Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by S.Munway

People believe in fate, a path that is set, unchanging. The Destiny given to us is the only one we are allowed. But others believe in changing destiny. Able to choose our path, alter the road and walk it. No matter what you believe, fate is real and this story is all about it. Two lives Destined to cross paths? Two Souls that chose to walk this path?

Just like a flash flood, you can't see when fate is coming. That day was no different than any other. The sun rose, filling the world with warm colours as birds awoke and took flight. The town came to life with Bakers and vendors. Children were waken by mothers who prepared breakfast. All was as it had been the day before, and the day before the last. A boy, not yet a man, also went about his daily work. His mother tended to his brothers and sisters back home, while he was to retrieve fresh water and two loaves of bread fresh from the baker.

The boy, Gabriel, often took the longest route to the bakers. He enjoyed his time alone, as would anyone with three Brothers and two sisters, all of whom were under 10 years of age. As he wandered through the streets he greeted everyone he passed. Noal, the butcher. Lynette, the florist. Casper and his brother Jasper who own the Twins Inn. The Doctor, Benjamin, and his mother, old lady Margaery. Gabriel knew everyone. As was the way with small villages. As Gabriel grew closer to the bakers he felt his nerves flutter like butterflies. The bakers daughter was both beautiful and kind, she was every young man's adoration, Gabriel included. She was nicknamed the bell of Storomen. And although Gabriel saw her regularly and spoke to her often enough his friends were jealous, he still felt anxious to see her.

Isabella, eyes like the ocean, hair of gold waves, she was the most beautiful woman Gabriel had seen. Of course that was about to change. All Gabriel had to worry about in his head was that he not make a fool of himself in front of Isabella. However fate intervened. Not just with his worries or his day, but with Gabriel's life entirely. For as he entered the bakery, fully expecting to be greeted by smiling Isabella, he he found instead another person colliding into him. Bread rolls tumble to the floor along with the unexpected party.

Apologies flooded the small store as a girl hastily pulled herself into a sitting position. She kept her face down as she collected her now dirty bread. Gabriel was quick to assist the girl. To her Mumbles of sorry he replied with a simple 'it's fine', reassuring her. Isabella stood behind the counter and offered new fresh rolls for her, but the girl refused the offer. Once the bread was placed back in the girls basket, Gabriel stood and offered her hand. Although she looked at Gabriel's outstretched hand she did not once look up. She didn't respond or take Gabriel's hand. She merely sat there, unsure as to what to do.

"Are you hurt?" the girl shook her head, remaining on the ground.

"Well... I won't bite so, here." She still sat there, Gabriel thought of just leaving her, but that was not something he could bring himself to do.

A few moments passed before the girl finally took Gabriel's hand. Gabriel's first thought was how soft and warm they were, and so small and delicate. As she lifted herself off the ground with Gabriel's help, the girl was forced to look up and that was all it took.

Some people believe in love at first sight, others do not. But on that day there was no stopping what was blossoming.

Gabriel saw her porcelain face, adorned with pink lips that look so innocent. The black mass of hair that had not long ago hidden her face now framed it so perfectly. Yet none of that was what really caught a hold of Gabriel. It was not her small slender frame that he wanted to hold on to tightly, for fear a breeze should come and blow her away. No it was her eyes. They stared at him with a shy and nervous gaze.

That was it. He could have left, he could have simply taken the fastest route to the bakery and missed her entirely. But destiny had other ideas. So now Gabriel has been caught in her stare, her eyes that shined with the colour of gold and much more. Gabriel saw something that bound him to her and now his fate was set in Motion. A simple encounter triggered the journey ahead...

"You... What's your name?"

"My... My name? I... It's-"

And so it begins! Perhaps not as you would expect a tale of Destiny to start, but that's fate for you. And even though the road has been paved it is still up to them to walk it. After all, fear is destinies worst enemy. And it was fear that made the girl run, to rush out the bakers and out of sight. Gabriel wanted to follow, but another enemy of Destiny is reason. Instead he turned around to see Isabella, confused just like Gabriel.

Gabriel picked up his bread, as always, yet it was different. He spoke to Isabella as he usually would and paid as always. Neither mentioning the incident. Normally he would be nervous and on edge, but all his thoughts remained on the girl. Who was she? Where was she from? Will I see her again? So many things he wondered. Her thoughts were different, so very different. She was not curious or intrigued, no, she was scared. She ran till she was out of sight of everyone. Her heart racing. She almost said it, told him her name. It was a foolish act, a stupid mishap that could have gone bad for her.

Miriyan, a dragon in human form. Proof of their existence. Much like most of her kin she was always wary of humans. It was much harder for her to hide then her brothers and sisters for obvious reasons. Her eyes always stood out, Miriyan would normally only come out at night, as she is naturally nocturnal. But Miriyan was hungry, so she had no choice but to come out during the day. She had hope to be in and out without any problems. Now she would need to leave. Miriyan hated having to always leave her home. But a dragon lives a long life and drawing too much attention would have ill consequences.

Miriyan blamed her carelessness on the fact she was tired and hungry, but the truth of the matter was she was simply lonely. Most dragons are so afraid been found they won't even risk looking for others. Some are lucky and will unintentionally meet another dragon, Miriyan wasn't so fortunate. Other than her parents she has never even seen a dragon. So she was alone.

