The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114


A Chapter by M Garcia



Once there was a girl named Dew, her father was a huge Mountain Dew drinker and hoped that she'd be a boy so the name wouldn't be so weird. As she grew up, she became a Daddy's girl and tomboy. She was into sports and loved getting her way. Dew was a gorgeous woman, but she had a secret. If I were to be truthful, it’s not even her secret. This is her story.

* * *

"Dew Melanie Poff, get in here young lady!" my mother bellowed.

I cringed and wondered what I'd done now. My mother, for some reason hated me. I could never figure it out and still can't. I just don't get it.

I sauntered into the kitchen and looked at my mother. I was going to be defiant. If she was mean, I'd tell daddy on her. He was always on my side. "Yes, Mother," I said.

"Don't give me attitude and don't go tell your father on me either. You and I need to talk."

I sighed and sat down. "About what? I don't sleep around. I don't do drugs or smoke. I don't even have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I barely have any friends to go anywhere. So, what do we have to talk about?"

"Now you stop that. You are pregnant; honey, and your father and I are going to have to leave as soon as she is born."

I stared at my mother, mouth hanging open. Did she really hate me this much? "I can't be pregnant. I didn't do ANYTHING to get pregnant!” I stared at her. “How can this be? How would you know before me anyway?"

My mother looked at me sympathetically. "This was something that you had nothing to do with. The child will be a girl and beautiful."

"How can you possibly know that?"

"Sweetie, your father and I made a deal with some very bad people. Not the devil, he doesn't exist, well as far as I know, but other people. Real people. They are special, like your child will be. Anyway, each trip to the gynecologist was their chance to do invitro. They haven't been successful until your last trip."

My eyes went wide. "What the hell, Mother?! Do you hate me so much that you would do this to me? Are you so jealous of the way that Daddy treats me?"

She looked shocked. "No. You are our only child and will only be our only one. We made a deal that when you turned eighteen you would become the mother of a very special child. You were conceived the same way, which is how you came to be chosen. The deal was that they would help get us pregnant and in return you would become pregnant with one of their children."

"How could you do this to me?"

"If we hadn't agreed, there would be no you."

I glanced at my mother. I heard something in her voice that I rarely heard. Sorrow. "What do you mean?"

My mother looked sad. "I couldn't have children until they helped me. Unless I make another deal and I won't do that."

I looked at her. "Mother, I'm sorry. Why do you have to leave? Why do I have to do this alone?"

"Another part of the deal. They want to try and take her from you, don't let them push you around. If they can tell she would never leave you willingly, they won't take her. They won't force her. It’s against their culture to take a child from a parent. I want your word that you will bond completely with that child and make sure that they can't take her. I forced this onto you and I want you to be able to keep your child. Promise me, Dew."

I looked at my mother and I couldn't refuse her plea. "I promise, Mother. How long do we have?"

"You are about two months along. We have seven months left together and you will have about eight months after that before they will be coming after you and the baby."

"So I have what? Fifteen months? Seven with you and eight to bond with the child?"

My mother nodded.

I sighed. "What does Daddy say?"

"Don't be surprised if he starts to get excited and at the same time pushes you away. He loves you more than he loves himself and would do anything for you. Has done anything for you. He doesn't want to get close to you while you're pregnant, but he won't be able to help himself."

I wanted to cry. I loved my Father and don't get me wrong, I love my Mother, but I think she has been distancing herself from the time I was born. I've never had a relationship with her and now it was too late. I had hoped that we'd have more time, but it looked like I was out of time and now I would have to raise my daughter on my own.

© 2011 M Garcia

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I think you should continue...

Posted 12 Years Ago

The characters are believable and easy to relate to. And most importantly.......easy to get lost in your words. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Good one...!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I believe the story should be extended. I like the storyline and how you wrote the story. The description made each scene come alive. You got my attention and I would like to see where you are taking this story. A excellent story so far.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I dont think I've ever become so emotionally invested in a character so quickly. The suspense was AH-MAYzing!!! I couldnt help but be so intrigued by "them." I loved it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Wondeful story, I too think it should be continued.

Posted 12 Years Ago

you should write a book based on this it was great and i just loved it

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great story.
DEFINITELY continue it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Amazing story, please continue it. I want to read more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great advisory story of teenage tragedies heppened very commonly surrounding us thanks for sharing

Posted 12 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on June 18, 2011
Last Updated on October 3, 2011


M Garcia
M Garcia



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