Tags : terrorists

For Queen and Country

For Queen and Country

A Story by Jawsnap

A follow up to 'Terrorists and Teacups' or more so a prequel.
Terrorizing Terror

Terrorizing Terror

A Poem by Simple_mee

The wail of innocents The blood-curdling shrieks The pain of mothers who have lost their sons The fury of families which are torn apart The red ..
The Fallen

The Fallen

A Poem by Jenna

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. This poem is inspired by the photograph "The Fallen Man" by Richard Drew.
Birth: or The Exquisite Sound of One Hand Falling Off a Turnip Truck

Birth: or The Exquisite Sound of One Hand Falling ..

A Book by S.T. Gulik

This is an absurdist coming of age/spy thriller featuring zombies, aliens, alternate realities, spies, nerdy terrorists and a mutant shadow government..


A Poem by Asya

This is my home, I was born here and lived here all my life.
Pain Redefined

Pain Redefined

A Chapter by TabaD

Things didn't start as expected for The Dragon Society; Clyde, Patrick and Furia will now try to look for help.
Israel's Difficult Choice

Israel's Difficult Choice

A Story by Rashir

This was written some years ago whilst Gilad Shalit was being held prisoner in Gaza. He has since been released.
Please, Stop Insulting Lone Wolves

Please, Stop Insulting Lone Wolves

A Story by Easter3

What ? Is that a Terrorist Howling ?!
A Rambling Argument for Secularism and Transformation

A Rambling Argument for Secularism and Transformat..

A Story by Easter3

Many things have been Done and Undone in the Name of God......


A Book by Early Sunset Over Monroev..

Everyone with blue eyes should have died, the Amendment said so. Yet Adelaide met Talon Dophane in her preschool class. When he disappeared, everyone ..
Basecode: Chapter One

Basecode: Chapter One

A Chapter by Early Sunset Over Monroev..

Talon diied in accordance with the Amendment... how could he still be alive?
Kill the Terrorists

Kill the Terrorists

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Fear With Ignorance Makes Hate

Fear With Ignorance Makes Hate

A Poem by Marina Hartner

So many things are going wrong on this planet today. But we can't let it beat us. We MUST NOT let it win.


A Poem by Katarina Alyson Jolie

Original short free-form poem Dark poem about a man who cannot help himself.

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