The Sojourn - (2)

The Sojourn - (2)

A Chapter by Nash S.

Here I meet some people, and we still haven't taken off yet.

a chapter by: ScarlettTheDreamer

“We’ll expect you at the Kennedy Space Elevator at 10 o’clock next Thursday. A man named Richard Atkinson will meet you there and accompany you up to Low Earth Orbit. In the notebook you will find a check that should cover your travel cost and today’s lunch.  Welcome to the NTR Sojourn.”

That was all she said. She smiled at him at went. It took Nash a few minutes to put things into place. He also had a lot of questions to answer- what was the NTR Sojourn? why was he chosen for it when he never applied for it? He opened his notebook if there really was a check in inside. He shrugged and said to himself 'It never hurts to try'



Terradate: Thursday, August 10, 2281

Kennedy Space Station, Florida, North America, Earth

"Huh...I'm Nash Sorenson I am supposed to meet someone named Richard Atkinson?" Nash said to the security guard who stared hard at him as he stood outside the Space Station. He had never seen that place before but had once read in a book how it had been reconstructed after the terrible explosion during the launch of Voyager 59 about a century ago in 2146.

"I'm sorry, my roster here doesn't seem to have your name," The guard said, looking back over the paper.

"Ah, Mr. Sorenson, right on time" a man of about thirty or thirty five came towards him,"come, come with me" he said and pulled Nash inside.

"Good morning, how are you today" he seemed to greet every single person they passed by, and only some did reply with words and others a simple nod or a forced smile.

"Take a good look at this place Mr. Sorenson, you won't be here very long" he said to Nash and smiled. But Nash paid little attention to his words and more attention to the rows of exotic plants that were planted on the either sides from all the planets known to man.

"So here we are. And why won't you speak son? say something" he said as they reached a huge white building. A board placed beside read: 'NTR Research Center'

"Can you tell me what the NTR Sojourn is Mr. Atkinson?" Nash asked after a few seconds.

"You can call me Richard, Mr. So.. no, Nash. And you have no idea what this project is all about do you? let me explain it all to you after we get there" he said with a laugh. Something about the man didn't seem right. He was a mess, with his messy brown eyes and his sleep deprived eyes, Nash wondered if he was with the right guy.

The whole building was an advancedly developed structure, and computers of all sizes covered about half the place.

"Come Nash, we need to meet the Captain, Mr.David Silver" and took him towards the Captain's room.

"How're you doing today David?" Richard asked, for which the Captain said, "Good as always Richard" and smiled.

"You are Mr. Nash Sorenson I presume" he finally noticed Nash. He nodded. "Richard here will explain to you about our project and your part in it when you reach Low Earth Orbit. But I must ask you to hurry, the ship leaves in about half an hour.

Just then someone entered. "Right on time Christopher, and Nash, say hello to Christopher Hunn the one person in this project who prides on the fact that he's smarter than me. But I have to warn you, he gets pissed off easily"

"Would you be Nash Sorenson, the assistant in the Navigations?" Chris tried to ignore Richard.

"Yes he is boss" Richard stormed in before Nash could say anything. And he explained that Evan was the First Officer in the NTR Sojourn and many other things not of much use.

"Thank you Richard, you two may leave now" the Captain said. Richard pulled Nash out of the room and into an elevator. 

"Aren't you going to ask me what role I play in this chaos?" he asked. Nash wasn't. He didn't say a word.

They met a few more people on the way, who Richard introduced as Engineers, doctors and even cooks on their plane.

He took him at last to a small plane, more like a UFO, and a few engineers were working on it. And while they worked, Richard left Nash there for a while and ventured to talk to the many workers, and it amazed Nash how the man brought a smile to everyone whom he talked to. He came back after a few minutes, during which time Nash examined the vessel. Where were they going to take him?

"Race you to the Lower Earth Orbit on this one" Richard said, "And by the way, I'm the Secondary Officer on this mission, you can call me boss if you like" and smiled again.

© 2010 Nash S.

Author's Note

Nash S.
So how is it ??

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Featured Review

I've just read through this, I fixed several spelling errors just now and now I will say what I think of this chapter.

I am with Nash, there are a lot of people showing up all at once, it is a whirlwind of names! This actually works here since this is how Nash is supposed to feel. I guess we'll discuss who is who later to give them more shape.

I like the first officer already, he seems outgoing and could prove to provide comic release later.

Also, I'll make sure to avoid Voyager 59, though 2146 is after my lifetime.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I agree that it's quite the whirlwind. It may seem a bit too rushed, like you wrote it too fast, but it gives the right sense you were trying to put out there.

You really gave the different characters a great deal of personality which is excellent considering this is just the second chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I've just read through this, I fixed several spelling errors just now and now I will say what I think of this chapter.

I am with Nash, there are a lot of people showing up all at once, it is a whirlwind of names! This actually works here since this is how Nash is supposed to feel. I guess we'll discuss who is who later to give them more shape.

I like the first officer already, he seems outgoing and could prove to provide comic release later.

Also, I'll make sure to avoid Voyager 59, though 2146 is after my lifetime.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 13, 2010
Last Updated on October 13, 2010
Tags: Future, Science Fiction, Adventure


Nash S.
Nash S.

Low Earth Orbit

I was born September 19, 2259 in Low Earth Orbit. My mother is a Martian immigrant who married my father, a Terran Separationist from North California, North America, New Terran Republic. I am the.. more..

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A Chapter by Nash S.

Parallax Parallax

A Book by Nash S.

The Sojourn - (1) The Sojourn - (1)

A Chapter by Nash S.