

A Book by Nash S.

Terradate: August 13, 2281 First manned travel at faster than light speed. These are the voyages of the starship NTR Sojourn...


© 2010 Nash S.

Author's Note

Nash S.
This is the compilation of multiple authors, in the description of each chapter the author will be named, but all the chapters will appear on the profile of Nash S.

To boldly go where- well, actually... you get the rest.

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Parallax means the apparent change of a star's position in the sky relative to other stars caused by the movement of the earth around the sun. This is one method used to determine how far away some stars are.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 25, 2010
Last Updated on September 26, 2010
Tags: Science Fiction, Science, Fantasy, Future, Space Travel, Adventure


Nash S.
Nash S.

Low Earth Orbit

I was born September 19, 2259 in Low Earth Orbit. My mother is a Martian immigrant who married my father, a Terran Separationist from North California, North America, New Terran Republic. I am the.. more..

Title Page Title Page

A Chapter by Nash S.

The Sojourn - (1) The Sojourn - (1)

A Chapter by Nash S.

The Sojourn - (2) The Sojourn - (2)

A Chapter by Nash S.