

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Hearing the sweet sounds of nothing
Sometimes is a blessing,
You don't need to worry about
What your mother is yelling at you,
You don't need to worry about hearing
those rumors about you circling
Your high school.
Or even those girls laughing at you
cause your louder than you should be.

But sometimes it is a horror,
You can't hear your teachers as well
As others can.
You can't hear the rumors your 'friend'
Spread about you.
You honestly don't get a boyfriend.

But I don't care anymore,
I have a disability WHO CARES?
I was born like this WHO CARES?
I don't let it bother me, but it does

I care, I would do anything to hear.
I'd do just about anything to be
What society has viewed as 'normal.'
As society would call me a 'freak.'
Hm a freak, isn't that what they say
About someone who isn't skinny,
Pretty, happy, nice, and those who
Have disabilities?

Why are people so cruel?
I didn't ask to be this way,
I know for sure people with Aspergers
And Autism did certainly not ask for
Themselves to have a disability.
For society to Label them as 'retarted.'
No I'm sorry society, you're the freak
And you're retarted.
We are different yes,
but do we not have feelings?
I think not.

© 2013 Missy Moooooo

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Added on June 30, 2013
Last Updated on June 30, 2013


Missy Moooooo
Missy Moooooo

Cowtown ;) , PA

18, Freshman in College Criminal Justice Major :DDD more..