Miriyan caught her breath before finally heading back to her little den. Dragons prefer a warm, dark and secure Nest. In human form most live as humans in homes, but Miriyan is different. Just beyond the outskirts of Storomen was an old mine. It had collapsed some years ago and was left abandon as a result. Only a small amount of the tunnel still remain open and that was enough for Miriyan. She made it home and was able to remain unseen. The entry was covered in vines that had grown over the years, adding coverage, while inside a pit was made up from leftover Stone and Wood.

Once Miriyan reach the mine she pushed aside some of the vines and entered the dimly lit hobble. She didn't hesitate to light up the pit. One of the downsides human form was Dragons no longer possess the ability to create fire, so Miriyan had to use some lint and stones. Fortunately Miriyan was quite Adept at starting a fire this way. Once the fire was lit she took a piece of the bread and toasted it in the flames. Somethings from the dragon's form still retained in human form, such as their tolerance to fire. Although Miriyan's hand was engulfed in flames it did not burn. The warmth was soothing, during winter Miriyan took advantage of her resistance and would sleep naked on the fire, her whole body engulfed in flames.

Unlike her the bread didn't stand a chance as the pale flesh darkened from gold to Black. Miriyan always prefer to food burnt, and although she would prefer some meat, the bread would do. Miriyan was grateful the bakers bread was good, it tasted so delicious, but that could be because Miriyan was starving. Most dragons have only lived on human food, Miriyan was born with dragon form, although her life was short as a dragon she still got to experience that life. Her favourite meal was horse, especially the wild stallions. Wild game was always far more tastier than the farmers stock. Not that anyone sells horse meat anyway, in her time as a human Miriyan had only ever met one. He was most likely dead now, it was nearly 60 years ago after all.

After eating several roles Miriyan was still hungry, but not as badly as she was before. She wanted to eat some more, but she didn't want to waste her resources. Instead she decided to get some sleep. She left the fire blazing and curled up next to it in a ball. She didn't mind sleeping on the dirty ground, despite it's appearance it was comfortable. Besides Miriyan's skin was tougher than a humans. One of the reasons she could with stand fire. When she sleeps Miriyan always dreams of her time as a dragon. Flying through the air amongst the Stars. As time passed it became harder to recall those memories.

As Miriyan slowly drifted off to sleep she thought of where she could go now, where her new life should start. As those thoughts flooded through her mind the image of Gabriel found it's way into her thoughts and for a second, just a second, Miriyan found herself wanting to know his name. She wanted to see him one more time, to ask him why he looked at her so strangely. She wanted to know all this, know him. That curiosity was something she had never felt before in all her years. That is what really scared her. For the first time she didn't understand herself, or what a human was thinking. Miriyan finally fell asleep, but today her dreams would not be as they always were.

Although in her dream she flew as a dragon as she always did, it was different. Her dream shifted and changed, her air dance was ended as she came to find herself on the ground. There before her he stood. His face adorned a smile and his eyes holding that look she didn't understand. He spoke, but the sound didn't reach Miriyan's ears. He took steps towards her and reached out his hand. Miriyan didn't take her eyes away from his. In one Swift moment a sharp pain shot into Miriyan's chest. Black fluid seeped from her wound and she fell to the ground. All the while he smiled.

When Miriyan awoke it was dark out. The fire had dwindled down to ambers and Darkness fell over the mine. She didn't move, nor screamed; she wasn't scared by her dream, just startled. Miriyan just lay there, staring up into the blackness. Slowly she raised her hand to the center of her chest, feeling her heart pound. She couldn't decipher her dream, she felt it meant something, but she did not know what. So she decided then, that she had to know. Tonight she would find him and get her answers one way or another.

She just hoped it would not kill her.

© 2017 S.Munway

Author's Note

Grammer and spelling are not too important, please focus on story, development etc.

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I am sorry, I read chapter 1 before i could read your intro, never tried to value fantasy but it was too late for me to quit.

The beginning had a familiar touch, it was not that unique, the description was simple and from an old formula, In my opinion the start might have your signature but was already published by many. The fantasy part of the chapter is truly unique and new and I think it is a nice plot, I advice you to be bold and express your self because this chapter will be the hook that captures readers and for me it was not something incredible but ordinary.

I apologize for my harsh opinion, I might not be a experienced writer (even saying I am a writer just feels wrong.) But I would prefer to get an honest opinion rather than a pat on the back, Its is just me.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you, I totally understand. I have always struggled with how to start a story. It also doesn't .. read more
Saud Maroof

7 Years Ago

I like to to be vague in my first para, that gives me a skeleton to my story than I just surrender m.. read more


I am sorry, I read chapter 1 before i could read your intro, never tried to value fantasy but it was too late for me to quit.

The beginning had a familiar touch, it was not that unique, the description was simple and from an old formula, In my opinion the start might have your signature but was already published by many. The fantasy part of the chapter is truly unique and new and I think it is a nice plot, I advice you to be bold and express your self because this chapter will be the hook that captures readers and for me it was not something incredible but ordinary.

I apologize for my harsh opinion, I might not be a experienced writer (even saying I am a writer just feels wrong.) But I would prefer to get an honest opinion rather than a pat on the back, Its is just me.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you, I totally understand. I have always struggled with how to start a story. It also doesn't .. read more
Saud Maroof

7 Years Ago

I like to to be vague in my first para, that gives me a skeleton to my story than I just surrender m.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 1, 2017
Last Updated on February 1, 2017
Tags: Fantasy, romance, dragons



Perth, Australia

I am dealing with depression so I won't write constantly so please have some patience thanks. When reviewing please focus on story, not writing. Point out character plot and development, not spell.. more..

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A Chapter by S.Munway