Fear With Ignorance Makes Hate

Fear With Ignorance Makes Hate

A Poem by Marina Hartner

So many things are going wrong on this planet today. But we can't let it beat us. We MUST NOT let it win.


A world where darkness always wins
Where people drown among their sins
Days are black and filled with pain
And loss is greater than the gain

Millions curl in beds each night
While those elsewhere are forced to fight
No eyes can close, no soul can rest
When screams are silent and oppressed

Morning comes with dread and fear
The next disaster drawing near
Bombs and guns and children raped
Horrors that can't be escaped

Words are weapons, starting war
But who knows what the fighting's for
As no one wins and there's no end
This chaos is no passing trend

Fear with ignorance makes hate
Compassion comes when it's too late
Blameless groups deemed terrorists
Justice now does not exist

Extremists shan't control us all
In times of need we must stand tall
Even when all is bleak and grim
We must not stop, we can't give in

© 2015 Marina Hartner

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Added on December 13, 2015
Last Updated on December 13, 2015
Tags: Life, world, death, pain, suffering, people, terrorism, terrorists, extremists, fear, Ignorance, hate, despair, hope, survival, strength


Marina Hartner
Marina Hartner

United Kingdom

Sometimes I use big words that I don't fully understand because they're just so formidable. Sometimes I use big words because they're so intrinsically pertinent to my life. To be honest, I just real.. more..
