Heart's Torment

Heart's Torment

A Poem by Mistaken

what guys can cause


You reached for my heart

And pulled it out of my chest

Leaving a gaping hole as I watched you.

You cut into my heart with your fingers

Digging to find whatever you haven't already destroyed

Words are streaming out of your mouth

So angry and tense it cuts me, but I don't notice

The words so harsh, I should yell but but I don't.


How could you?

I love you don't you see?

you don't reply as you plunge what is left of my heart back in the hole,

Not caring if it hurts

I just stand there numb, watching you leave

Tears coursing down my face

I turn to go but I just fall,

fall onto the cold, lifeless ground,

Curling up in a ball, to escape the reality and pain.

© 2010 Mistaken

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its very sad.
but well-written.
and i feel you girl. it sucks.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great poem i love how you interpret others feelings thats what i do too. i just write the sadness of other people and it doesnt even have anything to do with us =]

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is sooo sad....I love it! Great job ^^

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

haha what girls can cause too :P
great poem though loved it =]

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very depressing poem. Whoever did this to you is a jerk who isn't worthy of you. This is a painful poem with so much emotion it makes my heart ache. *hugs* I hope the heartbreak ends soon.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You can totally feel the pain coming from it.
It was making my own heart ache! =)
I am seriously in love with it! =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Sounds like you were dating someone who wasn't worth your time. And I know that may sound like it's coming out wrong. This poem is a lot of emotions in seventeen lines. It has a strong central message but you need to work on structure. Rhyming and rhythm are optional things that make a poem blossom. Okay, so I'm maybe not the best advice giver; especially since I know how it feels to have your heart ripped from your chest. But as far as a personal life giver, don't date someone who wants you for anything else but you. 98% of all men in society want the many things that most females are victims to having taken from them: their virginity, their hearts, their love and their time. When you fall in love with a guy, ask yourself... why do you love him? If you can't answer that question, "why do you love him?" then he is just another guy. He is not "special." He's just the boy who currently has your heart and it feels like he's the one.

And you should give a guy three chances if he says he is going to change. The second time more than the first because in the second time he is wanting to change, he is afraid of losing you. If he messes up the third time, do not accept him back because he'll eventually think that all he has to do is say that he's trying to change and will take from you all he wants to take from you.

But I'm not really a philosopher on love. It's up to you. But make wise choices. Heartbreak is pretty nasty. [:

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on November 12, 2009
Last Updated on February 5, 2010




Hi! My name is not important to you. Just call me Mistaken:) I love to write...it helps me with everyday life that just passes us by. I'm a quiet person but my whole personality shows in my writings. .. more..

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