

A Story by Miranda Aguinaga

Empty. Deviod at any actual feelings, she walks slowly through out this world, barely giving witness tho the occurance around her. Accident, and accident! That's all it was. No more regrets, I can't take one more mistake, she won't last another crack -- crak at her bones, heart, & brain. I need a new face! New eyes so I can see more clearly, new hears so I can finally hear myself speak, new skin -- the one she's got is weak and so, so breakable.

She can't sing anymore, this voice is letting her down, because no one can hear he anymore, it took just one moment to become invisible. No, my mistake has always been invisible, when & will someone finally see her for who she is?

Tell me that I am beautiful so I can stop these expectations. Everyday she looks in the mirror hoping one moring someone else will be staring back at her. Everyday, she lies awake at night begging for sleep to realease her sinful thoughts and bring her into the sweet nothingness, but no, morning comes too quick for her, another dull, void day is alreayd upon us. How do I change me? 

© 2008 Miranda Aguinaga

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Added on November 22, 2008


Miranda Aguinaga
Miranda Aguinaga

Las Vegas, NV

I'm always absorbed in one book another. Sometimes, I wonder who the hell even handed me a pencil. more..
