Gentle you.

Gentle you.

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Precious eyes of unknown 
entering this world,
A gentle mother's touch
welcoming your first sight.
Soft head of hair
silent cries echo the room.

That's the sight of love
the purest of love
a Mother and Father's love.

Precious heart so tiny
gentle arms awaiting you
answering your cries with love.

That's the sight of love
the purest of love
a family's love.

With gentle eyes awaiting you,
Welcome to the world<3 

© 2012 Missy Moooooo

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Very touching lines about birth and relation of a child to her/his parents ...keep it up !

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you. It's a Her. But I wanted it to be gender friendly. :)
Beautiful and tender,
As you discribe this little miracle,
and, in the world around him/her
Just a warm poem, thank you!


Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

They are, I cannot wait till I am married with a little baby of my own. :D

11 Years Ago

:-) That time will come....

11 Years Ago

innocence ...:)
a very beautiful Write for the new baby girl

Posted 11 Years Ago

A sweet poem...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Awwh, Melissa! This is so beautiful and brings such a warm feeling to the heart while reading! Babies are adorable and I think it's amazing to write about the details about when one is born. You went in great depth with the love of parents and I especially like the last line. "Welcome to the world

Posted 11 Years Ago

Aww, this is so sweet and heartfelt!!
You did an amazing job, Melissa!

Did I guess right that your niece is a newborn?

Posted 11 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on September 28, 2012
Last Updated on September 28, 2012


Missy Moooooo
Missy Moooooo

Cowtown ;) , PA

18, Freshman in College Criminal Justice Major :DDD more..


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