

A Poem by Helena

Living days, she stay he stays
and noone leaves, and noone cares
And noone dares to tell the truth
The words unsaid, misunderstood...

Silent! words are losing their sounds
Lies, nonstop, doesnt know the bounds.
Silence hides away all phrases
Write down thoughts, meaningless theses!

Makes you scream inside your mind 
Always lose and never find.
Tangled? Yes! That is life!
Always care how to survive!
Fears killing every hope
quit it, cut it... just stop!

Tired, lifeless and so lost
Lies are saved at any cost.

© 2015 Helena

My Review

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When the frequency of lies outweighs the frequency of truth...then indeed words lose there sounds and become silent.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Good stuff. I really enjoyed it! The first stanza is probably my favorite. If I had a suggestion it would be stanza 2 line 2: Lies, nonstop, doesnt know the bounds.
suggestion: Lies, nonstop, never know their bounds.
But either way, I loved the read!


Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

J.R.H thanks for the review! I am glad you enjoyed my verse ! :)
So painfully expressed... yes.. how lies cut and tear at the fabric of our souls... leave us empty... aching... Powerful poetry...

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you! every lie kills us inside... I do know it!
Helen it is really beautiful dark poem. I am fully agree with each line, I fully understand each feeling...

"Always care how to survive!
Fears killing every hope
quit it, cut it... just stop!

Tired, lifeless and so lost
Lies are saved at any cost. "

"Always care to survive!" ...

Cursed fate my dear Helen!!

- Jesus

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

The ugly truth abt our lies my dear friend)

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4 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2015
Last Updated on March 27, 2015



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