Shallow Grave

Shallow Grave

A Poem by Mr. Lopez

Pull all my teeth….

 That I might not eat of the fruits of love

Cut out my eyes…..

 So I cannot see death taking me

Cut off my feet….

 So I could never walk into the light

Take off my hands…..

 And I won’t ever embrace another heart

Rip out my tongue…….

So I can never tell what was done to me

saw off my legs.......

that i not have one to stand upon

Remove my lungs…..

 So that a can’t breath in the mountain air

Burry me deep….

 That I might not smell from the gates of hell

But leave me my heart…….

 And it will rot in what’s now left of me

Take off the mask……

 The curtain falls and the show is done

Live with yourself…….

If you can hide from the bones that once were me


© 2008 Mr. Lopez

Author's Note

Mr. Lopez
This is an older poem . Although i no longer carry this resentment around today I thought that i would include this as a testimony to how i rid myself of such painful emotions by way of poetry. Comments and reviews are always great. Thanks.

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Featured Review

This looks like a statement of resentment and apathy all in one. The anger expressed seems directed at the ones who caused this 'throwing up of hands' to the self. That at that time you just wished to deny yourself feeling that once was good so as not to ever feel the hurt again. Yet you felt it and rose above it. To know how you are now within your heart and soul when you look at things now shows that life can change for the better. That going on and reaching a different height in your life can save you and inspire others too. Nothing is ever too late! So yeah, breathe that mountain air! Peace!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Oh my..! ML.. this is raw.
Very raw.. and full of anger, resentment... pain... a lot of pain.

I'm so glad you don't feel this anymore..
and that you are now testifying to others how bad it was yet
you were able to endure, to overcome. Giving hope... strength
for others to draw from.

Bravo my wonderful friend.. bravo!

Your expression is effective and very well written ML. Wow...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is raw, intense, full of pain. No matter how much hurt has taken from us,
we can't hide, yet we can endure. AD

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This looks like a statement of resentment and apathy all in one. The anger expressed seems directed at the ones who caused this 'throwing up of hands' to the self. That at that time you just wished to deny yourself feeling that once was good so as not to ever feel the hurt again. Yet you felt it and rose above it. To know how you are now within your heart and soul when you look at things now shows that life can change for the better. That going on and reaching a different height in your life can save you and inspire others too. Nothing is ever too late! So yeah, breathe that mountain air! Peace!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 31, 2008
Last Updated on August 31, 2008


Mr. Lopez
Mr. Lopez

Chandler, AZ

I was born in Texas October of 1966. Raised in California where i fell in love with music and art. I came from a large , poor family where the most valuable thing we ownwed was our love for each other.. more..

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