The lost world

The lost world

A Poem by LunaWolf

As the clouds glide behind fractured boughs,
The final day of March is stubbed out by a mask of snow,
Light turns its back on a violent world once more,
And helplessly observing I'm lost on the ride of my emotions...

A waking world will fool itself once more, 
As a dying child looses their battle on the floor,
A human disgrace plays their victim,
Whilst Insecurity and guilt drives another,
To a pill overdose and wine...

Those of us left, sane but all abused,
Have had the chance of a pure world obliterated,
Though through blinding odds,
Some of us survive in the smothering air,
Some have found the light in this lost world. 

© 2010 LunaWolf

My Review

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This is a raw stands firm, tall to be read.
In this stanza: The final day of march is stubbed out by a mask of snow,
(March should be capitalized)
In this stanza: A waking world will fool it's self once more,
(it should be itself)

Good write overall, and keep up the good work:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Your writing is powerful...saturated with meaning. I adore it so much!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 29, 2010
Last Updated on April 1, 2010



Abermule, Wales, United Kingdom

Hi!!! I'm just an ordinary 15 year old girl from mid-Wales. i started to write a while back when life got tough.. it seemed to help. There is some things you cannot say so i just express it in my w.. more..

Exams! Exams!

A Poem by LunaWolf