a poet deliberates on her lover's cliche

a poet deliberates on her lover's cliche

A Poem by Mary C

heaven will not
move through determination

nor earth shift
upon your insistence

beautiful man,
     if only i could wrap sure fingers
     around your offerings

        wear them like
        an amulet against the smooth
        skin of my wrist and
        gather myself more fully to your vision

but i am a poet
and see with different eyes

 i've suspended time
 beneath a birch
 to better memorize
 the frenetic voice of an eagle

 delved deeply in the textured scream of his dive-
       delivered myself
       like a trout
       to his talons

i've held static wind
in my grasp
just to absorb
it's insistent thrum

i've strangled the life
         from a perfect moment
         so i could later
         unclench and recount it on paper

a different sort,
we poets
rarely recant careful observation
 or detach ourselves willingly from a grand scheme

try as i may
i can not see
the bend of promise in your words-

or recognize an inexplicable
                  longing in myself

© 2011 Mary C

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This is stunning! Loved it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Laymen and scholars have for centuries debated over the theory of perfection. Can anything be considered truly, transcendently flawless? Regardless of where one might stand on such a theory, I for one would like to state that this particular poem comes very close. At once inspiring, whithering, and painfully blistering, you have outdone yourself. Almost defiantly so. You haven't so much captured a snapshot of what it means to be a poet, a writer... you have utterly embodied it. My lauding is insufficient. You are more than talented, you're a true artist.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The poem is flawless...The flow is just amazing...I like the imagery...A very impressive piece...

Posted 12 Years Ago

i like it. the flow of the words is nice.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I really like this, and I like all the words you used and how they flowed perfectly

Posted 12 Years Ago

liked this a lot

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Such an intriguing write here,
ponderful as well.
I enjoyed this immensely!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nailed it! i have felt this way myself and felt guilty about it. Excellent work! i love the fact that you are non judging though with the "beautiful man" line. Sometimes we do see things differently! if i were to make one constructive critique (and that is why we joined this site right?) i would cut out the stanza starting "we poets"--although the wording and sentiment is right on, i think it stands apart from the rest of the poem. All in all in or out--excellent job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Absolutely perfect flow. inspired imagery - very engaging and unusual

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very beautiful imagery. I love how you described the poet and how it all tied in together with the whole plot.
Nicely done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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22 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 21, 2011
Last Updated on December 21, 2011


Mary C
Mary C

London, Ontario, Canada

A simple woman, getting older and hopefully wiser. 4 lovely kids, two sons, two daughters. Like to write, paint and play music...that is all I can think of for now :-) This is the story of my jour.. more..

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