Complicated simplicity

Complicated simplicity

A Poem by Ana B.

How many secrets can one hide?

Yours are so well cloaked. I tried.

Waiting for each other…stretching this infinity

Trying as ever to outsmart the laws of gravity…


Fear can’t stop me…even if it makes me stumble…

Believing the edges of this world are starting to crumble…

But pain’s an illusion,

Astounding confusion…

Inspired by me and my demons…

Hopelessly denying all the reasons…


How many secrets can one hide?

Mine are so well cloaked. I know you tried.


I wish I told you what I need…but as ever… I’m clueless

Caught up in beauty, fear and distress

Find the truth if you must, when you do - come home.

Because this life’s a dream I cannot dream alone.


© 2015 Ana B.

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A very good write :)....good one

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Astounding.. You have left me speechless with this amazing write.. The name of this poem is actually both amusing and intriguing - "Complicated Simplicity" (I just love oxymorons :P)

"But pain’s an illusion," - Not just pain..Dreams, joy, everything.. Life as a whole is an illusion. We all know it.. We keep denying it.. We are but slaves, following the directions of the puppeteer.

"Astounding confusion…
Inspired by me and my demons…
Hopelessly denying all the reasons…" - It is a vicious cycle.. We are confused because we refuse to accept reality.. we hopelessly deny all reason and go chasing our dreams.. We deny reality because our demons make us ignore it.. Feed us false hope.. Hope that will shatter when our dreams come crashing down.. We deny reality.. We deny the truth because we are confused.. :P.. Simple Complications :P.

The last line is my favorite,, Loved it.. "Because this life’s a dream I cannot dream alone." - Mesmerizing..

Fantastic Job ma'am. :P

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you for the stunning review TLM :)

9 Years Ago

You are welcome :)
Find the truth if you must, when you do - come home.
Because this life’s a dream I cannot dream alone.
Fear can’t stop me…even if it makes me stumble…
Believing the edges of this world are starting to crumble…
But pain’s an illusion,
Astounding confusion…..wonderful dear...:))

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

thanks a lot my dear :)
awesome............. How many secrects one can hide.... Thumbs up for you

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thanks Daisy!
when we open up, there are worlds of vulnerability...
and if someone can uncloak us, break down our barriers, then we can dream together.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

that would be a wonderful dream.....
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Don't we always do that? We try to hide, and not show ourselves. We try to complicate. It is easier than being 100% open, and vulnerable. That means a potential for hurt. So we hide. Playing offense - safer within our own skin.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

yas, it's true for the most of us.....thank you for stopping by skittles :)
wonderful rhyming schemes,the end-'Because this life is a dream,i can not dream alone' is very beautiful and appealing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

thank you for saying so!
I liked the title 'Complicated Simplicity', that has made use of oxymoron. Needless to say, your works are always great :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Deepika :)
Well written poetry that rhymes! I like it very much! :D

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thanks Lyndy :)
I truly believe. Best to leave some secret dead and bury. If they won't improve life or make better.
"How many secrets can one hide?
Mine are so well cloaked. I know you tried."
All of us carry sin, bad deeds and actions. I like the old wisdom. What was done yesterday. What does it matter? Today actions is what are important. A powerful poem. Open the door to conversations and thoughts. Thank you Ana for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ana B.

9 Years Ago

Thank you John for saying this wonderful things.
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome Ana.

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 3, 2015
Last Updated on March 3, 2015

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