the otherside

the otherside

A Poem by Mary

drunken ramblings. A drunks description of a reacurring dream


       I remember before. I know the way there. It starts with a bend, a river bend arching sharply out of sight.


      The water calm but steady and unstoppable pulling you forward on its course into its unsee able direction.


       On either side your view is blinded by a line of forest. Naked birch woven into a veil of grey, the waters depth receding into the trees but continous out of sight.


      Your breath frozen inside you as you proceed toward the mark, the end of what you know. The point of which all there is, is after.


       Rounding into the approaching shadow, whats beyond appears. The waters course not continuing or ending but rather bleeding.


       Ahead is the place, the place where the water and the forest both cease to be only themselves each adding the other. The place where each is niether and nothing is as it was before or after.


      There's a boy there, his hair is dark, the sight of him strikes hard, the way a scent can twist your gut with a memory you did't know you'd forgotten, a paralyzing shock grasps you in its fist as you approach, your reunion is seemless blending without lines, his words I can no longer hear but I still feel thier weight pressing down upon me.


       His name I can't recall but I ve missed him always. I remember the way there, it starts with a bend.

© 2012 Mary

Author's Note

not acctually sure if this is a poem or not. mainly its exactly what I said too much rum.

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I've done a few myself after a few, I think you've done a great job putting this piece together.

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow...awesome write. your detail is second to none. I really enjoyed this piece. It drew pictures on my brain

Posted 12 Years Ago

fascinating write. I give you lots of credit, for i cannot even spell my name during and after drinking.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Added on September 6, 2011
Last Updated on December 13, 2012



Forest City, NC

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