This Ole Man

This Ole Man

A Poem by Kelly Scheppers

This Ole Man



This ole man
turns eighty

in the spring.
He still opens doors

for his wife

and offers his hand

to the small of her back.

This ole man

talks of war

and Chevrolets
and walks in the late

of evening.
He's loved only

one woman all his life.
She is the mother

of their three grown children,
and often completes

his sentences, when
he stumbles with remembering
her name…

This ole man
smells of wood

and pipe tobacco,
a scent that lingers within

the hollow of her heart,

even though he no longer can

open her door,
and offer his hand

to the small of her back.

photography by

© 2015 Kelly Scheppers

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So tender and beautiful.

I love to watch elderly people who are in love with each other. It warms my heart, just as this poem does.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

Me too, Rubie. I hope I am blessed to have that rich of a life awaiting me! Thank you so much!
What would our world be like without the sentimental touches

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

I, for one, would be so lost without them! Thank you for having such an open heart to this!
a scent that lingers within
the hollow of her heart,
even though he no longer can

Really loved that. It's beautiful.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

...that's the kind of love each of us look for and rarely find! Thank you, Brian. So thoughtful of.. read more

9 Years Ago

So generous of you to share your splendor with us all, Kelly! :)
A powerful poem. All of us know a old man. I like the stories they can tell. I enjoyed the description and the old man. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry dear Kelly.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

All of us who do know an elderly man should listen intently to their stories. You'll never hear ano.. read more
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are right and you are welcome.
Very evocative. I can see and hear the old man and smell his pipe as I read. Sad and touching poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

Oh, that pipe! I miss my grandfather's pipe, every Thanksgiving the scent of it infused o.. read more
what a dedicated husband and father...and touching yet sad, as he still reaches out to her in his mind as well as physically, although in actuality, he no longer can.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

Perhaps that is a love few will ever know! Thank you for your tender perspective, Jacob!
It isn't often that a shread of brilliance about a relationship comes to the fore. Here, Kelly, is volumes, volumes of magnificent prose witnessed by your eyes alone.


Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

What a dear, dear man you are to say that, Alfred...thank you! May the kindness you've given me in w.. read more
Breathtaking emotion in this one, Kelly. Not sure if you are writing of people in your family or if this is merely a fictional write, but it moved me....very much. Enduring love that lasts through a lifetime is rare these days. When we see it, it is like looking at a piece of artwork. Such beautiful Lydi**

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

It was a little bit of my grandfather, how he lost his wife in his 50's, and never remarried till hi.. read more
The little things make the difference in strong relationships and the image of this 'ole' man placing a hand at the small of his wife's back is touching. I love the way you time shift with the addition of such a wonderful picture. My heart aches as it reminds me of my grandparents (who have long since passed) and how my grandmother pined for my pop for the fourteen years she lived without him. You are a skilled observer, Kelly and the evidence is right here.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

My grandparents from both sides of my parents lost their spouses young in life, and never remarried... read more

9 Years Ago

You are kindly welcome, Kelly... and thanks for sharing this tid-bit with me :)
you met me then Kelly haha, sorry bad sense of humor, a lovely poem about a lovely man, someone it would be good for all men to aspire to be like, great and sensitively written, lovely Kelly :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

Thank you dear Richard!

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32 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on April 26, 2015
Last Updated on April 26, 2015
Tags: love, aging, spring


Kelly Scheppers
Kelly Scheppers

San Diego, CA

I was never a pearl kind of girl... always wore jeans with holes in the knees. more..
