Life on Credit

Life on Credit

A Poem by Astro

This is my scathing satirical point of view on the current practice of using credit and how it has corrupted society, and until we do away with it, it will only get worse.


“Can I help you?”

Yes you can.

I have no clue how though truly,

for I am blinded by this sale.

Two for one, oh how fantastic!

I’ll take one of these and one of those…

You take credit right?

“Yes, yes we do.”

Well then let me wave my magic plastic wand some more.


I would like to buy the lakes and rivers.

“They’re half off due to their condition.”

Marvelous, I’ll take them all.

Also, I would like some of your finest rainforest.

“You’re lucky, we’re almost out of rainforests.”

Well gimme what you got.

And…how about some farmland too?

“How many hectares would you like?”

“There’s a fire sale because of the decline in bees to pollinate.”

Pfff, who needs bees?  I want to raise cows, pigs, and chickens to eat.

“Well in that case, I should tell you for every 100 head you buy, we’ll throw in a free car.”

Oh, and before I forget.  I would like to get one of those blue, um….atmospheres.

“Let me check, I think we may have one left in the clearance bin.”

“The last one you’ll find.  I believe they’re discontinued due to impurities.”

How much will all of this cost?

Oh don’t worry about it, just charge it.  I’ll figure out a way to pay for it later.

“Thank you, would you like to be a member of our rewards program?”

“For every dollar spent we, donate a percentage to needy children, and…”

“You collect points which you can use to buy jewellery!”

You know what? 

You really are quite helpful!

              Sign me up!!

© 2013 Astro

Author's Note

I know that this plays out more like straight dialogue than it does poetry, but it is a satirical prose poem nonetheless, and it speaks about a pertinent issue that is masked by the illusion of success and luxury, but is nothing more than corruption.

My Review

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Love the satire, plastic is magic for most people, we're a society that doesn't want to wait, we see it, we want it, with plastic we can have it, instant's good in a pinch but most people live day to day on credit, if they only realized how much extra they spend, and yes, it's killing us slowly....well done Astro.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you Frieda, all statements to true. Glad you liked it.
I like it and think it is great. It is whatever you say it is, but I’d rather you not tell me what it speaks about and let it speak to me, for my own interpertation. And on that note, it took me own a journey of what we take for granted, what we damage in the here and now and think paying for it later will be easier in every way. It also reminded me of my days of “ a woman’s place is in the mall,” and how I would shop until there was no room in the trunk. Most importantly, the "atmosphere discontinued” and one left in clearance was riveting and ripping. Again, I thought it was a good piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you for such an honest review, I can see your point on my author's note and I'd be happy if e.. read more

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12 Reviews
Added on August 1, 2013
Last Updated on August 1, 2013
Tags: Credit, Sales, Society, Capitalism, Corruption, Satire, Poetry, Dialogue



Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

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