What's Underneath the Doll's Face

What's Underneath the Doll's Face

A Poem by Lost in Wonderland

Cold hearted stares

Keep me quiet and smiling

While deep down inside

I am silently dying


Enveloped in a spider web of lies

Trying to please them

With countless "I'm fines"

Because I hate the looks they give me

A mixture of judgment and pity


They see me as a porcelain doll

Smile incapable of fading

Painted on for all the world to see

My cracks are subtle

I keep them well hidden

From condescending gazes


Beauty and circus tricks

Are perceived by the eyes

And ears can only hear my pretty lies

It is the heart alone

That is able to know the truth

Of all I dare not say

But it must be able to decipher

My abstract art every day


And thus determines

Those who are happy being deceived

And those, like I,

Who aren't afraid to dive

Into the deep

© 2012 Lost in Wonderland

Author's Note

Lost in Wonderland
Thank you all for the title suggestions!!
God has the glory

My Review

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I like how you didn't stray away from what you were trying to illustrate here, this poem is really tragic to me, I feel empathetic for the poet.. wishing there was a cure for such bitterness at the world.. and the people in her life. And a cure for the mindset that she needs to lie to everyone about herself and about her life because obviously it's like she's lying to herself.. she seems lost and hopeless for the future. Like nothing will ever change for her.
The title I would give it would be
"In A Web" or
"Caught Drowning"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

thank you so much for the review and title suggestions:) I really appriciate it
name it kickapoo

Posted 11 Years Ago

I have spent most of my adult life in very painful chronic pain. I know what it means to try to please the masses with a "spiderweb of lies." I also know what it means to give others the courtesy of being superficial because they either don't care or have their own problems. Still finding the courage to be empathetic and available emotionally is a rare gift. Cherish it!
This poem first made me think of those fighting obesity.
Title ? Maybe. " Fat Chance "

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

thank you:)
God Bless
I really relate to this poem, as I belive most readers do. As for a title suggestion, I'd say.... "Pretty Lies"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

Thank you for the suggestion:) and if you ever need to talk, I'm here!
God Bless
~Mick.. read more

11 Years Ago

God bless you as well!
wow I really enjoyed it, terrific write!! some amazing lines and images here.
in terms of a title, if you're going to take it from lines in the poem either 'into the deep' or 'porcelain doll' stand out for me.

well done!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

Thank you very much:)
God Bless
Heel goed

Posted 11 Years Ago

Really good. Its like describing someone in reality.
Loved it!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

Thank you!
God bless:)
Anonymous Girl

11 Years Ago

You are welcome and God bless you too :)
Great job once again. Also i have a title suggestion: Behind these porcelain eyes

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

Thank you for the title suggestion and review:)
Hi Mickey,
A well spoken piece about the superficiality of some human interactions. So many people inquire after your state but are not really interested in your true response as it may drag them into an emotional garden where they have to name the plants and mow the lawn. Being able to really relate to people matters not platitudes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

thank you very much John
God bless
Amen to that it’s important to address why our noses are always stuck in note books scrawling things down. We got the guts to look at who we are and what’s around us it’s our own personal use for the art. I don’t think you should always have to be smiling, as a matter of fact don’t. I say let the people question you, those of us who always have a smile plastered on our faces are usually the worst off. As always good work keep it up yo

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lost in Wonderland

11 Years Ago

Thank you, and I'm trying to smile less when it's fake. And u make a good point in the rest of the r.. read more

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35 Reviews
Added on September 21, 2012
Last Updated on October 2, 2012
Tags: Broken, Hiding, Doll, Fake, Smile, Judgement, Illusions


Lost in Wonderland
Lost in Wonderland

Wherever my books take me

Hi I'm mickey:) Welcome to my page I've been on this sight for a couple of years now and enjoy getting my writing out there for the world to read:) I appreciate comments and will read anything you .. more..


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