Maybe it's love..

Maybe it's love..

A Poem by The other Me

I can see the way you look at me

You tease me like you tease no one else

Your arms find their way around me

You look for excuses to hug me, hold me, be near me

And you think no one notices

Oh yeah, I can see through your eyes

I know what you’re thinking

“Maybe it’s love..”


We’ve got our friends, trying to make us see

How perfect we are for each other

But I’m always trying to get rid of these thoughts

Maybe I’m afraid..

Afraid to touch the fire again, after some love story gone wrong before

But then when you ignore me

Why does it drive me crazy?

Sometimes you’re jaded, but oh, so lovely

And then we’re confused again

“Maybe it’s love..”


I know I troubled you at times

But if this catches your attention

I might be doing it again

It’s so pathetic how none of us can say it aloud

Maybe you were waiting for me

I thought love wasn’t a friend of mine

Till you came along

Every time I’m with you, it’s like I’m wearing a crown

So now…I think you don’t have to wait any longer

And I think I’m ready to step across the line

Cause guess what…maybe love has come our way   =)

© 2010 The other Me

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Loved it :) Very sweet and romantic

Posted 10 Years Ago

it's beautiful and relatable.I can definitely understand your point of view.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Beautiful poem :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is so nice and I relate to it in my love life. Great job!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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"I thought love wasn’t a friend of mine
Till you came along"

I relate so much to that line and this poem.
*tears* Good job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

An amazing read. Very very deep.. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Can totally see that was from your heart. I like it, brava! c:

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like how you related love to a friend. I've heard of love being compared to an enemy, but I've never heard it being compared to a friend. This is very nice and I can relate. Great job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

the opening lines of this poem take me back to my first love back in school. overall a lovely read. thank you for the trip down memory lane :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 23, 2009
Last Updated on January 29, 2010
Tags: maybe, it, is, it's, love


The other Me
The other Me

Writing down my thoughts, my wishes, my prayers, my dreams... It's just like a very soothing and free therapy. more..

[ ♥ ] [ ♥ ]

A Poem by The other Me