

A Poem by Natasha


Simply standing as my head spins

The facts of life mere wishes

Dreams all fallacies in gray


Hot flashes

Desire devouring us whole

‘Us’ unnamed

‘Us’ forever blamed



Coloured, cloaked

White sheens delivering justice

Blanketing filthy words



Click away

For she is the he of tomorrow’s yesteryear

His it now a nothing to the something arriving

Somewhere, Elsewhere


Postmarked in lemons.

Stuffed into unbidden orbs.

Read by the unwonted candles.


Blasphemously flawless, my love.



© 2010 Natasha

Author's Note

First poem of the month...of the year.

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... and what a poem it is ... it's so dark ... and so opaque ... a simple title that somehow does justice to this exquisite tapestry of brutal emotions ... "dreams all fallacies in gray" ... in the first stanza ... takes one to the tunnel of lost aspirations ... "Us forever blamed" ... takes one into a painful isolation ... "white sheens delivering justice" ... "blanketing filthy words" ... are expressions that uncover rampant double standards cloaked in politically correct terminology ... i am unable the follow the fourth stanza precisely ... especially "his it now a nothing to the something arriving" ... but "somewhere, elsewhere" ... points to rootlessness and solitude ... for me ... the fourth stanza ... with "stuffed into unbidden orbs" ... points to the feeling of being trapped and confined ... and the last line just rips apart one's soul ... and the words "blasphemously flawless" ... again point to the pain of isolation ... one that emerges when sadness is belittled ... not just ignored ... i don't know if i have interpreted this verse as it was intended ... but for me this verse is a very, very powerful metaphor for the delusional world we live in ... a world so delusional that the death of sensitivity almost goes unnoticed on almost all occasions ... a very powerful poem ... extremely intense ...

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


A Lovely read...loved the flow...your use of words...Excellent.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You create perfect imagery with your choice of words, cities, cloaked, Blasphemously, wow
very nicely penned
I love it
Keep writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

Coloured, cloaked
White sheens delivering justice
Blanketing filthy words"
gorgeous images--great poetry!!!


Posted 14 Years Ago

"Postmarked in lemons.
Stuffed into unbidden orbs.
Read by the unwonted candles."
...this is a beautiful poem...
"Blasphemously flawless, my love.'
...and this last line is so imaginative-
a very creative piece of poetry...
...i love this...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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... and what a poem it is ... it's so dark ... and so opaque ... a simple title that somehow does justice to this exquisite tapestry of brutal emotions ... "dreams all fallacies in gray" ... in the first stanza ... takes one to the tunnel of lost aspirations ... "Us forever blamed" ... takes one into a painful isolation ... "white sheens delivering justice" ... "blanketing filthy words" ... are expressions that uncover rampant double standards cloaked in politically correct terminology ... i am unable the follow the fourth stanza precisely ... especially "his it now a nothing to the something arriving" ... but "somewhere, elsewhere" ... points to rootlessness and solitude ... for me ... the fourth stanza ... with "stuffed into unbidden orbs" ... points to the feeling of being trapped and confined ... and the last line just rips apart one's soul ... and the words "blasphemously flawless" ... again point to the pain of isolation ... one that emerges when sadness is belittled ... not just ignored ... i don't know if i have interpreted this verse as it was intended ... but for me this verse is a very, very powerful metaphor for the delusional world we live in ... a world so delusional that the death of sensitivity almost goes unnoticed on almost all occasions ... a very powerful poem ... extremely intense ...

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2010
Last Updated on January 31, 2010



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