What you can't know

What you can't know

A Story by Feminine_Sir160

A sort of "sample" from a story I work on another site. The story is called "Make the memories lie". Just me talking


Curious. Questions needed an answer. Didn't they? Not always. Let me explain.

See, questions are there to be answered, yes. But not every question has a simple answer and some have no answers at all. How? Nobody knows. A common one for my sister, "where did the word 'word' come from?". And unless you're immortal from day one, there's no way you could ever know. 

Actually, if you just sit down and write every single question down that you've ever remembered asking. There will be some you've never gotten the answer to. How many? Ten out of roughly twelve hundred. How many in the world? Try multiplying ten by a number that's nonexistent. That is how many. 

Questions have answers, they don't need answers. But tough answers to already difficult questions can be hard to find. Is there any way to find them? Yes, actually. Make the question easier. How do you do that? Make it shorter, understandable. One question at a time. Although, sometimes you can't answer "why" or "what" so you have to just reply with "I don't know" at that is the end of it. You can't ask "why" to that. So it just ends there.

 Where do people get questions though? No one knows because questions have been around forever. Well, since we've known at least. I got into an argument with my mom because of a literally impossible answer question, "how can we be sure there's not a year behind the final negative?". We've only been recording history for so long, so truth is, we can't! We just can't.

And then all the things that we've spent time wondering about just comes to a realizing focus and we wonder, "why did I ask so many questions?" without knowing to add that to the list of questions.

© 2018 Feminine_Sir160

Author's Note

Maybe let me know should I do more of these?

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Added on September 19, 2018
Last Updated on September 19, 2018




Greetings there, my name is Midnight Sarrow, they/it, and I'll be your writer this evening. Do you care for some comedy? Slice of life? Fake romance perhaps? There are other genres on the menu of c.. more..

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A Chapter by Feminine_Sir160