Ch.2: Breathless

Ch.2: Breathless

A Chapter by Kenzie

Chapter 2

By the time Nicole and I were done getting ready we were 10 minutes late. But Emily reassured us that since we look so beautiful, no one would mind waiting. When i was walking downstairs i actually thought Emily was going to faint. She also looked as if she was going to cry which was weird because we weren't even close. But it made me feel even better about myself if that was even possible.
"You girls are going to be the best looking teens at this shindig." said Emily's husband Brian. 
"Wait a second. How many teens are we talking about?" I asked, scared of the answer.
"Only ten i think." Emily replied.
" hear that Nicole, There are only ten teens there. Please tell me they are almost all girls?"
"No sweetie, i'm pretty sure there is only one, the Robertson's daughter there, and she is only thirteen. Kenz, why are you freaking out?" Emily asked, seeming confused.
"I get very nervous around guys. Its as if i cant function correctly. I trip over myself, and stutter. It is not attractive whatsoever."
"Hun, you are gorgeous, remember that. Any guy would kill to talk to you. Just because you are so nervous, we will have you and Nicole make a special entrance. That should make you get over this ridiculous fear of yours." Emily said with an almost evil smile.
"I swear, no one would ever know you weren't Nicoles mother. You both are evil inside." I sat back in the seat and tried thinking about butterflies, and other crap that people tell you to think about when you are starting to panic. Butterflies, pancakes, animals, s**t were on their road, butterflies, home, maybe if i tap my heels together it will take me home.....S**t it didn't work.
By the time we got to the house that the party was, i had already accepted defeat, and was just waiting for my awkward side to come into play. My problem is that I've never had guy friends, never had that love at first sight crap, i could barely make eye contact with the cute guy that works at the McDonald's that i frequent. So how in the world are they expecting me to not only make a grand entrance into this s**t, but actually hangout and talk to attractive guys.  I just had to somehow give my self a pep talk. Okay, so just picture them all as girls, no never mind that's just weird. How about i just put this childish fear behind me and go in and have fun. 
"Are you ready girls?" Emily asked sweetly.
"As ready as i am going to be." I replied, even though i felt as if i was going to faint.
"Okay, well get out of the car because everyone is waiting inside for you two slow pokes. Don't worry, i didn't say you were having a melt down, i just said you were on the phone." Emily replied very enthusiastically. She grabbed both mine and Nicoles hands and practically dragged us through the open garage doors. 
I swear rich people and their houses. I don't understand the meaning of buying a 6 bedroom house with a three  car garage, 3 living rooms, dinning room, kitchen, patio, etc. Why not just put that money to a better cause or something. This anger might come from the fact that i had to grow up on my mothers single income, which wasn't that great seeing that she is a police officer. But still. What is the meaning behind it?
We were at the the garage door when i heard people talking inside. It was a older woman talking to a man, maybe her husband. It then hit me that these two people are the Robertson's. "Hi, my name is McKenzie, but everyone calls me Kensy." I said very sweetly.
"Well aren't you just a gorgeous little thing. You can barely ever find a full figured girl that can pull off a dress like that, turn around, let me see the full thing. Ah, yes just fantastic, right honey?" The woman nudged her husband in the chest to get a response.
"Correct darling, you look fantastic hun." He blurted out to me.
Nicole seemed more angry at Mrs. Robertson's comment than i was, and Emily noticed.
"You and your compliments Mrs Robertson. Why don't we show the girls into the party." Emily quickly piped up before Nicole could fire back a similar hidden insult.
"Oh right, of course!" the woman sprung into motion. "This is of course the garage, and now we are walking down the stairs to get to the party room." Just as she was gesturing to the stairs i asked if i could use the bathroom.
"Why of course you can. Down the hall to your left." Nicole started following me, but i gestured for her to go on without me.
"Okay, ill meet you downstairs." She quickly whispered so that only i would here.
As i stumbled down the hallway towards the bathroom, I started to have second thoughts. What if i fall down the stairs. I mean, everyone is in the room under me, so that means if i fall, everyone will see. Oh s**t, what did i get myself into. As i was dwelling on this thought i twisted the door open just to find myself walking right in on a couple going at it in one of the bedrooms. 
"Oh, god, ew. I'm so sorry. Where is the..em bathroom." I blurted out. Thank god i could not see the couples face, and i was in the dark, so they couldn't see me either.
"Two doors down to the right" the girl yelled out. "Now can you leave us some privacy." As i was shutting the door i heard the guy saying something on the lines of "We shouldn't be doing this. Its time to go back to the party and..." and then i was gone.
