Starvation's Mistress

Starvation's Mistress

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

anorexia, plain and simple

A whisper; something innocent
Gaze into her wide blue eyes
She tempts with a perfect prize
A goal; something evident

Little girl and a looking glass
Softly caress the reflection
Something prettier- perfection.
Descend deep, forget the past.

Glossy covers invade the mind
Corrode the will, bait the soul
Invitation; fall through the hole
The exit? You'll never find.

Your mind's wires cut and torn
They are glued and taped anew
She reroutes all you knew
And all hopes and dreams conform.

Throw memories in the trash
Forget childhood; love and trust
Watch everything sweet rust
As you invisibly die within.

A fast for visual enlightenment
A hunger strike unfounded
You'll never be grounded -
Flying in your torment.

Playing Bach on your ribcage
She feeds you tasteless lies -
Your calorie-free demise
Just a mouse in a maze.

Is it worth it when you're dead?
I know it's all in your head.
Why don't you shoot her with your smile?
If you could love yourself...
Even for a little while.

© 2010 Aimee Mahathy

Author's Note

Aimee Mahathy
If you ever wondered how it is, here you go.

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Great write! It is really full of emotion.

Posted 10 Years Ago

On the emotional end of things: I actually cried when I read this piece. That is something that has happened two other times. This piece invokes a great hole in my chest when I read it, a dark place of anguish and despair.

I like how you describe the overall idea in stanza one, then build upon it as the piece grows. If I am not mistaken I do believe I caught a few Looking Glass allusions, and if so the comparison is quite dramatic and stunning.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Illuminating and well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

You have caused me to weep...

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is such a brilliant write, filled with the painful emotion that grips as we see someone dear fading away, both physically and mentally. This is a devastating issue that takes more lives every year... Your imagery is haunting and your last lines simply perfect... "If you could love yourself.. even for a little while..." Amazing write...

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is quite the write here. Full of feeling, The questions that go through one thinking about eating disorders and what they go through. I think this was written and expressed quite well. It's sad to see people go through things like this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on March 2, 2010
Last Updated on March 13, 2010
Tags: anorexia, addiction, eating, disorder, ED, mirrors, body image


Aimee Mahathy
Aimee Mahathy

Bloomington, IL

I'm 33 now, much more settled into myself, and getting back to it again. The previous about me is gonna stay for now, since it's still somewhat accurate and I need some time to figure out what to say .. more..


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