stephen Kings Danse Macabre, I knew that I would have to worry about the scholarly essays and what would be important in my adventure to write this book. What he said was simple: “those remarkable moments when the creator of a horror story is to unite the conscious and subconscious mind with one potent idea.” Or as I like to call it a germ that makes the story tangible, and what tastes good (or nasty) to the reader. The characters can unfold, but if there isn’t that reality, or germ, that makes people say, “hmm, that’s interesting” then don’t count on your story staying afloat. I have said that while reading Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Stephen King, and many other writers whom I respect and greatly admire.

First of all writers have to begin with the blank piece of paper. Yes�"by the time I get this published paper might be out of fashion�"I keep going back and forth between paper and the computer, and I love it. I love making mistakes that I can scratch out with a pencil. It’s a thrill either way you look at the ways we write.

Secondly, what I’m going to talk about is visual artifacts. What I mean by visual artifacts is what the author presents to us in either small, long, or medium length sentences. Visual artifacts can be beautiful, like ancient texts or poetry, or thought provoking. In many cases, let’s get this show on the road.

Also, I am not a professional, even after six books, I still think that I am evolving everyday with my writing. So, here goes everything. 

© 2010 Louis T. Bruno

Author's Note

Louis T. Bruno
If anyone has any tips, or see any kind of source error, let me know and i'll change it.

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1 Review
Added on March 28, 2010
Last Updated on March 28, 2010


Louis T. Bruno
Louis T. Bruno

Richmond, U.S.A, United States Minor Outlying Islands

I was once apart of writerscafe, but then I fell back on the writing. Now, I will be reposting old stuff that I lost while creating new poems, novels, etc. I just finished my sixth novel, and am going.. more..