After a quick makeup check in the mirror, which to my surprise was still flawless, i started down the stairs, and that is when i saw him.
This guy had on one of the most attractive outfits i have ever seen a guy wear. He had on a zip up jacket, with a leather jacket over top, plus he had the most mesmerizing blue eyes, an amazing tan, and a very, very amazing body. He was just the utter definition of gorgeous.
 You know that scene in every teen movie where the girl is slowly walking down the stairs and catches the eyes of the gorgeous guy standing across the room and it is as if they are the only people in the room, well i actually freaking had that moment with this guy. There is me, just walking down the stairs and there he is, just intensely watching me, and you know what i did? I actually kept eye contact, and I even smiled, which made him blush. Are you hearing the crap! I made one of the most attractive guys in the room blush from just smiling at him.
We literally kept eye contact the whole time that i walked down the stairs. Then his friend came up to him and whispered something into his ear, which made him laugh. I don't know why, maybe it was because i was bullied a lot as a child, but i instinctively took offense. Just in time, Nicole walked up to me and grabbed my hand and brought me over where Emily was already introducing me.
"Yes, Kenzy has a very bright future ahead of her. She plans on going to community college to earn her degree in criminology, and then becoming a victim advocate." She said as she wrapped her arm around my waist and whispered so that only i could hear "Did you see that boy over there staring at you as you were walking down the stairs." I smiled up at her and nodded yes, so she whispered "Yeah, well he is still staring."
I knew i shouldn't have done it but i turned to look and there he was, still just smiling and staring, but this time he had his friends join in. I honestly didn't know what to do. I have never had a guy stare at me like this before. It was a little weird.
When Emily was done introducing Nicole an i to about half of the guests, she got to an older gentleman that was wearing a very well made suit. "John! I haven't seen you in years! How are you, the wife, and kids?" Emily asked excitedly.
John looked almost as excited as Emily when he exclaimed "Emily! Oh, you know kids are all grown, and wife is around here somewhere. Oh my hasn't little miss Nicole grown! Now who is this little gorgeous girl?" He asked pointing towards me.
"Oh this is McKenzie, she and Nicole have been friends since freshman year, and they are joined at the hip" She responded wrapping her arms around Nicole and my shoulders. "Now is Micah here, haven't seen that boy since he was a little munchkin." Emily said.
"Oh, of course! Micah!" Yelled the gentleman. I looked around to see who Micah was, and it was just my luck that Micah was the one and only gorgeous guy.
"Well Micah, haven't you grown!" Emilyexclaimed, realizing her opportunity to play matchmaker. "Have you met McKenzie yet?"
"Why, no i have not." He responded jokingly while still keeping his eyes on me. "Hi McKenzie, I'm Micah." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.
"Hi Micah" I grabbed his hand and as soon as our skin touched we had that moment again where it was just us in the room.
"Now Micah, why don't you and Liam show Kenzie and Nicole around outside." Said John.
"I'm in if McKenzie's up for the challenge of keeping up with me." He said while winking at me.
Before i could even think of a response, a tall, lanky guy walked up and threw his arm around Micah's shoulder. "Now, you must be Liam" i said.
"The one and only. Wait do i know you? I would think i would remember you"
"No, they were just mentioning you, so i took a guess."
"Oh well, i hope they said good things." 
John quickly butted in "Okay Liam you take Kenzie around outside, and Micah you take Nicole."
As soon as John said this i saw Micah noticeably look distraught, which was a bit confusing until Liam loudly said "Why don't i take Nicole and Micah and take Kenzie, seeing he hasn't been able to take his eyes off her all night, and that for the past hour he has been trying to build up the courage to come and talk to her, which is very...." It happened so fast i almost didn't see it, but Micah had slammed his foot onto Liam's shin which made him double over in pain. 
"Okay so its settled, i'll take Kenzie, and Liam can take Nicole." Micah chirped as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the room. I do not know what to do with guy when we are alone, so i tried to reach out and grab Nicole but she just walked over and started making sure Liam was okay, but before i was dragged into the other room we made eye contact and she winked.

© 2014 Kenzie

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Added on January 11, 2014
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: ch2, romance, book, teen



Pinellas Park, FL

Hi, my name is McKenzie, i am currently 17-years-old, and write for fun. I plan on going into the military after high school, but i have always had a passion for writing, even if i'm not amazing at it.. more..
