"When Everything Goes Wrong"

"When Everything Goes Wrong"

A Poem by Rexile

Just never give up

Reaching my goal is a wonderful thing to experience,
Something worth to be treasured and to be cherish,
That's why I do everything at my best,
To reach my goal and experience success.

But why so suddenly eveything goes wrong?
Like I was prevented to keep moving on.
All the bad things started to come along
Throwing all my hopes where I hold on.

Why are all this things happen to me?
Is there something that it wanted to telk me?
Or there is something that I have to be?
I swear, experiencing this feeling, was never easy.

But one of my friend told me one time
That good things will happen at the right time.
So I have to continue dreaming and wait for that time,
For reaching my goals will soon be mine.

Though I've been hurt and had cried,
Still I manage to smile,
For I know God is good all the time
And always there for me in good and bad times.

© 2018 Rexile

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I love the way you express the ideas of putting hope in God rain or shine!

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 10, 2018
Last Updated on May 10, 2018



Bacolod city, 6, Philippines

I just wanted to share my poems that I created whenever I wanted to express my feelings. Thanks for reading! :-) more..

"Friendzone" "Friendzone"

A Poem by Rexile