Akuma Kisei

Akuma Kisei

A Book by Minoru Kusari

The book centers around a cynical 16 year old boy infected with a demonic parasite whose life is turned upside down by a strange girl he meets one day. Character growth, battles, and absurdity ensue.


© 2010 Minoru Kusari

Author's Note

Minoru Kusari
Let me know if anything is unclear and feel free to give me feedback. Just don't be too hard on me, I haven't really tried to write a story before so I'm new to this whole thing. Thank you, I hope you enjoy.
By the way, the world this story takes place in is Earth (well, at least the beginning of the story) except it's in the very near future. On this Earth, most people are of mixed racial descent. The city and country this takes place in is purposely left out.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

sounds intresting :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 20, 2010
Last Updated on December 22, 2010
Tags: action, romance, fantasy, dark, comedy, fiction


Minoru Kusari
Minoru Kusari


I'm in my late teens. I'm a pretty laid back guy most of the time, but I get really passionate about certain things. I like to play guitar, video games, draw and read. I love music. I've always liked .. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Minoru Kusari